I just want to share a pic of my cock. No homo

I just want to share a pic of my cock. No homo

your cock is fucked up

i'd suck it, no homo

What's wrong with it

Ill join mate

Is it ok?

Could I sit on it while screaming "no homo, no homo"?

that thing looks damaged, dude

damn that's a long cock

Ok but I'll close my eyes

You poor, poor bastard being mutilated as a child. I feel sorry you will never be able to enjoy sex in its entirety nor will you be able to pleasure a girl to the best of your ability :( sad circum boi

contributing too, no homo

may i present, the worst dick of all time

full homo


Length and width?

you're just jealous he has a very nice looking cock and the superior curve everyone envies

any pics with the head covered?

7.2 x 5.7

I prefer my cock being fully-functional and intact tbh.

solid 10/10



doesn't mean shit if your dick has a weird shape...aesthetically speaking, an upward curve like that is THE MASTER RACE...to bad im not apart of it. the pain

Any cock slut have a kik? No homo

pickle rick, my dick looks like shit


aw i think it looks ok

lmfao ill never be this though and it hurts bc i knw no one in their right mind would get excited seeing this in person, even tho my size is ok


I'd rather be able to experience a proper nutt tbh, pointless it looking good if you can't deliver.

this is an example of the superior master god race of the universe and all time and all should bow before it

I shoot like no one's business and I'm cut. You just gotta know what you're doing

i actually kind of like it...

that's the point...I meant to say no one gets excitd seeing the picture i was talking about...of the weird looking dick...tht dick the girl is sucking is the god dick

just to clarify...you like the dick the girl is sucking right?