Can we get a nigger jokes thread going, guys?

Can we get a nigger jokes thread going, guys?


blacks are people.


What does the old McDonald's late night guy have to do with niggers? Because it's supposed to be a black bluesman?

HAH, good one

Why do crows steal? Cause they're black.


A black man and a nigger walk into a police station, a black man walks out.


Nazis only hated jews btw. They actually thought blacks were athletically gifted, 2nd only to the aryan race. they had no racial hatred to blacks.



>nazis only hated jews
2/10 bait




neither of these have to do with niggers stay on topic or leave
they thought they were stupid they wanted to make a labor class out of them.

Nazis hate blacks and Jews; anything wrong with them at all actually; and there ain't anything wrong with thinking that way...




What do yo you if you see a half dead bigger crawling on your lawn? Stop laughing and reload.


As far as I could tell, Hitler didn't want niggers in his country same as the kikes, only difference was that it was easier to solve the nigger problem.

Also, niggers are inferior, kikes are dangerous.


Sure they do, they're totally relevant; a Jew's just another type of Niger; and the other one is about how the Nigers are all against the white men while the white women are so dumb that they support the Niggers... Pull your head out of your ass you dumb ass!


>What's the worst part of being both black AND Jewish?
>They make you sit at the back of the oven

>What's the difference between a nigger and a large cheese pizza?
>the pizza can feed a family for a night

What's the difference between a black man and an elevator ?
The elevator can raise a child.


Why did so many niggers die in the Vietnam War? When someone yelled get down, they got up and danced

>a nigger and a spic are in a car, who is driving?
>the police officer

Why do do they call them black people?
They're not black and they're not people

How do you get a nigger off a tree? Cut the rope

What do you do if you run over a nigger ? Back up

>muh poor downtrodden white man
>I'm a victim
just kill yourself man you don't have to be part of political ideology to hate niggers. Also stop fix your auto correct dictionary so it stops capitalizing nigger and niger

Don't be racist, racism is a crime and crime is for black people.

>racism is a crime

Why are niggers so tall? Because their knee grows


A:did you know you have a nigger in your family tree?
B: no
A: looks like he's been hanging there for a week

Why are niggers so good at playing basketball? Because they know how to run shoot and steal


>why were there only 1800 Mexicans at the alamo?
>they only had 2 pickup trucks

I get it.

Goood for yooouuu. You bes smert.

How do you know if nigger is pregnant? You pulled out the cotton and it already picked

stupid nigger
think before you write

What's the difference between a nigger and a snow tire?
A snow tire doesn't sing when you put chains on it.

No, you're the stupid colored person; Hitler classified all impurities as the same; worthless... Jews and blacks are both just as worthless as one another; read a fucking book you dump fat piece of shit!

What you get at a niggers yard
sale? All your shit back

Too dark for my taste

Moonman racist raps my friend. Look it up.

What's a niggers idea of foreplay?
"Don't scream or I'll cut you, bitch."


Damn, you butchered that joke

What's the difference between black people and cancer? Cancer got (Steve) jobs

What did Abe Lincoln say after a 3 day drunk?
"I set WHO free?"


A nigger and a spic jump off the Empire State Building, who hits the ground first?
Who cares.

What do you call a nigger with a Harvard education?

Did you hear that the KKK bought the movie rights to Roots?
They're going to play it backwards so it has a happy ending.

What's the difference between niggers and pit-bulls?
It's still legal to own a pit-bull.

How do you stop a nigger from going out?
Pour more gas on him.

>roots backwards has a happy ending
All the slaves to back to africa?

because his song was basically a plagiarism of Mac the knife. While not explicitly racist it resonates with edgy kids. It's kinda like how pepe became a "hate symbol". Enough people use a thing in a similar context it comes to be synonymous with that even when removed from that context. Such is the nature of association and symbols.

Sand nigger jokes for bonus points?

How do you lose your white friend?
In the snow.

How do you lose your black friend?
In the dark.

How do you lose your Asian friend?
In the sand.

How do you lose your Arab friend?
In an explosion.

silly user, it's like saying "white chocolate"
we know it's not really chocolate but we say that cause it looks similar to chocolate

What's black and looks like shit?

A black person.

why do blacks have nightmares?
we killed the one with a dream

why dont blacks go on cruises?
they fell for that trick one time...

dont get it

What are three things you can't give a nigger?
A black eye, a fat lip and

Nice almost devil dubs.

Hitler thought all races were inferior to the Aryan race.

But he did not discount their worth.

He made sure to use them to his advantage.

Hence the deals made with the Arabs.

Pure blood niggers are actually black. It's just that American niggers are slightly bleached from slave owners.

What's the difference between a nigger and a bucket of shit?
The bucket






There mere existence is a joke in of it's self.


The nigress is alone (single parent) ...




Actually Lincoln wasn't the hero all blacks think he is.

>He freed the slaves in hopes they would not fight for their masters against the union.
>He wanted to send them all back to Africa and even moved to create the country Liberia from a US territory. Most blacks wanted to stay in the US.

What game do minorities love to play?
Call of Eviction, Modern Welfare 2.

I'm not laughing

Equal opportunity here

A young boy asks his dad: "Why do they say gardeners have green thumbs when their fingers aren't green?"

Dad replies: "It's just a saying son. It's like when somebody is caught stealing something they say they have been caught red handed, even though their hands are actually black."

A Lincoln with 4 niggers goes over a cliff. Why is that a bad thing?
A Lincoln will seat six.

Did we actually sell that here? I want one


Why did the nigger wear a tuxedo to get a vasectomy?
He said, "If I'm gonna be impotent, I wanna look impotent"

What do you get when you cross a nigger with an octopus?
An eight row cotton picker.
