>Despacito is now the most watched video of all time
spics pls go
>Despacito is now the most watched video of all time
spics pls go
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¿Que tal si paramos el tiempo?
gringo pendejo
Why is an Asian allowed to say the word 'nigger' while we Whites can't?
I still have yet to here this song, I consider that a point of pride
because whypipo suck
prolly to make up for all the times wu tang clan said "chink"
>he can't appreciate the Despacito
back to kiddo
>he's a fucking beaner
Can't wait till you fags get deported
>prolly to make up for all the times wu tang clan said "chink"
why does no one ever talk about this
no one feels bad for chinese people, they eat dogs and leave dying children in the street
because Asians will ultimately side with whites in a race war
How the fuck can I get deported if I'm in my country? You dumb ass cracker
People only listen to 36 Chambers.
because it literally isn't true
We're not really
So do the blacks
who fucking cares
all reggaeton is exactly the same I don't understand why this blew up in any way
Skrillex videos get hues also. This one just went off because it's the most generic reggae out there. Also, it's the summer and some shopkeepers down south would play that on YouTube a lot in their stores, thus inflating views
Chilean here
You don't know our pain
You don't know what's it's like to live with Reggaeton everyday.
Chilean here, too
You listed to despacito like 3 times a day as min
because they dont teach blacks in school that asians enslaved their ancestors