Brewers thread

Brewers thread

What batches are you currently working on?

I'm currently working on making 6 gallons of banana cinnamon mead.

Me starting my batch, have to warm up the honey first

Sorry, wrong pic

You know alcohol has been legal for like 80 years now right lol

Try brewing something actually good.
Fucking neckbeards and their mead.
It's pathetic.

Belgian Strong Ale, high temp under pressure. Forced banana esters
Aged for one month in the keg.

Not some mead piece of shit fucking losers

Making a white ale with date sugar. It'll be carbonated on Wedeadly but I tried some early and it was fire. Also poured some cider on the yeast cake to make some hard cider but that shit is currently black rn and will probably turn out tasting like ass.
Want to get a chocolate cold-brew coffee stout fermenting by next week

It's a hobby and I enjoy it.

I also make wines and beers so chill m8. Also what's wrong with mead? It's stronger than both beer and wine.

nothing brewing now but I've got some mt water to sip on

>there is a social hierarchy to what you're drinking
Then why aren't you making exclusively imperials and whisky, ya whiny bitch?
Peer pressure from all the hot chicks who totally care about the beer you're brewing?

I've never done a coffee brew, I'm actually really interested in how it's done without tasting like trash.

Is there a recipe online for brewing a copy of Coors Light?

Me too. I assume cold brew will make it better but I don't have any good coffee

>invest hundreds of dollars into brewing equipment
>make coors light
Shiggy diggy

Not him, but I like making ales, they're one of the quickest to make. Wines and meads take months to make. I can understand wanting to get something quicker.

just because its stronger doesn't make it better .

I'm the head brewer at an award winning Craft Brewery Australia.
PhD in Biochemistry

Mead is just shit. why the fuck would you want to drink it.
Buy a friggen barrel and age some sours with brett or pedio. Like if you're gonna go down the weird path do it so it tastes good.

mead is for poor people as well. You're not a friggen peasant living in medieval times. Grow up

>hundreds of dollars

Alcohol isn't that hard to make, only super high end equipment is expensive and it's not even necessary.

Oh for sure. Just sick of the "not a man''s drink" meme cuz dudes like to flex over it but no girls actually give a fuck about what you're drinking.

Ales are awesome, yeast is an amazing thing if you can understand how they change under temperature and pressure.

Wait a minute - where I'm from, Coors costs 8 bucks a six pack - and it's what? Barley, Hops and Yeast + water?? The first 50 gallon tub would pay for itself, no?

The supplies I've got cost like 200 dollars and make like 2 cases a batch. Anything less and its more expensive to buy the ingredients and make it than to just buy a case of coors

Man the anger in you is just sad, I like how you have to tell everyone how smart you are on this topic by telling them you have a PhD. If you like alcohol then fine but don't be a child and tell everyone they're wrong for making a stronger type of alcohol.

Bathtub pruno

>I'm the head brewer at an award winning Craft Brewery Australia.

You sound like an exceedingly upset child.

>needs a PhD to do something cavemen did.

Even an elephant can find the wacky fruit in the jungle and get hammered - why do you need a PhD to make alcohol?

>waiting for the Ozzie Walter White to snap

>50 gallon tub
To make a 50 gallon batch would cost a couple grand minimum my dude

Oatmeal stout here that should be ready for bottling next Sunday. Only my second brew brewed

Faaawwk... Ok. Time to drive to the corner store.

Why are you in this thread. Go to >>>/google/ and then

>Mead is shit
>brews sours

You are autistic and gross.

Yeah I understand, I'm assuming he's just trolling and doens't actually make alcohol at all.

another mead I've made. It's a black berry sweet mead. 14 ABV and I love it.

This sounds like a copy pasta.

I've only had one mead before in my life and it tasted like shit

Are you basing your entire judgment on one experience? That's a fallacy you know.

I fermented a few grams of magic mushrooms with bluberry mead one time, Id highly recommend it

Any ideas what I could do with 35 lbs of frozen red currents?

Had a dynamite crop up here and made jelly from 15 lbs of it and this is left taking up room in my freezer

If all you want is strong, just drink malt liquor 600 shit. That is, if you dont mind the shitty taste

I should get one of those clamps to lift the glass carbouys.

My Mom used to brew in the 60's and 70's and dropped one in the tub cleaning it.

At age 83, I can STILL see the scar on her shin

Let's look at the numbers

I have a 5 gallon brew system. The average batch for most homebrewers ranges between 40 to 50 dollars, depending on the style of beer they're brewing. Considering that, and that 1,200.00 buys you a really nice setup, you can break even in a little over a year.

For me, I work for a company that owns a homebrewing shop and I get an at-cost discount, so I pay wholesale prices on anything from ingredients to equipment. I buy my grains in 55 lb. incriments which puts my price at less than 75 cents per pound of grain. Not only that, but I built a small yeast lab so I can harvest and store yeast from any beer I brew, meaning I only have to buy any strain of yeast just once, propagate it, and store it for future use.

This, coupled with the amount of beer I drink which can only be described as concerning, lets me break even on all overhead costs in less than 6 months, meaning I've paid off my setup about two times over now.

I bet all the guys in your circle jerk will love it!

My first brew will be an oatmeal stout, maybe with some roasted coffee. I want something thick and strong, but first I need to make room in my

My brew kits cost me around $80.

I got most 2nd hand at a store, caved for a new gravity meter, siphon and hose

Beer kits cost $45 here and give you 23 liters or 69 standard bottles. Nearly foolproof unless you can't clean a carboy properly or measure gravity right

ah yes...the airsoft or moonshinin'

you faggots need to get on my level

im fermenting this FIRE mountain dew IPA using centennial and magnum hops that is just gonna be perfect with doritos.

the orange milk stout using fuggles and lactose from goats milk i did last year was okay, but is nothing compares to the MD IPA

>mountain dew IPA
>orange milk stout

dude. what . the . fuck.

You could throw redcurrants at a lot of people...

I'm new to to brewing, i just bought the yeast and other supplies, I'll need but I don't know what fruit is best to use i was thinking apples. what do you think is better for a beginner to start with?

Nice, my first kit was about the same too. However, a $40-80 kit is an extract kit, brewed on the stovetop, and fermented at ambient temperature. You get what you pay for.

The reason I throw $1,200 out there is because I was bottling twice a month and as we all know bottling sucks balls, especially as frequently as I was doing it. So I bought two kegs, co2 tank and regulator, and a keezer. That was $300 even with my discounts. The keezer also lets me ferment beers at any temperature and that's a huge game-changer for the quality of your beer, as lower temperatures inhibit your yeast from producing off-flavors. You can cold-crash your beer with it too so your beers are cleaner going into packaging.

The other costly equipment comes from doing all-grain. The 10 gallon boil kettle and 5 gallon mash tun as well as a propane heat source.

>not making a simple berliner-weisse and reducing mountain dew on the stovetop into a simple syrup to mix with it

How did you get lactose from goats milk? I've only seen lactose in powdered form.

no if you want strong; you set up a still, then you getter taste too.

Cold brew is very acidic and concentrated. My advice is try normal methods recc9mended on forums or dontbaddnthe cold brew until after fermentation.

No it would not. Barley doesn't cost 2 bucks a pound when you buy 80 lbs of it.

Yes it is cheap to make your own beer and making Coors true light is actually very complicated. It is a "scienced" out beer.

Lager yeasts also ferment at low temperatures, in order to do any lager at home you need temperature controlled fermentation containers or a good deep stone cellar.

what a fucken loser...

>mead is for poor people

Honey is the most costly sugar on earth. Mead is several times more expensive to make than beer.

Some of the top rated mead is currant mead.

If interest I'll post my recipe..

Bow before me brew plebs. Small batch distiller coming through.

bought it on amazon

amazon /Capra-Lactose-Goat-Milk-1lb/dp/B016ATC1UQ

as for the syrup, thats also on amazon.
i have a soda stream and on a whim wanted to see if i can get my fave sodas to make them really fucking fizzy

they had it. so i bought it. i had a potential 30 gallons of MD and drank maybe 5 gallons worth and just couldnt stand it anymore.

i made my own flavor varients. hell i made a whiskey soda with md syrup and fizzed that shit up and had a blast.

they still have it if you want it
A /Pepsi-Mountain-Dew-5-gallon/dp/B00C6RZYU6?th=1

I built a still too bro

What's your go to mash recipe? Or are you one of those pig feed and cane sugar people

i like mead and have wanted to try brewing it. how long does it usually take to brew a batch? a month or two?

Call mead shit, mentions his love for garbage sours and lies on the internet.
Jesus Christ the angry hipster with no friends has spoken guys


I made a coffee mead cold steeping the beans and cacao nibs in the finished product. Came out fucking awesome

Naw mane. I work at a distillery. They let me run my own shit though. Been doing lots of brandy recently.. aside from aging i am growing quite found of it. As far as mash.. its been experimental.. made some "banana" bacteria moonshine. Was interesting enough. No staple whiskey though.

Mead is for hipsters

This guy knows what he's doing

Was thinking on building something like this.

What do you guys think?

any improvements/modifications?

Yeah right faggot. Hipsters like to go to faggot was bars where you order by number because all the taps are uniform blank handles and Guinness costs $9 and they have at least 3 shitty sours for homos like you

Id start with these asshole who ride dirtbikes behind my house. They are very acidic
Please. A guy who was a medieval re enactor (and built crossbows) used to make but I found it too sweet

>not liking what I like

That's fucking sweet. Since I've been kegging I have done a batch of soda. It was 5 gallons water, 2 lbs. demerara sugar, 1 lb. steeped ginger and 32 oz. pomegranate juice. Good as fuck. Only problem is I can't drink 5 gallons of soda because I don't want the beetus.

All of you having extremely polarized opinions on alcoholic beverages have obviously not developed a taste for those beverages. The next time you try an alcoholic beverage and don't like it, you can either say "this is shit" or "It's probably an acquired taste". Make the right choice and not be a pompous douche that forms opinions about shit they know nothing about.

And don't come at me saying "if you have to acquire the taste, then it isn't good". Alcohol is by definition poison to your body, so anybody's first biological response to ingesting alcohol is to reject it. The body has a natural response system that identifies certain flavors and qualities of the foods we ingest and can make a good guess as to which ones are poisonous or not.

They don't have Guinness at those type of bars

Nah mead is shit

This post made me pretty mad