Post jenny

post jenny

Other urls found in this thread:



who is this goddess?

no clue posting her hoping for more










somebodys gotta have something on her

Hold on a second, is it jewish??

duh, just look at her with those black guys

Jokes on you all, because I have her phone number.

why is the joke on me? Give me the phone number. There is no joke.


Roll dubs to this reply and I will

Jenny's got man-face dog, are you guys gay or something?

Or roll dubs to this one

Roll dubs in reply to this reply and I'll post her phone number. My dubs do not count. Don't check em.

why you lookin at her face homo

This will not be dubs because I have willed it so. We do not negotiate with faggots, I repeat, we do not negotiate with faggots. just give the number. you will receive no rolls and no power

Because her man-jaw just jumps out and tries to scare me...

Replying to a reply about a reply for replies. Rolling for more replies

lets see how much of a faggit this guy is

Fuck. Trips so soon.

No fun.

Jenny 867-5309

nice area code fuck face what the fuck am I supposed to do with that.
>posts this shit

trolled softly

You're black!

jokes on you cunt lips
Now I know shes from Fl

How dare you say your manly "girl" is more sexy than a red head like Dolly Little? OP IS GAY WITH AIDS!

>expecting an area code for Jenny
>such a newfag

I am probably the gayest person who ever lived.
I am literally fucking retarded
I am autistic
How can I be so blind