By 2030 India is expected to be a super power and to have an industrial economy that rivals that of China, Europe, and America combined.
I can only hope that America will heed this warning and accept that the future is going to be Indian. Those who choose to disrespect India today will be destroyed tomorrow.
Jackson Barnes
Wyatt Ortiz
Lincoln Lewis
Chase Gomez
Caleb Wilson
Joseph Taylor
Open bob
Thomas Thomas
oh boy
if indian culture becomes dominant, will existing streets become shitting streets or will they build new ones for that?
Thomas Mitchell
Luis Peterson
I thought you guys said 2020 last year? Sanjay, did you realize it's not going to happen finally, and try to buy yourself more time by trying to slide the deadline out 10 years?
Brayden Fisher
Sebastian Rivera
but can the solve the riddle of... poo in loo?
Luis Gomez
>ITT: things that will never happen
Lincoln Perry
reaaaallly? india is just a bunch of doctors, taxi drivers and convinent store owners
Luis Reyes
I still remember when 2020 were supposed to be the start of india's golden age.
You pooinloos just gonna are just going to keep setting a new deadline ever 5th year aren't you?
Asher Garcia
Do you have a red dot on your forehead?
Michael Phillips
>reaaaallly? india is just a bunch of illegal doctors, taxi drivers and convinent store owners
Fixed for you
Leo Torres
I was in India several times last year. Listen: India will NEVER be anything until they clean up their act.
You got 5 Star hotels standing right next to the worst slums anyone could ever possibly imagine. The smell of shit and piss pervades almost every place you go, because people there literally shit and piss into the street or bushes.
The feculence is breathtaking.
There is something fundamentally wrong with a society that can have that much intelligence, but such poor hygiene and such disdain for the poor. Instead of building ICBM's and Nukes, how about building a functioning Sewer System, eh? How about building Low Income Housing instead of letting people live in tin shacks right next to High Rise office buildings?
The worst, most mean living homeless American still has a better life than the slum-livers in Mumbai.
Cameron Davis
And phone tech people
Jackson Foster
You need a lot more than a strong economy to be a superpower. India will have to invest warehouses of money into expanding its military to operate on a global scale. Currently it has very little ability to project force beyond its own region. Until you honestly think you can go toe to toe with the US Navy then you're not a "super power."
Liam Howard
Yeah, right. When you queue to shit on the same water that you wash your clothes in.... Some super power.
Owen Russell
Funniest Indian Joke:
Do you know why Indian Girls have that dot on their forehead?
Because after they get married, their husbands scratch it off to see if they won a Motel or 7 Eleven...
Charles Richardson
>designated shitting streets
Nice try, bro. Work on indoor plumbing first, then you can talk all crazy.
Brody Wood
Thomas Allen
India is a shit tier country (literally). This is coming from an Indian-American. My family got the fuck out of there and moved to the US as soon as it became an independent state.
Christopher Young
James Turner
I'm not sure that having being a smelly rapist with a tiny dick is really a superpower.
Leo Young
How is your 5th gen stealth fighter? How is your super sonic bomber? How is your missle defense grid? How is your aircraft carriers and support ships?
Oh wait? You dont have any of that? You exist because we allow you to exist, similar to China and NK
Logan Hernandez
i honestly cant take indians seriously. they are like a harmless group of sub species, sort of like humans but not really
Josiah Reyes
You mean taking all the hard work the russians and USA did to get people in to space and following that?
Robert Jenkins
indians = muslim beaners
Jacob Adams
I know there are some young Sup Forumstards who think this is all made-up, but I am here to assure you that this is completely true.
>be me >go to India on business >don't believe what I see >people shitting on the street >smell of shit and piss virtually everywhere >beggars all over the place, can't walk outside because swarmed by kids begging >mfw this country has nukes?