
Continue thread

Continue pushing into Unity's land going for their resources and cities.

Take Cagliari, spill to Tunis please. Thankyou.

cede all my land to Vlad
if not let Isreal take it

Get Calais, lets rekt Hitler

expand further into egypt, taking alexandria and cairo

Continue filling Ukraine

OP, what the fuck is that piece of National Unity doing in Osterlinsk?

Also, take Hanover, and continue reinforcing all around

Grab the city of Cluj-Napoca , then take Munchen

If any spills take Nurnberg

>check 'em

holy fugg check em
use my spills to take kirkuk in iraq and take all the cities in egypt and north africa, also take that one city in jordan near the red sea

Take Erevan and Tbilisi

If spills , Take Sofia as well

Attack Cuckfederacy!

Head Southwest for Taters! Use remaining points to reinforce cities and resources.

>Mfw the Anglos conquered the Normans

Attack Cuckfederacy once more.

Want alliance vs Hitler(green territory in Belgium and Netherlands)?

Oh, forgot trip, thought I cancelled previous post.

OP, last mupdate I asked you to first take the Wheat and Lyon, then reinforce... You forgot it and now I do not have those bonuses. If you think it will be reasonable, give me the +3 this round, it was not my mistake.

Now take the WHEAT and LYON and reinforce them. THEN head to FES, attack green and take the city. If ANY spills, SAIL from BALEARIC islands to ALGER, and take it.

Take munchen and Lyon
Spills reinforce Milano and the new gained spills
Further spills head for Paris

user, are you attacking me?
I already took Lyon. Back off if you dont want immediate war.

I already took Munchen lad

Find another direction to go


Lad, seeing as Russia left last round (>) and OP won't allow ceding, we're probably going to have to divide up his land.

Don't touch Belarus, and we are good

Sounds good

That's fine. I'm heading south anyway

No , i don'twant to attack anyone
Just take Lyon then reinforce

Orthodox and Confederacy has to claim it.
The first one to gets it.


I'll take the land.

Closer to me than it is to him anyways.

I told you not to take Lyon, I am willing to fight for it with everything I have.


Nice wasted GET senpai


Continue pushing into Unity's lands.

Prioritize taking their cities and resources.

Reinforce my Western and Northern border

Go and take that Potato near Russia's land, then take Helsinki.

Spill is used for general land reinforcement

Defend if attacked. First reinforce Wheat and Lyon. Then, sail from Balearic Islands to Alger, take it, and expand South taking the oil and sheep.

Continue filling Ukraine, then use spills to go to take Bessarabia

Finish off Carthage and take over Constantine.

Tbilisi plz
After that , Sofia

Take Next City to the west, reinforce and defend if attacked.

Attack Cuckfederacy!

take the city in jordan, fill jordan and israel, and then fill egypt, taking the cities

303 palindrome

If we draw a limit to our expansion in Constatine (means you take everything from Cosntantine to the east), I would be glad to sign a NAP with your empire.

I will do so. I don't want to end up fighting you.

Is this good lads?


Let's get rid of the pressure of a possible attack and sign a NAP?

I was never intending on attacking anyways.

Would you like to sign an alliance?

Austria breaks the alliance with the National Unity

We have no interest in being allied with failures who can't even command an army

Sure, why not, seeing as your only ally has left.

Sure! But I'm leaving in 30 minutes.


Would you rather ally with someone who can command their armies?

I will gladly join forces with your empire and conquer the world.

Not right now, I'd like to keep my options open

How the fuck did the Brotherhood of Nod get obliterated?

Double penetrated from both sides.
Also, Mupdate

Bucuresti desu

Fill Tunisia and head for Tripoli.

Why the fuck I keep losing? do i have a penality i wasn't informed?

Anyway, recover lost territory and reinforce everything next to London

Austria was a backstabbing jew-cunt.

Continue steamrolling through Unity, taking their resources and cities.

Final Roll
Head South. Spill anywhere unclaimed.

Defend if attacked. Take the Oil and sheep in northern africa and spills to take the iron in north west Africa

fill that little hole in jordan, take libya and it's cities, if spills take the city in southern egypt

Fill in the gap between the Potato and Saint Petersberg. Then head into Denmark.
Spill is used for more general reinforcement.

Are you going to kill me O'mighty Jew?

Attack the Romans, take Venezia and if possible Firenze. Gotta get that Austrian Empire clay

It's not a backstab if we were never friends

Will you cede Moscow to me so I may be able to reunite the 3 Slavic Sister capital cities?

Or face a possible 2 v. 1 war to liberate Moscow?

Can I redirect my roll to defence? Austrians waited for me to roll to Jew me.

Fill Ukraine and Moldova, then head into Belarus

Attack the Romans with me and I'll give you Roman Africa and all the Mediterranean islands

No redirecting cunt

Fucking Austrians always fucking shit up.

Yes, take Moscow, I seek to keep relations with my fellow East Europeans peaceful.

>No redirecting cunt
I was asking the OP. Not the Jew.

Redirecting ruins the whole element of surprise

Ayyy thanks!

OP, I have been ceded Moscow

The element of surprise simply lies in you being slow to reply to the OP. It is real time retardation.

This was me

I have nothing to win by fighting Romans, I will respect my NAP with them

how do you propose we split africa?

OP may not be counting your bonus because you do not indicate it

Nothing to win except a +5 bonus and a competitor for the world stage eliminated

I am going to be busy fighting Austrians so you can take as much as you wish without me getting in your way. I only have that bit in Tunisia and Algeria.

You don't have to split anything with him, in fact take all his African territories if you wish. I don't need them


We had a NAP.

March to Firenze and take it over. If possible take over Rome

Absolutely not

expand towards and take tripoli and almarj in libya, without attacking roman, if spills take kirkuk and fill white territories

Continue taking out Unity.

Also annex the city north of Moscow and move to take Turku

Attack the Austrians.

Attack the Holy Orthodox Empire

S-Sorry lad ;-;

Take Nurnberg, then the rest of unclaimed Germany

Gotta go now. Thanks for the game! I'll check on this game later to see how it all turned out. Consider my lands in active or if OP allows, have someone play as Cimmeria.

Good day.

Defend if attacked, use all force to attack Vlad in this order, take cities I list:
Then use the rest to reinforce all territores in the east.

Yes we did, stop denying it you jew. Doesn't work that way, you asked for Lub in response for me asking for an NAP. Sounds like bartering for a deal. You didn't outwright state "No NAP, but gib Lub" therefore the benefit of the doubt lies with me.