Alright it's riddle time

Alright it's riddle time

The man who makes it doesn't want it, the man who buys it doesn't need it, and the man who needs it doesn't know it yet. What is it?

Post them, answer them do whatever.

A coffin.

Correct moving onto
You see me in water but I never get wet, what am I?


My baby sisters pussy

SUCH TENACITY!! let's see how you fare on this one
Forward I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I?


How about one of these
You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present, But the future can never taint me. What am I?

What cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be smelled, cannot be felt, cannot be smelled, but means doom for all who observe it.

Hmm not sure maybe memories

Good luck with mine, I'm sure you got it, I think it's basically us in here playing

Hmmmm Hannukah?
How is Ron 10 years old in 1870, but only 5 years old in 1875?

Hahaha nope it's not so cleaver hahahah

It's during BC.

1870 bc muwhahaha

I have a mouth, but do not speak. I have a bed, but never sleep. What am I?

A mute meth head.

If never spoken I remain whole but to exist at all I must be uttered


I can't figure it out brah


Mine are the only ones unanswered hahaha I love it


Ahh and answered one.

Time, any one who observes the concept is doomed to be killed by age

When I am full I am the seed of life, when I am hungry I am full, when my work is done I fall, when my work is done kings are sewn

I see it now, I would have never guessed it tbh

Most fun I've had here in a while

Withing new ones is how you get really good at solving them

Wrote this one awhile ago, still a favorite

It's a tree
It's because Sup Forums is the same shit over and over

My dick

No cigar on the tree but I like where you're going with it hahaha.
Yeah dude in the old days it was everything, like pron, weird, but everything not just the pron and the weird

Winner winner chicken dinner hahahaha

Alright how about a peasant think of it as a ck2 cannibal king

Hahaha dope

A fruit?

It's a penis hahaha fruit doesn't get hungry I dont think