Little shits that think they are "gangster" if they wear sag pants and start flashing baby signs sicken me...

Little shits that think they are "gangster" if they wear sag pants and start flashing baby signs sicken me. I always see these cunts everyday, they are either Tongan, Lebo or Vietnamese. What can I do to mess with these hard cunts? AUS Sydney is where I am.




Slap them. Show them whos boss!,=

Not when they chimp out in groups of 6 or 10 fucking pussys

wtf. Aus is a weird place. They're just niggers here in the States. I can't imagine gooks trying to be thugs. I thought they all become doctor

kill yourself now so they dont have to

>Tonga, Lebo, Viert
user, those are the niggers of Asia.

Nah Viets here fuckin have tatoos and sell drugs. I know one as well and he made big fat stacks of cash to afford all the latest sports cars and best hotels fucking lucky cunt.