Strawberry Jam > Merriweather Post Pavillion> Centipede Hz > Sung Tongs > Here Comes The Indian > Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished > Feels > Campfire Songs > Painting With > Danse Manatee
ITT: Rank em
sung tongs > mpp > sj > spirit > fall be kind idc about rest
Strawberry Jam > Here Comes The Indian > Merriweather Post Pavilion > Feels > Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished > Sung Tongs > Painting With > Centipede Hz > Campfire Songs > Danse Manatee > Hollinndagain
the caveat: the lowest rated album is a 6
I'll only r8 the ones i've heard
>numale collective
Just albums (no EPs)
Campfire Songs > Feels > STGSTV > Sung Tongs > MPP > Strawberry Jam > Danse Manatee > rest
STGSTV>>feels>>strawberry jam>Campfire songs>sung tongs>>CHz>Danse manatee>MPP
Campfire Songs > Feels > Strawberry Jam > Sung Tongs > MPP > STGSTV > HCTI > Hollinndagain > CHz > Painting With > Danse Manatee
also danse is like a 4.6 (whole number rankings are for fags)
>Centipede HZ > Water Curses > Spirit They've Gone, Spirit They've Vanished > Feels > Strawberry Jam > Sung Tongs > Merriweather Post Pavilion > Painting With > Campfire Songs > Danse Manatee > Here comes the Indian
>Death Grips
>Niggas on the Moon > No Love Deep Web > Government Plates > Bottomless Pit > The Money Store > Exmilitary > Jenny Death
follow up rank in the order you presented them BITCH
> 9.8
> 9.3
> 9.5
> 8.9
> 9.2
> 9
> 7.4
> 8.1
> 5.2
> 4.6
> 6.9
In my opinion, it's -
Centipede HZ = 10/10, Water Curses = 10/10, StgStv = 9.5/10, Feels = 9.2/10, SJ = 9/10, Sung Tongs = 8.5/10, Merriweather Post Pavilion = 8/10, Painting With = 7.2/10, Campfire Songs = 6.5/10, Danse Manatee = 5/10, HCTI = 5/10
This, except switch the first two
man fuck your trash opinions.
>water curses is overrated af
>CHZ that high
>MPP that low
>anything but danse last
I can agree with everything else tho
>Reddit spacing
Back to /r/indieheads with you!
literally only go on rerddit to stream basebal games....have never been there for any other reason
Fall Be Kind > MPP > Strawberry Jam > Sung Tongs > Feels > STGSTV > ODDSAC > Campfire Songs > Prospect Hummer > Here Comes the Indian > Water Curses > Painting With > Centipede Hz > Danse Manatee
let me take you key master
>danse manatee last
>danse manatee below Centipede Hz or Painting With
The only people who hate ChZ are surface level redditors who don't understand what a concept album is. ChZ is a piece of modern genius.
SJ > STGSTV > MPP > Fall be kind > Feels > Campfire Songs > Centipede Hz > Hollinndagain > Sung Tongs > Painting With > Danse Manatee > HCTI
i can respect CHz for what it is its just not as strong an album as their earlier work....same way i feel about PW.
I listen to CHz regularly and love it for what it is
CHz is a concept album tho. The people who say "ITS SO JUMBLED AND NOT COHESIVE XDDDDDDDDD DAE REDDIT?" are fucking retards. CHz is the best piece of music to ever come out of AnCo as a group.
thats just a flat out lie and my troll senses are tingling.....i get the concept. its just a half baked idea that turned out some decent ass pop jamZZZ
Think of the name. Centipede HZ, or Herz. Herz is the measure of electrical cycles, wavelengths, etc. The name implies it's a very high (Centipede has a ton of legs) herz, the name is literally alluding to its status as a concept album. It's supposed to be jumbled, because of Avey's feelings around the time of its production.
It's a beautiful album because of the small amounts of clarity that come through the mess every once in a while (The climax of New Town Burnout, the end of Mercury Man, the ending of Father Time, etc. etc.), and it's done intentionally. I'll say it again, back to /r/indieheads
Gotta say though, Painting With might be top 3 live. Those songs sounded fucking INCREDIBLE when I saw them and I don't like the studio versions.
seen this post word for work in another thread....fuck off I get the damn concept and the Avey shit its just.not.that.good.
I dont use Reddit...never have but if this site doesnt quit getting so retarded i might have too
padington band (automine ep) = sung tongs > feels = water curses > campfire songs > meeting of the waters = strawberry jam > the painters > MPP > spirit > danse manatee
why do people think this band is anything crazy innovative or something
sung tongs is a great album but like aside from that nothing from them is especially great or really worth listening to
Danse Manatee and Campfire are great what the hell are you doing
Merriweather Post Pavilion
Sung Tongs
Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
Strawberry Jam
Here Comes the Indian
Centipede Hz
Campfire Songs
Painting With
Danse Manatee
I agree with your feelings on CHz, but I wouldn't rank it at the top.
The final lyrics on Amanita really cemented that album as amazing to me. The whole album is definitely as close to an existential crisis as Avey has come to in his music.
Water Curses > Strawberry Jam > Campfire Songs > Hollindagain > Marriweather Post Pavilion > Sung Tongs imo > Fall Be Kind > Prospect Hummer > Danse Manatee > Centipede Hz > Feels > Painting With > The Painters > Here Comes the Indian > STGSTV
Merriweather Post Pavilion > Here Comes the Indian > Hollinndagain > Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished > Sung Tongs > Strawberry Jam > Feels > CHz = Painting With > Campfire Songs > Danse
MWPP > STGSTV > Feels > SJ > ST > CHz > DM > PW > HCTI > CS
>Here Comes the Indian and Hollinndagain that high
>Danse is the last one
sure you are not a pseud
i might change up wc with sj haven't decided
Person Pitch>MPP>SJ>ST>F>STGSTV>the rest
Here Comes the Indian is amazing you filth
Nice job
lol id basically put these in reverse order, not including the rest
Pretty much this if SJ and ST were switched
Feels>sung tongs>spirits>mpp>ch>strawberry jam>hcti>PW>the rest.
>Will somebody ever fucking reply to my rankings Episode 143
Campfire Songs > Dance Manatee > Spirit They've Gone > Sung Tongs > Here Comes The Indian > Centipede Hz > Strawberry Jam > Merriweather Post Pavilion > Feels