Got any series that somehow resembles dexter?

Got any series that somehow resembles dexter?
Preferably main char is against the police,doing something illegal,etc.

PS:Already wathcing breaking bad


Give Nip/Tuck a try. Shady ass plastic surgeons.

I watched mr.robot until season 2 episode 4.

Was bored out of my mind and it felt like a job to sit and watch more.Maybe someday i will continue

>devil trips
nip tuck looks pretty cool

Hannibal is pretty close

Hannibal the tv series feels pretty similar in my opinion


THIS 100%

> (OP)

if you are a fat pig i would reccomend watching the jodi arias lifetime movie

I like House of Cards for the reason that the main character talks to the audience. It reminded me of Dexter in that way

Hannibal S2 is the best T.V I've ever seen.

Obviously Blacklist !

Dexter's Laboratory
The protagonist has the same name.

Hannibal tv series was great

Burn Notice is good. It's campy cable TV but there's enough guns, T&A, and Bruce Campbell to keep you coming back. Plus I like the way it ended way better than Dexter.

Also Justified I recommend as well just because of the way Boyd talks and because "the Hillbilly with the snaaaaaakes" always makes me lose it.

I second The Blacklist, each episode feels like a movie.



banshee - small town. big secrets.

Ha ha ha

Holy shit!


The Shield
The Sopranos

my nigga

Also The Wire