
I'm writing some Half Life fanfiction, what would be some bomb-ass stuff to have in Gordon's adventure?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yiff in hell fur fag


maybe a gravity gun


What if Sonic went to prison?

Have Gordon feed a Barnacle his crowbar, and the Barnacle bites down and kills itself.

I want to thank you furrys.
Because of you i learned about bad dragon and holy shit janine is the best fucking masturbator i ever got aswell as the dildos those are awesome as well


He's not in Xen or on Earth right now though.
He's trying to repair the Borealis because he tried to destroy it but one thing lead to another and now he, Alyx, and that entire fuckhuge ship have crash landed on a planet in a different universe.

A small planet with a thick atmosphere, and weird aliens.


I wish I had a Lovense Max so I could have sex with my girlfriend

This might be more recent.
Either way, any VBA-M is more recent than VBA.

Checked. Already downloaded the latest release from GitHub.

Hope you enjoyeeeeee. How else is like going?

Another alternative:

But I hear the best things about VBA-M.

I wish I was good at lucid dreaming.
This world that Gordon is on actually looks really cool, especially at sunset, and it'd be awesome to take a tour of it.

I think I'll stick to VBA-M thanks. It seems to be working well enough.





ooooorr... not
Save states often don't work and crash the game. RIP.

Really? Weird. I didn't know. As I said, I don't emulate GBA often. Oops. Weird, I thought i used a version of VBA-M that didn't do that.

iunno man uwu


Well, no matter what emu you use, even if you switch back to VBA, make sure FireRed's actual save system works before you play much.




I was able to switch to mGBA pretty easily because it recognised my save game from VBA-M. Yippie. I'll see how stable this one is.

Stop spamming this shit, promofag


he is never going to stop lol

Ahh, that's good.







I need a scientist name for my story

Dr. Doctor



It was alright.













Hello fik, rabbie, ethereal.



might a well post this bird

i should breakfast

Nice bird.






Why, user?





feral > disney

pancakes and a smoothie

diarrhea in 3...2...1...

Sounds good but complex. Overly complex for breakfast.

how do you feel about triple talaq

my poops are fine.
pancakes are easy
smoothie is just, throw a bunch of fruit in a blender

Where's her other eye? Ones there the others just white...


Easy, but takes more than ten seconds to make. I'd be happy to make pancakes for multiple people, even if it was just me and one other, but to make pancakes for a single person, me? No way.

You better not!
Do you prefer feral or anthro?

why the fuck did I just read that


I like both, but for art, I prefer anthro.

Just not Disney eh? Don't like your childhood being corrupted?


its been years since i was a regular poster in these threads

Well, you know until I recently began looking at pokemon threads I wasn't into r34 at all. And n'aww, not too worried about Disney. Disney anatomy just sucks.
Sent you an email with details.





how y'all doin?

Decent, gonna grill pork on a propane barbecue. It'll be tasty. As for you, piggu?

gonna go over to my aunt's house in a bit to do some plumbing work, then come home and play vidya

breakfast was good
i have about an hour and a half before i gots to go to work.
should be a good/decent/average day

I think its winking

i've been unemployed since basically last year, not for lack of trying