Will this be her Yeezus?


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Yeah, because when you hear it, you'll say "Yeezus Christ, what the fuck is this crap?"


First single is literally a standard pop song.
Boring, vain drivel.

Yeezus Christ, that was awful.

My question is, why the fuck are pop stars (Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, etc.) so pretentious about their music? Who do they think they're fooling? Here's she's putting on some kind of Liam Gallagher "I think I'm a cool hipster person" thing and it just looks silly to me.

>here's she's

here she's, fuck

It will be her "I Love You Yeezus Christ"

did you think this was funny or clever

Oy vey. The humorless goyim crawls out from where he came from yet again...

More industrial. More abrasive. Shamelessly corny.

Ask Max Martin and the underpaid sound engineers making the beats, they are the ones writing the album anyway

nah it's her life of pablo

It's going to be her "Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven"

Cap it.

I didn't even think about it, I just post whatever comes to my head and hope it turns out alright

>its on spotify
Is Tidal dead?

Holy shit. Just heard that first track and this is humiliating if she thinks this is a "dark turn" or some kind of savage diss.

She looks 15 years too late to Avril Lavigne style pop-punk on the album cover.

it's not a good cover, but this isn't a good comment.

I am seriously wondering what her angle here is. Is she supposed to be tough? Edgy? The newspaper text is so deep too. It so dated. I wasn't trying to be comedic...that's the vibe I get when I look at it.

Some listened to Converge's Jane Doe once...

I think it's some kind of projected image like in Blanck Space

Contrary to popular opinion, the chorus is the best part

this is definitely going to show up in some cringe thread

summer pls

Will it give me boners?

Yeezus is Kanye's Red



is this her "woke" album?

Sweet Yeezus

>sweet, innocent, "wholesome" pop star suddenly goes dark and edgy
oh wow, haven't seen this one before

>will taylor swift release a good album?
No. Her music is pop trash and she isn't particularly talented. Industry plant

Slutty =/= edgy

Look at all these butthurt Katy fans. At least Taylor still knows how to make a pop song.


assblasted Taylor fans


Look at this beta

>Theres no melody and no baseline
Sheesh what a pleb

>musical knowledge

pick one

swish, swish, bish

swish swish might be the worst song + video combination I've ever seen

it's a good song without the video meme
listened to it on spotify and it's good

>mfw the single is unironically good

>The font
Why does she keep using nazi imagery if she dones't want to be identified as one?


Taylor swift looks like that?

tss tss FAWK YEAH!

chip...nice dubs

I bet it's gonna be like, 14 diss tracks with weak insults where she refuses to swear *just in case* if she attempts to go back to her good girl image after this.

>the old taylor is dead

w-what did she mean by this?

Is she coming out as alt-right?

The video is just an attempt to get as many celebrity cameos as they could possibly arrange in while trying to force memes to make it go viral. The song sucks ass but the video is just completely unwatchable. Bonus points for the memes interrupting the song all the time.


What the fuck is wrong with her face?

Will someone fill me in on the narrative the single art is trying to convey?

draft day
johnny manziel