Hello Sup Forums. Im female, ask me something ^,^

Hello Sup Forums. Im female, ask me something ^,^

Are you bi?

Timestamp or gtfo.

What is your opinion on Stephen Paddock

Congratulations on on being female. You know the drill

Im lesbian lol
Post yours first
He is a faggot


Dubs for uncensored pic :3

Wow female! That must've taken so much to accomplish. What an achievement. Good thing we never get some lazy entrepreneur or skillsman on here for an ama. Truly, the trails of accomplishing something as difficult as a 50/50 birth outcome are to be lauded!

do you have that photo with out the middlefingers?????????????????????????????

Where are you from?

dubs, also plz timestamp

I like turtles
Im from... Europe :3

Would you go on a date with a guy to score a free meal.


Checked myself. Where is my prize?

if dubs, stop posting

timestamp or you're a guy

J.... Jeb! ?

whats your grossest period story

By the power invested in me, I roll D U B S

Fuck off attention whore

Where in EUROPE exactly?

this, fuck off slut


Timestamp for proof

Check 'em fags

Also, timestamp please Miss.


if trips timestamp

1 2 checka
Rex in effect nigga

No one cares

Hey newfag. Not how this works




Post a pic with a piece of paper with the date so we know you're real. That's the rules.

Otherwise, gtfo

how big is your penis

Can I see you dick

Do you have a job? And what do you do?

Op not a female, no timestamp means "borrowed" pics, neck beard op just wants attention


no timestamp fake

This, many many real femanons timestamp, this op wont


do you really think niggers doing ok in sports is genetics like dumb niggers say

or all steroids?


