no matter where i go, i will never have a gf because there are always 10's of thousands of better options in the immediate vicinity
No matter where i go...
get unfat
I can't tell if your ugly face and sad sob story is a meme, or if you're constantly posting this shit yourself.
Time stamp you fat ugly fuck
stop looking like jon snows fat autistic clone
always amazed when people have so little social capital to preserve that they are willing to post their face on b/
Boo fucking hoo loser
Nah I bet you're fine. Show us your flaccid dick, please.
you greasy fucking mustard tiger
you have good room to work you aren't base ugly. there is no other solution than weight loss.
Make a pact with us now. no. more sugar drinks. water only. 2 weeks
check back in with us you fuxkibg ape
there immediate options
> research healthier lifestyles, like keto or intermittent fasting
> lower your hypocritical standards and date fat/ugly chicks
>kill yourself about something recent (and recently timestamped)?
it's not like it changes.
Unnecessary thread. OP= fag
Pros and cons of dating a co-worker who's under you in rank?
Hey, I'm just here trying to make your thread interesting. You don't want to play ball that's cool.
105 males for every 100 females. This leads males to currently have a 6 million cock strong lead on females. So even if everyone paired up m/f, 6 million people would be in your shoes. Throw in the all the crazy new genders and homosexuals and there are probable still a few million heterosexual males in the same boat. And that's just from the surplus stock. Now imagine reality where one man probably dated more chicks in high school than you will in your entire life. The point is you aren't alone, there are literally millions of us out there in the boat as you.
You're face looks like a 21 year olds unshaven ass
What? There are more women on the planet than men
No, there isn't. Stop polling your information from outdated sources. We have been in the lead for a decades.
The only reason the numbers nowadays are skewed are because of those Asian cucks that kill female newborns because of their barbaric social norms. Disregarding them, there are more females than males.
B-b-b-back pedaling.
1.06 men are born for every female, but due to men dying more often the numbers even out pretty well.
but yeah it fucking sucks being below the cut off
I just assumed we all knew Asians didn't count as people, my b
Pro- more likely to value you and therefor not cheat or be a cunt 24/7
Con- settling for less
The biggest pros and cons are personality traits like if they are capable of holding a job, are they clean, ect.
Well, there's about 2x as many men in Asia not getting laid since geography is a physical barrier to almost all of them, followed by stereotypes, and finally language
Have you considered kidnapping a girlfriend. Is consecual kidnapping a thing even? Like someone wants to be kidnapped but also wants to fight the whole being kidnapped things but are actually totally cool with it. That could be a thing.
Just shave, that scraggly mossy looking thing on your face is a joke.
Get a decent haircut. Learn to groom yourself.
And then lose some weight, it couldn't hurt.
4/10, lose weight, shave, then you'd be 7 or 8/10. Being in shape changes men's faces a fair bit, and you have no inherent flaws other then being fat