McDonald's pays to have its Szechuan sauce placed in a cartoon

>McDonald's pays to have its Szechuan sauce placed in a cartoon
>A ton of autists start screeching and spreading memes about it
>Autists everywhere think Rick And Morty may cause McDonald's to bring it back, not realizing McDonald's paid to put it in the show
>Think to myself "Wow, brilliant marketing strategy. It'll be a hit when they bring it back"
>They pick a date to bring it back
>Autists wait for hours and drive 100+ miles to get it
>Find out each store had less than 100 packs
>Screech in anger

I thought McDonald's plan was brilliant until I realized the limited quantity. Is there some angle I don't get? Or is McDonald's just retarded and thought they could get away with pulling a Nintendo

I think it’s pretty dumb how they had their strategies to be honest.

I got dubs!!

>until I realized the limited quantity
They got a hell of a lot more promotion from the huge lines and people not getting them than if they had enough for every person that walked in the door.

I think it would have been better if they at least had more packets of the sauce at least. Maybe at least 1000 per store or something. Not just 20

I doubt they paid for it to be in the show. Wheres the evidence for that? I think it was just a joke.

That's what I think. I feel like there's something I don't see, tho. Did a multi billion dollar company honestly think limiting SAUCE PACK supplies would boost market performance in the long run???? I feel like there has to be something I don't understand about this strategy. They can't be this dumb.

That's true, I get that. It's for in the short run, but seems like it would cause a loss in the long run

>Limited quantity

This is a tried and true business model. If somebody was 101st in line, then they're gonna want it that much more next time. Hype will always bring them back, while the actual sauce may not.
