Nirvana thread?

Just got into them and holy crap I can't stop listening to them, I love nearly all of their songs


In Utero > Unplugged > Bleach > Nevermind

Incesticide > the rest

I fucking love In utero because of the drumming, it's probably a meme song but Heart shaped box had one of my favorite drum sets ever

In Utero>Incesticide>Nevermind>Bleach
>but muh fuzz
the songwriting isn't there like only later releases, the only great song is a cover

Best band EVER!
All the albums are great, the good thing is that you will be interested in Nirvana's influences, so you will discover a lot of great music :)

Breed is the best song off Nevermind

This. I discovered Meat Puppets through them and loved it too.

Incesticide > Bleach > In Utero > Unplugged > Nevermind

Scentless Apprentice is my favorite song.

>*walks up to microphone*
>*plays guitar poorly*
>*emits whiny screeching voice with lyrics 12 year olds can relate to*
>*throws in some sighs as improv*

Nirvana songs everyone

envy, everyone

oh I forgot

>*says something mean spirited to fans at concert or does something that shows a disregard for fans*
>*fans cheer*

GG Allin showed his tiny pecker and shat on stage. What's your point?

You'll get tired of them after you graduate jr. high

>"Moomm! They're liking things I don't like on the internet agaaiin!!"

>all this underaged liking nirvana
>all this people who just finnished high school and pretend to be adults
Where are the adults who like nirvana

Hairspray Queen is unironically my favorite Nirvana song.


Remember when grunge threads were derailed with shitposting for being pleb

I really like Big Long Now.

Yes! Definitely one of the most underrated Nirvana songs.

It really sucks we will never get a studio version of Do Re Mi. That melody is amazing.

This because everyone who likes nirvana doesn't know shit about good music and are typically underageb&

Once you listen to more music you will see that they are not as good as you thought they were

Supposedly there's a more fleshed out version with Pat, that's yet to be released.

Childhood is liking Nirvana because Kurt is "soooo relateable" and you're parents don't understand you
Maturing is disliking Nirvana because it's whingy music for children
Full maturation is realising Nirvana were always pretty good

I hope you didn't miss the message in In Bloom, Op
Also Bleach and Nevermind in NY are the best albums.

This is me at 14

And now you're 15. Come back in another three years

>trying to be cool
>nevermind sucks

I'm 21!!!! I didnt say it in a bad way!!!! I was just telling you about my life!!!!!

you'll get over it just as easiliy as you got into it because its really shallow and cheap music.

Post some music that isn't shallow or cheap then? Take your time

Milk It it's a 10/10 song