Ask a clinical psychologist anything

Ask a clinical psychologist anything

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Who did 9/11?

But who was phone?


jet fuel

What is the horizontal velocity of an unladen swallow?

Could you come to this thread and convince the virgin op who has anxiety to go get professional help?

How does a quantum tunneling diode work?

What excacly do you do.
Not from america

Is it an african or european swallow?

do you feel guilty taking money from patients while peddling your unscientific clap-trap?

If a parachutist jumped out of an airplane and his chute deploys immediately, what speed would he be going 8 seconds into freefall?
What speed would he be going if he were falling towards the moon?
What speed would he be going if he were half way to the center of Jupiter?

Has any patient ever told you you have really nice legs?

Ever want to just throttle or punch a patient?

Have you ever what do we now?

Angry Muslims in airplanes.

Chris Chan

not at all. i am not a doctor, nor do i claim to be one. i am paid money to make people feel better or better understand themselves.

no. i am a fat and bearded jew.

A violent green swallow.

should pedophiles get the death penalty?

all the fucking time. at least 3 times each week.


I like money
Do you like money?
Cause, I like money.

child molesters who act on their urges?
yes. these people never reform.
pedophiles who keep their crazy to themselves, no. many pedos never actually act on their urges, meaning they recognize that it is wrong, and never harm a fly.

everybody likes money

Well that type of swallow has been recorded to fly up to 28 miles per hour.

Why did you spend 250k on grad school so no one would call you doctor?


Typical. See .

Are Russians orientals?

Can a dog smell it's own fear?

Overrated meme tier profession scorned by everyone else who works with them.
Passport to huge hourly fee though. Ever feel guilty youre only helping yourself to a mediocre wage?

Is there other differences between psychiatry and psychology besides being medically trained?

Why is it so hard to access mental health care in the US? I recently moved and while I had a reliable therapist in the Northeast, the wait for even an intake appointment with a practice on the South is over a month. I need to see someone. I am really struggling to stay alive and I know the gym laws in this state are a joke, so it'd be cheap and easy to end it.

Psychology is so opinionated how do you become an expert on something with such a loose foundation

>gym laws

doesn't it make it a lot easier to become an "expert" on something that is more opionionated?

let me correct what was clearly a poor and incorrect use of "doctor" in my previous reply.
i am not a MEDICAL doctor, in that i did not attend medical school. i work with patients, psychiatrists, medical doctors, and even pcp's in a consultative manner.
i genuinely enjoy/enjoyed studying and learning more about the human mind and applying what i have learned to both line my pockets and help people along the way.
while what i do is purely an opinion-based approach mental care, it may be just that that makes it satisfying.

nailed it.

Are you aware that you're part of a fundamentally broken and despicable field, or do you legitimately not know this and aren't just ignoring it?

no. rugs are oriental. people are asian.


Don't push him man, he'll do it. He'll bench without a spotter

only when i am broke, sometimes when very drunk

First smile I've had in six weeks, gents. Thank you.

have you ever had sex with a patient?

I don't have any questions but I would like to thank you for doing what you do. I used to think you guys were all quacks and hacks too, but without psychologists and counselors I'd have necked myself long ago.

i would say we don't present ourselves so much as doctors, there to treat the patient, so much as we are there to identify the issue. there is far more money in psychiatry, and their aforementioned medical training definitely puts them in a different class.
psychologists tend to be... weirder? i don't know a single peer in my field who does not have far more than the average number of vices or some type of mental disorder themselves.

Keep your chin up, brah

where in the south are you? state? i may be able to make a recommendation, even if it is just a link. if you walk into an emergency room and tell them "i am thinking about hurting myself," you will be seeing a psychiatrist and a psychologist within 24 hours. depending on your state, what happens after that varies greatly.

the MOMENT. the MOMENT you start having thoughts like that is the moment you should seek help. reach out to someone. tell them how you feel.

don't hurt yourself. the one thing i know about the mind is that no one is in 100% control all the time. sometimes you need help. it's fine and not weird at all.

psychology, being so much more vague than most areas of study, allows for specialization. some focus on kids, some teens, some adults, etc. my primary field is identifying mental health disorders in adults and suggesting various approaches to care.

the entire medical industry in the united states is fucked. every. single. part.
despicable, no. i do not believe my job to be despicable. i have seen amazing transformations in many patients, in which they have totally turned their lives around. i also have patients who i have seen for years who have made no change whatsoever. the more failures, the better the rate of future success.

not necessarily because the version of expertise varies greatly from person to person.

That's like doctors doing surgery " how they want to " and not like how their college tells them to

I suffer from gender dysphoria and have been referred by my psychologist to the psychiatrist. These days this means HRT but before the DSM classified this as such, what other treatments are available to lessen the effects of body dysphoria for those that do not wish to transition?

nope. besides it being morally reprehensible, it is a great way to becoming blacklisted.

dude, it's a job, but i really appreciate that. most shrinks are complete shit heads, but some of us genuinely enjoy helping people. if more people sought some sort of mental healthcare, life would be better for everyone.

Still don't assisted chin ups, but my bench is progressing. I never use a spotter. I enjoy those fear gains and also welcome the sweet release of death.

What the fuck is a so called "clinical psychologist" doing on Sup Forums?

who are you to fuck with peoples heads man whos to say you aren't sick yourself?

From my experience shinks tend to be pretty fucked up people and enjoy manipulating people way too much, my Aunt is one

what "effects" are proving most troublesome? can you be a bit more specific? gender dysphoria can manifest itself in countless ways.

excellent! i would use that in future conversation, except a psychologist comparing himself to a surgeon is pretty laughable.
they're fighter pilots, we just fix the planes.

i fucking love Sup Forums

Can you define "normal"?

Body mostly. I've been taking hormones to feminize my body and develop breasts. Won't help the penis situation or my size however. I'm a fairly big guy, over 6ft and 200lbs.

I just want to be happy with who I am now but I seem to have a need to be feminine and I can't stop this need. Privately, I've been living fulltime as a woman for years but publicly I present male in order to keep employment and old social connections.

I'd be happy if there was some way to reduce this feminine need I seem to possess since it affects me daily.

i am definitely as fucked up as many of the patients i see. all psychologists are.
i absolutely love tinkering with peoples' minds. it fascinates me. i try never to do so malevolently.
imho, many years of education and experience have offered me the ability and opportunity to do so in a professional manner.

but yes, again, all psychologists are fucked up.

no, but i can help seek "healthy"

Do you have any experience with ADHD?

do you have any trans friends? do you know of a group OUTSIDE your comfort zone where you can express yourself femininely and in a safe environment?

What do you think of using NLP and CBT in a casual environment? Along with other thingamajiggers for 'manipulation'

tons. i was diagnosed at 8, myself, and was on medications for it into high school.

I should clarify, I mean what do you think of its effectiveness, not of the ethics

Are people who want to kill pedophiles murders?

why is add and adhd not real?

Starting to. I'm wanting to meet others that considered transitioning but didn't. I've never met a failed trans person.

The people I've met have similar circumstances to myself and for them it seemed to be a good idea and they all transitioned without regret, but I'm unsure it's for me. I'm also not getting some more intimate detail in regards, they are guarded in their response so I don't think I'm seeing the whole unfiltered truth, just what they want to present.

NLP is bullshit, and every single person on earth (except the autistic) uses congitive behavioral methods of interacting with people. some are just aware of it and others use it completely sunbconsciously.
I would say i manipulate people a bit more than the average bear. in all honesty, it helps in many social situation and well as in helping me get laid.

I was hoping there was a treatment besides HRT and SRS.

i'm assuming you mean "murderers."
if you kill someone as a personal act of moral righteousness, yes. you are a murderer. if you WANT to kill someone, you are not a murderer, but you do need to chill.

not sure if you meant to put a comma in there, but i will answer as best i can.
ADD and ADHD are absolutely real. many individuals find, in adulthood, that they are either to better prevent their symptoms from interfering with life or to use their traits to their advantage.

I will be honest: if/when you decide to transition, things will change. no one and nothing can force you to be anything. you need to know you are safe when you make such a decision.
transitioning will not solve all of your problems, but those problems must be addressed first.

psychotherapy is the best bet. long term, it will help you identify who you are and why you feel like you do.
the more time you spend in an environment in which you are both safe and comfortable, the more it will expand.

Is there no treatment to suppress this? Like lithium for schizophrenia. Just transition or suicide if I can't live with it?

if you are looking to simply suppress what you feel at any given time, a low dose of lithium will do the trick, as well as a VERY low therapeutic dose of clonazepam.
do you currently see a PCP or therapist?

are you looking for medication to just "not feel like you feel?"

Why did I torture a mouse and feel guilty and sad afterwards

Yes, I just want a normal life.

I was seeing a psychologist but I'm dysfunctional socially and have issues making money now. I have a referral to a psychiatrist which will be covered under health care. The psychologist was almost $200/hr so there is pretty good money in it from my point of view.

for lithium, you are going to need to present symptoms of clinical depression, bipolar disorder, SOME schizoid disorder, or some antisocial disorders. i would avoid lithium in all cases except bipolar disorder, as experience has shown me it can cause further depression.
clonazepam, however, can definitely help with anxiety. express to your physician that you have been experiencing anxiety attacks recently. tell him/her your most recent one almost caused you to faint. you will receive a prescription.
it will numb things out, but if that's what you want, all power to you. i would suggest a regular, metered intake as opposed to just popping them when you feel like shit. that's what leads to abuse.

because that's a fucked up thing to do?
how old were you?

when you say "health care" do you mean insurance?


Don't want to invent anything. Wouldn't think it will serve me long term.
It's odd to want to appear feminine and hate your body because it isn't. I know I'm not the first nor will I be the last. Figured there may have been a treatment option when this was considered a mental illness.
I know I thought I was becoming mentally ill which is why I sought medical help a few years ago. My psychologist said to get used to it and it never goes away.
My problem is it appears to be getting worse as I grow older. I found working myself to exhaustion was the only treatment that worked but when it almost killed me I had to take a step back and it's now more difficult to deal with. Severing social ties in order to either transition or end it. Dealing with the psychological pressure is draining and means a life of lies for outward appearance. I'm not sure I'm strong enough to transition but I'm told you have to have a do not care attitude to make it work.
Anyway, thanks. You seem to be legit in your claim anyway since you sound much like my doctors.


NLP did seem too good to be true, and CBT seemed fairly typical, but I've been wanting to find something very interesting

any recommended readings?

I met a guy who had a PhD in Psychology (so he said), and he told me about high self-monitors, as well as some social psychology info.
He mentioned that when walking down a supermarket isle with your cart on one side, another's on the other, walking towards one-another, if you gaze in front of their cart, it messes with them, as people tend to look at the eyes of their peers to see where they're going

I'd love to know more about these things that make people seem so... unaware? Although I guess they're aware of it, and a lot of it is like strategy in that you can predict how people will act/react if you can put yourself in their position... but that's probably more into personalities

That's another thing, to know the keys of a person's personality, the thing that makes them tick. As some observe, others act. As some seek connection, others question the authenticity of any interaction

I'd just like to know anything interesting, so if you have any suggestions that'd be great

How does it feel to be in a profession that is 99% bullshit?

Are murderers who want to have sex with children pedophiles?

i wish you the absolute best. if there is ever a time when you don't think you can make it, remember all the other times you felt that way. nobody feels perfect, but if you can learn to know yourself, you will continue to improve.

take advantage of mental healthcare like you would physical care

Israel and their sayanim and Cheney and the Joint Chiefs.


there are many little tricks you can learn to better understand someone's state of mind and psyche.

anything on body language or cold reading will put useful tools in your pocket.

"The Psychology of Psychics" is pretty cool.

A few tricks:
1. If a person points their toes at you while speaking, they trust you.
2. By asking vague questions and letting a person ramble, they will provide information without solicitation.
3. Alcohol is the ultimate social lubricant
4. For some reason, which i do not yet understand, a disproportionate number of pedophiles are metalheads, the type that wear shirts of band names that are completely unreadable.
5. women are far more open to suggestion than men
6. marijuana and psychedelic use can be a saving grace for some
7. most antidepressants make people more depressed
8. WAY more people are LGBTQ than identify as such
9. conservatives have a greater proclivity towards being sociopaths
10. liberals tend to be more depressed

i would say what i do is about 20% bullshit, but that's where the learning comes in. i take it you've had a bad experience with a mental health professional?