hi Sup Forums need to beat the shit out some guy who though he could get away with fucking my girl.
heres the shittyation;
>gf and i have argument, dont see each other for a bit
>gf fucks this guy, twice
>"not cheating we had fallen out"
>make gf explain in detail what happened
>regret that. now cant fuck gf cos thats all i can think about
>figure beating the shit out of him will fix it
>gonna use her phone to invite him over
>hes like 7ft. im 5 11.
>still gotta do it.
wat do? any tips / advice / insight / thoughts on the universe?
hype me up Sup Forums
Hi Sup Forums need to beat the shit out some guy who though he could get away with fucking my girl
Matthew Scott
Jace Powell
no kneecap can resist a steel pipe
Landon Hernandez
Leave girl you are to immature to ever love her again
Angel Johnson
save time. beat the shit out of her.
Ayden Hughes
Get a roll of quarters and hold them in your fist when you sock 'em.
Or get a gun, if he comes in your house you can shoot him in self defense, open and shut case.
Nolan Cruz
also don't use her phone to invite him over thats how you get caught. just go find him out one day or wait for him in his house
Henry Bailey
using a weapon seems a bit beta.
Xavier Wright
Gavin Howard
depends on the state also if he's invited its not
Noah Brown
Kill him, then your girlfriend, then yourself.
Improve the world a little bit.