You have 10 seconds to name a better fast food restaurant than Wendy's

You have 10 seconds to name a better fast food restaurant than Wendy's.

Literally anything

My kitchen.

Also correct.

4 lanterns

oh yea?

you need to learn what the word "literally" means

in Australia wendys dont make food only shitty hotdogs , icecream and milshakes

ITT: Guy assumes everyone in the world is American

Fucking DickMonalds, of course


Can't be done


Jack in the Box

Just to start you off faggot


Five guys

Looks delicious

Never ate there though

Never been to USA

I don't know. In Germany we only have Mc Donalds and Burger King and both tastes like chemical shit instead of burger

>My Kitchen

Hardees/Carls Jr

thats disgusting

Yeah, they're pretty bad. Worked there half a year, quit because of how fake their stuff actually is. It's insane. Five Guys, Don and Millie's (my personal favorite), hell, White Castle is better. McDicks and BurgerShit are awful

I'm actually gonna go out and get some Don and Millies to go right now. Cheers

Elevation Burger, Five Guy's, In n Out, Subway, fucking McDonalds for crying out loud

You broke motherfucker.

Taco Bell / Abry's ( Maybe)

yeah the Nazis Didnt like that Ginger Bitch Wendy

Does In n Out Burger count? Let's just say it does.

im literally leaving and driving to wendys because of this pic

Shake Shack
Five Guys

Those damn Jews at Five Guys don;t have combos.

Five guys.
>Under five seconds.

Captcha: Grant Selector
