>So, user, how's your dream of being a famous musician coming along?
So, user, how's your dream of being a famous musician coming along?
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About as good as your coding, karlie
I don't have a dream about that, I think you got confused
Wait for winter and I'll produce fire instrumentals.
my mom says my shit's tight
this but directed at my fuck of an ex gf
Producing is the true dream.
To melt the snow away?
I'll so be famous!
I got 700 listeners it's a start
That was not my dream to start with, you whore
i've recorded a funk rock album that will never be released along with some other bsides with my band(im the founder of it and only one in it), 1 solo avant garde album on my 4track that will also never be released in my spare time, and have written around 14 songs for my next album that i will start recording in studio in september that also will never be released. i did all this since the end of January this year. also i have never preformed live even though i've been playing insturments for 8 years, but once i did post one of my songs on reddit and got 40 upboats so im good
I compose all the time, the only thing is, noone wants to hear it...
I want to!
release pls
I don't want to be famous, but I do want to be influential. I am also willing to admit that this will never happen
only thing online right now, and old as well
>being a famous musician
hot news: it sucks ass
the only "song" i've uploaded. an instrumental heavly inspired by John Frsuciante hence the picture
i'll get there. just gimme a bit i'm recording
that's pretty great
I think you should keep making music and releasing your stuff no matter what, someone will always like it
I'm in an up-and-coming indie rock band that's been on the rise for a few years now. We have a support tour coming up that we're really excited about. I will never be famous, but I enjoy playing to lots of people and meeting fans who're genuinely impacted by the songs.
Nice arrangements, but do you have any originals?
not online. The only original parts are the modulations, which I spent the most time on. I wanted to do something like Reger's variations, which I really like
The good thing about variations is that you have an immediate purpose. Creating your own stuff just for the fun feels wierd, I'm waiting that someone gives me an assignment someday
>I'm waiting that someone gives me an assignment someday
Make a song that sounds like walking through abandoned streets of a metropolis at night.
I suck at writing lyrics. I'm thinking more of making music for a students' film project or a video game
u need to sing
I don't mean vocal music. I call OST tracks "songs" too, even if they're instrumentals.
[spoiler]I make movies. I'd love to hear what you make.[/spoiler]
not comfortable doing it yet
what kind of movies do you make? do you have something online?
I'm currently into somewhat experimental (although not entirely non-narrative) stuff, mainly because it allows me to emphasize my creativity more than my lack of budget. I'm looking to get into more conventional movies in the future.
I don't have anything online right now, but to be honest, I'm not entirely comfortable posting my stuff on Sup Forums.
However, if you're really interested, send me an email at [email protected] (not my real name).
Hi Morten
where are you located?
Near Amsterdam
nice, I'm from Germany. I have friends who study with Wim Wenders in Hamburg
My dream already came true when I found you.
h-hows that for my pick-up line guys...
If she asks you that she probably already knew you.