Muh heritage thread?

Muh heritage thread?

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>iberisk 10,2%

You know that You will be considered to be a nigger by your own folk, right?

I don't know how to do this, you have to pay for a service right? Seems like a waste of money to me, like something made for americans. My grandmother can remember talking to her grandmother about her grandmother and I don't think they moved from the same place in like 300 years. What can this test tell me?

But muh Roman and Greek heritage tho?

It tells you what you see here, and it finds people with matching DNA It's like 600kr. If your curiosity is high enough, I guess it's somewhat worth it.

Iberian=/ greek and Roman

Iberian tribes were something totally different from the rest of european tribes. They spoke a non-indo european language hence they were not indo-european. They were here before the celts ever existed. Welcome to the non-white club :^)

im offing myslef

just fucc my shit up fãm

Having blood of one of the oldest tribes in Yurop> WE WUZ VIKANGS AND SHIET.

> just 27% of iberian blood
> almost 40% of shitalian blood

You should kill yourself.

Hmm, maybe I should read a bit about muh Iberian ancestors then

>implying I'm ashamed of having the blood of Alexander and Augustus flow through me.
Oh poor Spaniard...

Maybe OP is from Bergen or some place nearby

I am from bergen?

Or somewhere around there. In the old days Spandiards used to be there dealing wine for dry cod.

Hmm, interesting. Thanks kompis

>Not having the blood of Viriato, the sons of Numancia or the blood the great Argantonio.


>Sucking invasor´s cock

An invasor is an invasor. Shitalians and kekeece are invasors. We should have killed all the south Italians as revenge.

and the portuguese too


>average Australian.jpg

I bet you're slightly above average height, slender and with curly brown hair.

What do I win?

what company is (OP)'s pic related through? thanks

yes, yes and yes

kek, well done m8. might as well guess my eye colour while you're at it

thankfully i already knew about the south asian, my colonialist ancestor in the British Raj got his mistress pregnant, i can almost say this with certainty

>10.2% south european


hello my white brothers

So you're part Asian, which means that your eye color is probably brown/green.

I almost forgot this thread, am feeling pro now.

I hate that they mix portugal with spanish.Sure,we share like 70% of our genes with them but we are suebi for fuck sake.
And you are suebi too

pic rel: its me

Hello techsupport my computer isn't working.

uninstall internet n report back

hello internet is uninstalled why not working, you're bad i will get you fired

Only the Portuguese, afaik.

>olive oil on fish


absolutely exquisite

There are other fish dishes, but jesus olive oil on fish, is worse than surströmming

Are you stupid?
Have you tasted it yet?You can't dislike something you haven't tasted yet.Besides,I put vinegar in the bacalhau and the olive oil on the potatoes.

technically blue but grey now

the fact that you guessed i am lanky was just a lucky guess, that's not a genetic thing

Good good now install vnc and give me ur ip. Pajeet will take it from here

I'd be very doubtful if you had ever tasted good olive oil as most exports just mix in more acidic stuff so it lasts the trip better.

So get the fuck back to putting ketchup on pasta.

>I put vinegar in the bacalhau and the olive oil on the potatoes.
That's fucking weird. But it honestly intrigues me. I'll try it sometime.

Wait,you don't do it?Where do you come from?

Coimbra do Mondego. Do Choupal até à Lapa.

But my mom is from further behind the hills, and she was the one that cooked for most of my life.

You're from Bergen right?

> Western Norwegians

>behind the hills
Bacalhau é mais para o litoral

Não Trás-os-montes , na mesma latitude de Coimbra, mas mais para este.

Mas sim, era onde queria chegar.

I just pictured an average Aussie, and that's how I see them. Kek. Anyway, guessing eye color is fucking hard.


On my fathers side I have Norwegian, Scottish, German and Finnish roots, on my mothers side I have Swedish and Finnish roots.

I read an article about Bergen not long ago, it went something like this:

>What is it with people from Bergen? It clearly is something latin about them

>Ugly letters on historical Bergen building
Protest and demonstrations

>Higher price on toll roads
Massive protest and blockade of traffic

etc. etc. etc.. The writer probably had in mind the french who will protest about everything there is. But the french are more based because they burn tires n shiet. Imagine french conditions in Bergen with burning tires and black smoke lol

Icelandic, both sides.

I am Iberian

>10% Iberian


Anyways here is mine.

Definitely, Portugal is not an iberian country.


Porquê meu caralho ?

>22,9% de sangre Ibérica
Joder, user, hasta un puto andaluz tiene más sangre ibera que tú.

A zona de onde eu venho que era Celta foi invadida por

>Mouros (embora estes quase nem contem visto que é o norte)

E depois de Portugal se formar ainda levei com

>Espanhois várias vezes
>Franceses (que traziam exércitos de todo o lado)
>Brits (estes últimos dois nas guerras Napoleónicas)

Não tou surpreendido desu.

waddup mah niggaz

>tfw you will never have high quality olive oil

also on dnaland I get even more balkan

¿Estás orgulloso de ser un mestizo?; Creía que los portugueses teníais un poquito más de clase o algo más de honor....

Come round, fish-eating brother.

Antes mestizo Europeu do que sangue Mouro desu.

Solo era banter, pero seriamente, ser un mestizo es una mierda

T. 25% ruskie.

All my ancestors were Spanish speakers sucks to be yew


Eu tenho aquele resultado mas mesmo assim passo despercebido como Português nativo cá.
(mesmo que seja super pálido e tal).
Acontece o mesmo a ti em Espanha ?

What is the best service/company to use for this?
Actually, come to think of it what are the prices like!

Wtf why is 23andme so expensive? I only ordered the Ancestry package.
Is there another company that offers this at a lower price?

Nothing wrong about being jew, dude

Algunas veces, me pasa, pero gracias a dios no tengo esa cara que tienes los eslavos. Aunque a simple vista, no parezco muy Español y la gente se ha burlado de mi por eso. De hecho, cuando era pequeño tenía el pelo rubio platino, se me ha oscurecido un poco y ahora es un rubio sucio-castaño claro.

That's not something to be proud of honestly.


It was 100 last I checked.

Eu também tinha o cabelo loiro mas agora é castanho escuro por isso passo melhor um bocado.

>Nunca seremos puros iberos

Ese sentimiento es cruel....

Nem por isso.

Assim tenho banter material para os Lisboetas e Iberos do sul em geral.

De hecho yo soy ibero del sur......

>149$ for the kit and and 49$ for shipping

why not?

>Poder usar o banter IRL contra os amigos

Eu não posso fazer isso.

I mean you're Swiss.

I met 3 or 4 Portuguese who went to Switzerland and told me you guys are loaded so what's the problem.

Do you really want me to go on an anti-Albanian rant?

Hay muchos como yo, incluso hay algunos con la cara eslava tan típica. Lo que pasa cuando los moros estaban tan obsesionados con las eslavas. Aunque la gran mayoría de la gente aquí son marrones y nosotros somos un 2% de los casos, y como son mayoría de gente nos hacen bully y se meten con nosotros. De hecho , tener rasgos blancos en el sur y ser hombre es considerado como algo propio de los maricones......

how'd you know? :^)
are they that bad in switzerland? half your football team is made up of albanians so I figure there must be a lot over there


Football is a sport for the very VERY low class in the most part.

Hence France, Britain, Portugal, Swiss being filled with Blacks or Arabs or whatever.

It's an escape out of a shitty life.

I figure the same is in Switzerland.

Just done a budget one.


White Power!


Family Tree DNA
It's also the best when comparing the features

Dont they sell your data?

How did your german side get to the united states? Did your Nazi grandfather immigrate or your Dad?

My dad has a north africa skin tone with brown-green eyes and he's short, with round face while my mother is pale as fuck, blue eyed, blond but with a rounded face and she's short too, I wanna know so bad what mix I am but it's too expensive

My great grandfather wasn't a Nazi, that was his brother. But his wife had Nazi even though she had a normally Ashkenazi surname.

They both came here before WWI, though.

Where in Spain are your parents from? I've known Catalans, Basques, and Galicians who look like normal German/French people but I know Andalusians who look arab as fuck.

Both are andalusians.
My dad looks kind of arabic kind of the common spaniard (his brother itself looks like the common spaniard so i don't know if I have north-africa ancestry or not)

Anyways the southern spaniard are less white is memeish, it's based in a lot of people being tanned because of the sun.

Did Arabs get pushed out of Spain during the reconquista? Or did some stay and convert?

I have lightish brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin and a Spanish friend (lives in Barcelona but isn't "ethnically" Catalan) keeps telling me I would fit in and pass for a local easily in Spain.

It's not like you guys are arabs but I call bullshit.


Some stayed.

Same as Portugal.

But a few, and in the South.

And they weren't Arabs, they were Berbers.
They all look the same to me but apparently they're different.

>tfw I hesitate buying the kit because I'm afraid of it showing any African ancestry

I'm blonde and blue-eyed, so the chances are very low, but I'm still afraid.

Claro que sim.

Weren't they officially expelled along with the Jews but a few managed to hide out? I've read that people in Iberia have traces of North African DNA but it's so old that people suspect it wasn't from the moors.

Plus there weren't even that many actual moors in Iberia, the ones who were there were just an administrative and military elites and by the time of the reconquista, most muslims in Iberia were descendants of native Iberians who converted.

I'm All though I was blonde as kid I have dark brown eyes and dark brown eyes.

I would be more worried if you're skin tone was darker and your hair curlier.

I'm almost 100% sure you won't have any.


I've never met a Portuboo.

The worst offender in this case would be:

>Andaluzia and in general Southern Spain

If you converted, they would let you stay.

>Lisbon and Southern Portugal

In Lisbon, Marquês de Pombal let the Old Christians and the New Christians have the same status. You can imagine who the New Christians were. They mixed eventually.

See this for more context