Does anyone who doesn't have an agenda in mind like this kind of architecture?
Does anyone who doesn't have an agenda in mind like this kind of architecture?
I think it's cool. Would like to live there.
Looks nice but i wouldnt live in it
Some nice ideas, but the whole execution is atrocious and inefficient as fuck.
You're a fucking idiot. These homes are anti-human in nature and are part of an architectural style meant to mold humans to the certain values of the people who make these creations (Progressivists, Modernists, Futurists, etc.). They are a blight upon the landscape and are like the other kinds of architectures erected by the various despotic regimes of history.
What's nice about it?
looks awesome would live there.
i usually prefer smaller places though. still modern, but i don't need all that space. and i'd want it to be more urban.
I don't know what you mean by an agenda, but I fucking hate modernist architecture for houses and apartment/condo buildings. Homes should look like homes. If it's a business or office then it can look cool but I find that un-comfy and tasteless as fuck for a residence.
>meant to mold humans
Not really. Most architecture following Bauhaus or w/e seems focused on building directly around humans rather than thinking about what historically a house or building is supposed to look like. The whole "form follows function" thing.
>Homes should look like homes
fuck you. go live in a cave somewhere if you want to hold back progress. i want my future house now bitch.
Lol no that's why retarded ones like that sit on the market for a very long time.