What's a show I can binge all night bros?

What's a show I can binge all night bros?

Big mouth was pretty funny


Loves this shit

Ozark was really good

user, no.

Just watch black mirror and stop being a fag.

That 70's show

Just watched that last night my dude. Fucking rednecks.

There is a part in it when the monster skull fucks Garrison Keillor. It was double funny for me cause my aunt was married to the dudes brother and I've met him a couple times.

Seen em all fag.

7 Deadly Sins

American Vandal

I got pretty caught up in The 100. Started it at random, ended up getting addicted to it and wanted more after it ended. Hadn't got that caught up in a show since Lost.

Who drew the dicks?




Haven't watched these yet, will give em a shot. Thanks cunts.

Tpb all you need

Ozark is about the most boring shit you'll ever fall asleep thru - try Shameless - disgustingly filthy, but a great show


HIGHLY underrated show. My sides fly with every single episode


out of that list, Daredevil.

Ray Donovan

Nice, thanks sexy

prison break was good for the first season, should last a night

daredevil is awesome, don't know what you're talking about


no seriously its funny af

>Pic Related

Big mouth

Shameless made me uncomfortable

Spartacus lots of soft core porn in that show

that's a fucking awesome show. shit took me by surprise. J Bateman is great in it

UK or US?

I'm talking about Daredevil being the best flick on that list. What the fuck are you talking about?

I started it a few days ago (Ozark).
Pretty great show so far, curious to see how it plays out.

Just finished watching the newest season of Narcos, was pretty good aswell if you're into crime type related shows.

Bloodline was a great show!
The last season ended too fast IMO (they were short on episodes, budget).
They say they COULD make more seasons though, just wouldn't be through netflix I believe.

If you liked Breaking Bad, you'd like this show.

oshit sry user misinterpreted the message

Neo Yokio best anime/american show so far god bless Jaden Smith for such enjoyable show full of feelings >wouldwatchagain/10

the thing i don't like about it is that the plot is very complex so it is very difficult to explain the plot to someone without spoiling the entire fucking show

The 100

Supernatural seasons 1-5


Breaking Bad.


Peaky Blinders
Breaking Bad

The office



Read a book, fall asleep at a reasonable time, and get up early for work to support your family.
It's not hard.

>fall asleep at a reasonable time

Castlevania, only 2 hours of show, but it's pretty good

It's, "aw ight"...

i'd say that about iron fist rather than daredevil

I think iZombie and The Good Place are super good, as much as they make me feel like a normie.

Breaking Brad. Great show.

dick van dyke show.


If you like cartoons give Bojack Horseman a try, pretty good and pretty sad


Always Sunny

It just feels like a sort rip off of breaking bad to me. I think I watched two episodes and then dropped it. Some of the dialogue is just bad, which is a trend I've noticed among the Netflix funded shows. I just finished peaky blinders and I thought that was pretty good, but I also quite like the main actor. Which is another trend I've noticed among Netflix funded shows; they often pick up some really good actors that either haven't done anything significant recently or were in really popular shows (like actors from game of thrones).

It's hard for me to tolerate shows where the dialogue is bad or it feels like an imitation of something else successful. I tried Ozark because I really like the main actor too, but it hit the two things that Netflix always fucks up.