FUCK taylor swift
FUCK taylor swift
hi darcie did you get a job yet
Took me a while to get it.
How do people not even connect this shit, but come to the conclusion it's a slight?
You would have to be pretty obsessed.
who fucking cares
lmao I love every "writer" on twitter that just tweet all day and are somehow amazed that they're unemployed.
I don't get it.
she's dropping the album the same day kanye's mom died
10 year anniversary, specifically
dude, chill, it's fun
honestly though this is a great discovery
is tay-tay really this petty?
I remember that she did something similiar to katy perry.
1 in 365.24 chance that it's a coincidence.
This does nothing but out this Darcie indivdual as a nutcase.
Lmao, i really doubt Taylor is thinking about that.
albums are released on Friday now so it's only 1/52 which is about a 2% chance. allowing that half the year was probably spent making the album, we can raise it to 4%.
the absolute madwoman
All Taylor Swift albums have been released in October-November
This is maybe the biggest reach in recorded human history.
Bitches be crazy.
This is pretty funny, makes me respect Talyor Swift a little
wtf I love Taylor now
So, for once, people can't handle American bantz?
wtf i love taylor now..fuck niggers lmao
big, if true
monkeys losing their shit at the drop of a hat
nigga taylor swift is fucking psycho with her I'm the victim shit
That 'this' is a coincidence, but who knows how many other elements could be interpreted as a slight, the probability of something about this release being unintentionally percieved as a slight is much higher presumably
She's one of the biggest pop stars on the planet. There's no way they did not consider this
>nobody has mentioned "reputation" is in nazi font
oh but there absolutely is
fucking wasted quads
oh fuck you're right
>nazi font
you dumb cunts it's just a classical german font, it's still used in Switzerland, Austria and Germany widely
Guess what, the VW Beetle was brought forward by Hitler, yet people who drive it today aren't nazis.
damn, doesn't Taylor know Nov 10 is a national day of mourning? baka, what a disrespectful and totally uncoincidental move
lol Yeah. Taylor Swift is someone that pays no attention to what Kanye West does.And Kanye doesn't think about Taylor at all either.
He'll be happy to go buy that album on November 10th.
>Taylor Swift is seen as Aryan Goddess for some reason across the internet
>Uses font widely linked to nazism
Stay jaded bro. She also put snakes in the lyric video so it's not like she doesn't know what people are saying about her on the internet.
gonna take a huge dump on November 10th in honor of Donald West RIP
the leaked track list also has a song titled: Rest in piss bitch
lol its not still used widely in austria dumbfuck
lol good fuck kanye
dindu west btfo
WPWW 14/88
Why I still she so perfect Sup Forums Kanye will be back I need the mental ward that week.
>It's Taylor herself who decides when the album is released
You don't seriously believe this, do you?
Nigga the lanky bitch is even dissing kanye on the album of course she decided it.
>Taylor decided who she disses in the lyrics
You don't seriously believe this, do you?
Fuck you TayTay you stupid cum eating whore.
There's exactly 1110 days between Reputation's release date (11/10) and 1989's release date.
Kanye btfo
Holy fuck. There's 1488 days between the day Shake It Off was released and today.
anyone who think Taylor Swift has any say in what day her album is released on is deluded as fuck
it could well have been purposeful but even if it was i doubt Taylor even realises that it's the same day
I think the Trump era has emboldened her, she used to play down her fascist/racist beliefs but now she's actively displaying them. Of course her first move is to emotionally attack a successful black man, she can't stand the thought of it
or its just western civilization and the roman empire making a comeback because westerners dont want to live in a 3rd world country anymore, dont want to be controlled by (((them))), and don't want to be ruled by a kenyan muslim loving nigger
the total solar eclipse few days ago was the first total eclipse over the US since 1776 (i bet your dumb monkey ass will have to google to see what happened that year)
Unironically this
When do you think Taylor will reopen concentration camps to eliminate all the blacks from the music industry?
The_Donald is that way kiddo >>>
Holy shit, how much of a caricature of a Sup Forums's user can you be?
>[shitskin detected]
Explain what's wrong about what user said.
because you're a dumbass who thinks a pop star actually gives a fuck about being a racist. she just wants money
What are you arguing about exactly? You can most certainly want money and also be a racist.
if you were a true racist. you wouldn't accept money from blacks.
that doesn't work at all. slave owners got all of their money from blacks.
and then they started fucking the black females. which ended slavery
they became non racist over time.
>not wanting to make black people even more impoverished by taking their money
I'd say you're not a true racist if you DON'T accept money from blacks
Explain what's wrong with what I said
>some nog died on one out of 365 days
calle Banamex
Citibank banamex*
That's really fucked up
Mhm, no thanks, I prefer English beef.
of course Taylor has a say
You act like she's some kind of slave or retard who blindly lets others determine the trajectory of her career and possibly drive it into the ground. She's the property worth millions, not some label goon making a fraction of that. The labels need her because she brings in the bread. Pop stars have power. Get over it.
just when i thought i couldnt love Taylor any more than i already do
>i felt gross n w/e
why do they talk like that
Kanyempf BTFO
>American bantz?
>doing something to overshadow another person's morning death in their family
This is why other countries think we don't have bantz or any sense of humor.
Kanye pirates stuff like us normal people
Pretentious Twitter handle, definitely posts here.
November 10th may have another meaning for her.
It's her friend Miranda Lambert's birthday.
It's Brittany Murphy's 40th birthday if the illuminati didn't kill her.
I have a bad feeling about all of this.
I think Taylor may end up in the 27 club.
If she dies before December 13th.
her label chooses the release date, morons
You need to be dependant on at least one drug to even get the chance to enter. Is she?
I'm a much bigger Kanye than I am a Taylor fan naturally but I still find myself siding with Taylor here due to the types of people on Twitter who are against her.
She would have more than a say in it, brainlet.
You're retarded if you think this wasn't intentional. The album is called reputation. She disses Kanye on the album. It's released on the day his mom died, arguably the biggest influencing event in his musical and personal life. I know you think she's a fucking precious perfect American sweetheart who can do no wrong and is always innocent, but she's a snake. Say she's ok with Kanye saying he made her famous before, and then fucking him over at the Grammy's.
13 is her lucky lumber
11/10/2017 = 1+1+1+0+2+0+1+7 = 13
Yeah, black cum
i love how she's just owning up to it, the lyrics video has a bunch of snakes in it and the lyrics pretty much state "i'm petty and evil". That's probably why the album is called Reputation in the first place and honestly how is it any different from Kanye's shtick post MBDTF, yall stans need to wake up especially if you think this is not something engineered by both of them to get people talking.
>label does this to generate interest
>it generates interest
They can't keep getting away with this.
Tons of rappers have used that font
>yfw she drops a mixtape on the 20th
Literally retarded?
>man is something that shall be overcome
What the fuck does this mean
it's just like blur vs oasis
That was never a fair outcome, Country House was shockingly shit.
It wasn't versus Wonderwall though, but Roll With It, which is... meh as well
>westerners dont want to live in a 3rd world country anymore
When has this ever been a reality other than immigrant filled places like paris and London
>dont want to be controlled by (((them))),
>don't want to be ruled by a kenyan muslim loving nigger
You realize that donalds daughter, granddaughter and son in law are all Jewish and his senior advisor is a Jewish guy. You also realize that Donald gave billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia in weapons to "combat terrorism". And also the fact that Donald himself has called himself "the best president for Israel".
Abbreviations are key to communicate on Twitter