Geben mir Schota

Geben mir Schota
Schota nun!

you need to post more than one image when you start a thread

I am waiting for some bump mate, have done so many times without no bump, plus if I post so quickly, cannot bump my own post.

I don't like the hair there, looks so fake

why don't u bump, you fuckwad, I am trying to post here

I did bump


Warum auf deutsch?

If you don't mind though, I know this is really weird, I am gay, also a father, but not a pedo, our son is 11 and thinks he's gay, I think he probably isn't but just wants to be like his dads, he likes to look at other boys around his age, I come in these threads to find ones that aren't graphic or inappropriately sexual for him, as a filter if you will, do you have any full clothes not sexual beyond kissing or hand holding stuff? That's kind of the only reason I'm here or bumped, but I know a lot of people fap to this stuff so that is probably a request that won't be fulfilled.

ughhhh, who does that xD Sup Forums is something you hide, not embrace