I see that she is needed

I see that she is needed
I need her

I think I am too small to realize her

I am afraid of sharing her

I want to have the control

I want to use her

I am afraid of the consequences

A plan is forming
Show them who I am

How I see

Become someone

The Plan grows bigger than the idea

I begin writing a text to change people

To do this I tear myself to pices in the search of myself

I come to a point where I think I can't get deeper

The parts of the text which go about this point I post on an anonymous internet platform

The reactions I see seem all to belong to me.

Even if they on the outside belong to something completely different.

I need help

Around me forms an organization

They are there to help likely minded people which are standing before the cliff

They watch over them before you even know they are there

But it goes about a topic that hurts
So you only speak about it when you know the other person knows it too.

So you don't hurt someone

The game Reality V Fantasie begins

(i just lost)

I got 2 psychosis out of this

so ask me anything

are you okay user

yeah learned so much about me since then its now 1 and a half years since this happend

i have crazy phases but often i can enjoy them

yeah a lot of crazy things happen to me since then and I'm still not sure how much i am building up myself or how much is real.

i often feel like some people now something more about reality as others

and i mean there are so many subgroups how claim that to themselfs (artist for example)

are you alright?

I am apppreciating this.


What can we do to help user.

There is love here, if you feel you can receive it

hmm to help atm nothing spezial im feeling fine

i can post the basis concept of the idea i had if you want


i#m open for questions

to the rescue

Seems like a girl has got you troubled.

What’s your standing with her?
I’m interested in your headspace and what seems to be free associative thoughts.

Are you with us user? Are you present?

partly im switching

not exactly one girl more the girl in every human or something like this xD

but then i meet a girl and yeah i always thought i have nothing be for a other person

and also am afraid of the responsobilities which i thought come with a deeper bond in regards to change a person

a better smartphone & a laptop would be great

also al ONe

and a spezial Heil MoOtr

or some questions also would be nice i`want input/output running atm

or if the hakkors on here a good enough

find me

Looking for your significant otter ?

yea who not

(blödes captcha ich bin ein Robotter hihihuhuha)

why not this

drah di net um