Future isn't so bleak after all


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I believe in you, Eruope.

anything less than jobbik is a waste

>only 4%
It was at 16% last time I checked

fucking shill get out

Swedish nationalist party called Sweden Democrats

same for France, it's like 25%. depend on how they count and what they consider national election

>most recent national elections
Accounts for several years ago for some countries. Get your numbers up-to-date before misinterpretating information.

> Switzerland leading country as always.


>mixing together Sweden Democrats or Austrian Freedom Party which are libertarias with maybe a little bit of patrotism and Jobbik or Our Slovakia which are full blown neo-fascists

>Sweden democrats
>True finns

Socialists could have just stopped with giving productive citizens' money to wastrels and supporting sjw shit and maintained power over pussified EU States indefinitely but being the self (and nation) destroying idiots they are, they chased the migrant and feels vote and imported incompatible chaos. This is the equal opposite reaction to restore the equilibrium somewhat.


elite tier:
Our Slovakia
Golden Dawn

shit tier:
everyone else

PVV is heading towards 35% now.

it's 10% too much

>Ukrainian fascist party is called "Freedom"
>Russian fascist party is called "Liberal democratic party"
>Austrian nationalists are called the "Freedom party"

And the list goes on

>Feels good to be us.

More like 30%


We need to stop playing by the rules

They're a separatist party, ffs

hungary cucked only cause of their loss of land to the gypsos

>We're not on the list with our right wing nationalistic pro-nazi party


>true finns get 18%
>finally get to be part of the government
>instantly betray all their promises
>let 100 000 sandniggers in the country

it's hopeless

Yeah, but with a 80% participation it could be very different.

>Ukrainian fascist party is called "Freedom"
>not Duty
If KEK's wills it like this, then so be it.

Duty were a bunch of uptight buttfucking fags. all hail the Monolith

the pendulum swings back and forth

europe has been invaded by hunns, by arabs, by mongols, by ottoman turks

future has seemed a lot bleaker before

I don't think so, my guess is that it would be more or less the same. Besides we will never have a 80% participation so it is kinda moot

>he compares military invasion to immigration wave

>Europe'ssituation isn't bleak.
>This is bleak

Wake me up when people are getting murdered. That's when you know shit has gone horribly wrong.

They dropped the >muh north thing a long time ago.

They're mostly against gypsies and immigrants now.

Here you go.



Their manifesto still says that their intention is the indipendence of so called nation of "Padania".
I won't vote for them until they remove that part.


France is 'more advanced' in the crisis so it'll probably be the first to fall and recover. Sweden, on the other hand, will fall and probably fail to recover.

in both cases europe was in danger
millitary invasion slightly more dangerous, but still

Swedish democrats are going to need above 30% to make any difference. As it stands now the general public still believes they are Hitler reincarnated. As soon any of the parties that created this mess hints that they may do [insert ineffective measure here that already exists but isn't enforced] SD loses 3-4%. They will get around 17-20% next election but that is also where their journey ends. People are just too stupid.

Unfortunately for you, the Danes aren't that stupid.

European nations will be brought down by neighbors, not refugees, in this refugee crisis.

>France is 'more advanced' in the crisis so it'll probably be the first to fall and recover.
France have their colony legacy. They like Britain are fucked due to their immigration from colonies policies.
>Sweden, on the other hand, will fall and probably fail to recover.
What will happen in Sweden is increased public debt, taxes and a declining public service. Sweden is turning into a soviet member state near the collapse of the soviet union. It will be like boiling a frog to death. When the other doing good junkies figures out what's up and reality hits them straight in their heads the other of us have already gtfo.

>Unfortunately for you, the Danes aren't that stupid.
According to OP pic 79% in Denmark still want immigration.

Participating in the votes should be enforced by law. I can't understand why some people won't vote. They can vote blank if they want

Polls are up to around 25 percent now for SD

You should have learned by now.
Hungary, Orbán and his party Fidesz: 65%
Jobbik is just talking, and they are incompetent.

At least vote a right wing coalition party and not for the M5s meme party.
Ps: seriously, nobody gives a shit about indipendence anymore
t. padano

Here more people voting usually means stronger support for the communist party and socialists. A low election participation is often a good thing here.

>tfw you are part of the masterrace

Feels great

When the state collapses mismanagement, you become effectively Weimar Germany circa ~1923. Killing people will become a practical possibility after the State goes broke from failing to uphold its welfare obligations.

Hitler was smart enough to realize that while the Weimar state kept pushing Welfare, he could just simply kill off the opposition because the Weimar state was too financially incompetent to maintain a security force.

I'm going to stop here, but understand it's absolutely terrifying what to expect next. But if Stockhold DOES go insolvent, expect groups like the Sons of Odin to begin thinking about waging warfare on political oppositions rather than electoral contests. (Don't know the Swedish equavilent.)

As in, they kick down your door for being a suspected member of the Greens, stab you to death, and then move on to the next groups.

The future is so bright, we won't need eyes to see it.

Also we can't trust the polls published by the medias, if the gov want use to vote left they will only say the right is on suicide watch and can't be elected no matter what

well maybe but French people fought and died for us to be able to vote and most people I know of that don't vote are fucking mudshit and niggers. this piss me of so fucking much

You're right, it would be higher

Monolith is Muslim-tier fuck off

Duty is where heart is at.

>expect groups like the Sons of Odin to begin thinking about waging warfare on political oppositions rather than electoral contests. (Don't know the Swedish equavilent.)
These type of groups consists mostly of criminals that never held a job. Only criminals would associate with them and nowadays 9 out of 10 violent criminals are either from the Balkan or middle east. The total count of neo nazis count less than 1000 people. It will probably be the other way around. Getting killed for not supporting Dragan and his crew.

>millitary invasion slightly more dangerous
HAHAHA back then maybe.
In this day and age the migration wave is the stronger weapon.

Alright...if you say so.

If financial collapse happens, and the state loses it's monopoly on coercion, and the Swedes don't form their own militias, then the criminals will be the ones who will inevitably become the State.

Alternatively, if the State maintains its coercion even during the crisis (which IDK how likely that it'll play out like Venezuela,) then the military will turn against the government leading to nonviolent revolution.

Regardless. There is a reason why France will survive this and Sweden won't.

I find talking about the future absolutely degenerate. We are in for bad times whether led by the populist right or globalist left.

>tfw elections are next month.
>tfw no good party to vote to.

East Germany named itself German Democratic Republic

I wouldn't complain,


T. Republican.

Gas yourself tripfag

Sweden uses a strong central power scheme. There are no state specific laws or self governing. The municipals have some self governing regarding public spending but not much outside zoning. And even then the central government may choose to do what they want.

The military will more likely fire at their own population than the government. Up until the 80s or 90s the military had a manual "FAVO" for upholding internal order. It basically said aim at the lower part of the front line in a crowd. Hand grenades are encouraged because of their deterring effect. Tanks should be used as soon as possible because of their demoralizing effect on the crowd.

The manual also suggests it may be a good idea to open fire before anything happens to prevent riots from happening. And the use of close air support is also recommended for crowd control.

Basically when the government deems the military is necessary to uphold order either a civil war have broken out or will after the first engagement.


Get out

It doesn't ever turn out like this. Ever.

Here are three complications right off the bat.

>Generals will be incentized to use the chaos to take control from the political establishment.
>Soldiers will get cold feet and will decide not to fire especially in fiscal insolvency cases.
>The military may find itself under pull by a powerful figure (Think Boris Yeltsin) who would pull significant factions.

Look. Money makes the world go round. Without money, the state loses its security apparatus. Guaranteed. The soldiers literally starve while trying to uphold law and order. Of course the military would win in any kind of conflict, but what I'm describing is something that's only abstract because you've probably never read about situations like this.

The CORRECT answer is to MAINTAIN Fiscal Solvency at ALL times to PREVENT shit like this from HAPPENING. The Demographics shifts, however, are creating fiscal insolvency, which is why I'm all in to Make America Great Again.

But this even assumes that the 'crowds' will be Swedes. Imagine if these crowds are ISIS. How then will the Swedish government respond to their own demise? And honestly, I can't imagine the Nordic neighbors standing idle from a situation like this.

It's harder to get people to pull the trigger than it is to get them to shoot straight.

Jake Featherson please go

The "True Finns" party are traitors and cucks of the worst kind. They have pretty much turned on every policy that got them into parliament and give 0 shits about the country now that their leader is a EU-minister and drives around in a new Audi. It fucking infuriates me that people still vote for them after this shit.

I don't think you understand how deeply rooted our political system is in every public function in this state. The military is political playground for the leadership and they are all members of established parties. Swedes have grown up for generations believing the government is your father that looks out for you. People still have this disillusion even today.

But as I said by the time we need the military to uphold public order we are already in a civil war. The military we have isn't built to be a policing force. When they are used it's because the police force can't uphold public order anymore. The current strategy though seems to be to leave no-go zones to themselves. Which seems to be leading strategy in the entire western Europe.