Feels thread

feels thread

Rose of Versailles!
(sorry, I have no feels)




i want to die, i miss my ex but she blocked me. it seems so small and minute but hurts so much.


Sorry to hear that



Feel depressed and down lately especially cause of this one girl. i can just image her fucking chads and it hurts. We have so much in common but man... i just dont know. ..



this one used to always make me baw

hey dude its op here i feel like shit but i dont want other people to feel like shit so my advice is start taking initiative and tell her how you feel unless you wanna be another nice guy who gets writen off because Chad is there

That's why you never date user. It's pointless and a waste of time and money.

Name one thing good that you've gotten out of it?

I bet you none of that is as much as it cost you.

i have nothing that means anything to me now. i have nothing i care about, nothing to live for, nothing to be fond of.

yeah i feel you. thing is shes 4 years older than me and she lives quite a distance. We talk and stuff but i feel like im just another option for her :,,,) and it'll probably never happen but man shes just so damn cute and we have so much. She told me she was going to a bar today. Just hearing that makes me depressed, jealous, just really sad.... God help me

how old are you if you dont mind me asking


fuck it. I'm 19


wtf! Rose of Versailles in \b?

I've moved to another country and found out that my friends don't want to talk to me in the internets or to make a cell. I feel like nobody cares about me anymore and I don't have much friends in the new country so feel pretty isolated.


and making friends is not a fast thing

Literally JUST made this fresh OC - dialogue between my father and I.


Don't tell me you're about to kill yourself over some chick

oh shit


holy shit Sup Forumsro how do you feel





It's just a phase bro I've been through it before I will eventually stop caring and get with someone else then repeat this vicious cycle.


Fuck I hate myself so much


indulge us user


There is no reason. I annoy everyone, no one wants to be around me, I don't even want to be around me. I feel like i'm watching life through a TV screen instead of living it. College is getting hard and I'm struggling to keep up.

She's all I think about, Sup Forums. I barely eat anymore, I can barely sleep and when I do I just dream of her. I can barely focus on my other classes and I feel like my grades are gonna suffer for it. The saddest part is that I doubt I'm gonna get anywhere with her. How the fuck do I deal with this? My anxiety has been at max this past month, I can't handle it anymore.

Feels alright man, I hope he gets his act together. I hope this piece ushers him to do so... Uncle user just got out of jail, who is is twin brother. I hope they get together and restart that flooring business they had, and make something better of themselves.

Mom took me from him at age 8 because he was a pusher, I told the court he "got beat up over a piece of white cotton". I remember being a child in the back seat watching through the window as a thug put a gun to his head, robbing him. Looking back on this I learned what not to be. This helped mold me into who I am today.

I just submitted an aplication to the nursing program Wednesday and have an "average" chance of being accepted - which is pretty good. I make 25k a year working only 3 days, so I have the time to dedicate to school now thankfully. Going to travel the world as an OR nurse and be a great surgeon one day. Right now I'm getting drunk off wine alone in my 1 bedroom apartment, fighting the daily fight against existential dread at 23. Yee

Sorry that happened to you. I'm a little over a year past mine and I still think about her on a daily basis. Mostly because I don't really date. We just kinda started by accident and it was a huge mistake on my part.

I remember thinking and even talking to my friends about it cause for a long ass time I had settled for being a forever alone. And I knew exactly how shit was going to turn out cause of her nationality and my standing as a deadbeat.

I fucked up a lot of shit and mostly disappointed myself because I wasn't man enough for her. I lost her to some other cuck who her parents liked more and subsequently in whatever fucked up way she "thought" she "loved me" it was a huge waste of time and money that I'll never get back.

I know it doesn't do yah any good really but I'll think about you and pray for you to recover from this and that you find some sort of peace in it. I do hope you can find a worthwhile distraction, whether it's someone or something to keep your mind occupied while you cope with this shit. No one should ever have to go through it but it will make you think about who you are and how you want to be in a few years.

I think for now I myself want to be alone for a long long time.

Best of luck man. Stay strong.


All I want is for Kim to send those hot potatoes flying











feeling below parallel

Ha ha ha! Great post my friend!

just so we're clear, when you're single EVERYONE is an option. That's not a bad thing in and of itself, it just seems like it's bad when you feel attached to someone who you aren't with. If it makes you feel better, SHE is also just an option for YOU.

never thought of it like that man. Thanks user for responding. I sat here patiently waiting for your reply. Thanks user warms my heart. hope everything with you is good. Good luck God Bless ya



i stubbed my fucking toe

You're still so young user. Seriously, that's not an insult--you are legit young lol only 19. I'm sure you've heard this before but it's repeatable because there is a hard truth in it.

Don't fret the small stuff like some girl who is very literally one of millions of other possible girls you could fall for, just find ways to improve yourself and focus on that. LIFT WEIGHTS. I mean it. you are at the prime muscle building age, if you learn weight training (PROPERLY) I guarantee you will be much more confident in yourself. Iron is the greatest anti depressant. After that find a skill that will make you happy and bring value to your life. Girls will follow these things and you will feel much much happier.

Of course it hurts, it's just a part of the process, but you will be okay in time. There are more important things in life than love, there are more valuable things in life than love, and there is more to you than the love you felt for one person.

Fucking sucks to know the one girl I've only ever connected with, helped her stop selfharming and helped her to improve her confidence is out with her legion of chads doing god knows what.

She is another person with her own desires, but so are you. It's a tough reality to face but when you understand that you are capable of feeling emotion beyond those that you shared with her you will be able to move on. When you find someone you love it feels like they are the only one in the world for you, but perhaps the most bittersweet thing of love is that we can share it with anyone.

Don't think too much about HER with other people, and think about other people YOU could be with. If you focus on yourself you will find more things to share in common with others.

Glad I'm not the only one who saw it

Friends come and go but you will always have yourself. A new country is a new experience, and you have an opportunity to grow that many do not have. And maybe it is just my own nihilistic ideal but I believe most people we interact with don't really care about us as much as we think or hope they do. We are all earthly comforts for each other in a dark and lonely world, but it's all the more reason to learn to love ourselves first and foremost. This is not to say we cannot find those meaningful relationships and connections with other people but just that it is so much harder than we hope for.

Had something same.
It feels like you want to protect this person, but she doesn't care about you.

Thank you. Very well said.
I think it's important to find a few close connections, because it's hard to live without it.

>be me
>have gf of five years
>insanely emotionally attached but I don't show it
>she always gets mad that I don't share how i feel
>finally muster up the courage to reveal how I feel about life and shit
>she cries and freaks out
>we start to get disconnected over a month about it
>she dumped me about a week ago

idk how to feel about it. its like a mixture of overwhelming anxiety and nothingness.

having thoughts about her with someone else or getting her pussy fucked by someone better than me is making me crazy unstable.

I know no one cares I just feel like sharing.

just want the pain to stop.

pic related. her.

Dude, if you like her why do you post her on Sup Forums?

Because you don't send nudes unless you anticipate them being circulated. If you send some with your face in it, then you deserve to find it circulating on the internet.

Not user but just saying

Hey Sup Forums,
Don’t usually post but I have been really struggling lately. I’m a little inhebriated but bare with me. I’ve been struggling with the fact that University takes up 90% of my time, and I am having problems balancing socializing and studying. What my parents think of my image is more than I ever honestly could achieve. Aspiring to go to law school but currently a freshman in college. I spend a long time studying but it’s hard when most of my flat friends are always out partying. Not to mention I have a court date soon for underage drinking and public intoxication (I’m 19 not underage b&) and my parents don’t know. (Police are supposed to be inform parents but it never happened because public safety cops suck I guess) so I don’t know if I should tell them or just try to muscle the money myself somehow at the expense of a grade by sacrificing study time for a job, or just tell my mother who would cover fees and lawyer charge. Lmk Sup Forums. It’s tearing me apart. Should I let my mother think I’m the man I make myself out to be, or shatter the illusion asking for help because I don’t know what to do. I need help, but I’m not sure what to do. Any Sup Forumstards have kids?

If she couldn't handle your world view then I can assure you that she wasn't really a good fit for you. I don't know what you said to her but if it frightened her and she felt she had to leave because of it, then it means she would never console you in regards to anything meaningful you attach your life and being to. I don't know how old you are but you sound young enough to have not experienced much of this, and I mean that in a sympathetic way. Embrace the pain you feel now because this will prepare you for life and the hardness it will present against you. You will find someone who will listen to your thoughts, and they won't run. They will love you and your thoughts--perhaps not entirely in the way you want, but they will respect you enough to TRY and understand, and they will love you.

People of Sup Forums, can I get real advice here?
This may be a bit gross, so just a little warning.

When I was younger, I did some sodomy (not actual sex) with my cousin (not Alabama). Now, I fully regret what I did and so does he. I'm not the same person as I was and I have better life goals now. But, am I allowed to move on? It's something I wish I didn't do and I'm different, but what do youse think?


>worked at the same desk fob for 4 years
>same position
>same desk
>same pay
>same hours
>same people
>every single day for 4 years
>got a crush on one of my coworkers
>always "happened" to take my break when she takes hers
>one day she comes over and talks to me
>we end up kicking it off
>talking for the entire break
>ends with me asking her to lunch the next day
>she agrees and tells me about her favorite resturant
>we sit there smiling like goof balls
>go back to work
>that night i could hardly sleep
>too excited for lunch
>got to the resturant early and waited
>and waited...
>and waited...
>after two hours i finally figured she ditched me
>got pissed about
>decided I'll see her at work tonight either way
>she wasn't at work either
>figured she was just sick or something
>next day she wasn't there either
>no one cares about the situation
>after the third day my boss calls everyone into the meeting room
>he tells us that she died three nights ago in a car crash
>my heart broke then and there
>it crushed me
>but i had to go back to work the next day
>and the day after that
>now 2 years after that day (6 years working the same job)
>same position
>same desk
>same pay
>same hours
>same people, except her
>i can't stop thinking "what if we actually went out"
>but that's just one dream that'll never come true

I'm 19, she's 21.

I'm cleaning her shit out of my room now, should I ask if she wants her panties back?..lol..

College is only a fraction of your life. You are there to better the prospects of your future, not necessarily to party. Your parents will always have unrealistic expectations of you because you are their canvas for a masterpiece. Every parent wants their child to be great, every parent wants their progeny to be better than themselves. Don't let their pressure convince you that you aren't the man you make yourself out to be. You are the only deciding factor in that regard. If you aspire to go to law school, then pursue that with vigor, but do not sacrifice yourself and your bodily health in chasing someone else's (your parents) dreams.

In regard to your legal matters, that is something no one can really answer for you, as only you fully understand the context of your family dynamic; but, at least know that there is no shame in owning to your mistakes, and it does not make you any less a man to ask for help when you need it. You are young, you do not need to bear the weight of the world if you cannot do so, and your parents are there to help you (I assume). Weigh the consequences of asking them for help and working a job on top of your studies. But be decisive and don't feel less of anything for the decision you make. Decisiveness is what will make you a man.

Will you send them to me? I will pay...

ah fuck i forgot the painting

Honestly just cut contact with her. The more you linger the longer it will take for you to get over her. If you need to just leave everything at her doorstep and go, but if it's not that important and she doesn't absolutely need it or care about it just throw it out.

And then you woke up shitting yourself?

Five years ago my mother died of cancer. After that my dad got extremely depressed, i moved out three years prior and decided i need to keep my dad occupied so he doesn't feel alone. I take him to lunch, i take him to movies, to local games, bars, etc. I pay for everything. After a couple of months of going to lunch/movies evey Friday, we agree to pay every other week (i pay one week he pays the next)
This goes on for about two years until one day he wasn't able to pay, i thought it wasn't a big deal and that he took care of me for 17 years of my life, so i figured I'll pay for everything the next couple of times.
He would always smile and say "I'll get it next time" but we both knew it wasn't true. I learned be started drinking again (after being sober for 17 years) and that's where all his money was going. He started smiling less every week until he wouldn't smile at all.
After lunch he looked back with a very weak smile and said "I'll get it next time" and walked out the stote.
May 23rd, 2014 my dad killed himself. At first it tore me apart, that i didn't work hard enough to help him, i failed him. But after a while i stopped blaming myself and just figured that he was too gone to help, he was truly broken. And I'm just not good at fixing broken things.

thanks for the advice, user.

Sorry about that

You said it yourself that you are not the same person as you were; unfortunately, it still happened and it is a part of your past. With that being said, OF COURSE you are able to move on. You regret it and that may be enough to move on, but moving on and forgetting are two different things. It may just be something you have to learn to live with.

this isnt sad, its just a retarded virgin


Life hurts friend, and love is the hot temper to the blade that cuts deepest. At least know that you had the chance to meet her before she left us. You seem to understand the scope of what happened to some extent, so it becomes at this point a somber blues to keep you up at night. Nothing I can say to you will help ease that kind of pain, so I can only wish you health and goodness in life, and that I am hoping you will meet someone who might fill that kind of void.



Maybe your dad was too broken for help but I would like to think that he knew how much you wanted to help him. He loved you, and maybe he knew that it wasn't your place to fix him. Some of us are--like you said--unable to be fixed. You are a good son/daughter user. A phenomenal one. I'm sure you know everything I want to tell you already, and I don't want to insult by seeming to know anything about your family, but for what it's worth it seemed there was an overwhelming amount of love within your family. That is what drove him to the edge of bearing what pain he felt. I just hope that your loss does not weigh so heavily on you that you follow that same path. You did your best user, and no matter how futile it may have seemed, I would like to think that you did in fact make a difference in some way. Perhaps making his transition to non existence a bit softer and less painful, or perhaps it worked to an extent but the pain of loss was too much for ANYONE to prevent. Either way you did what most could not--you were strong in the face of overwhelming pain, and I hope you know just how strong you sound when I read what you wrote.

I feel bad for those breeds of dog that need theirs ears clipped to be pointed for drainage and drying. I think the conical shape also helps with hearing but I'm no sound engineer.

Every day I wake up and notice how empty I am. I have no one in my life. No family, no friends. nothing.

Sucks but we just have to rely on the fact that other people have other interests than our own in mind. If you help someone there is no promise they will reciprocate. If anything her newfound confidence is what got her out with the chads. People who are still working through their own problems are some of the (objectively speaking) worst people to make romantic connections with because you can't predict how they will be when they actually figure their shit out.


not who you replied to, but thank you for this