I'm going to try something I've never done before and attempt a serious conversation on Sup Forums If I get trolled...

I'm going to try something I've never done before and attempt a serious conversation on Sup Forums If I get trolled, so be it and if I 404 then it's [insert deity here]'s will.

Is it just me or does it seem like people are losing their goddamn minds? This is not exclusive to 1 group, race, or people. I'm talking EVERYONE seems to be going crazy!

Earlier this week I watched people lose their collective shit over a Dove body soap commercial, which wasn't even bad, then turn around and stay silent on this Weinstein ordeal. Then Eminem came out with that completely cringefest on the BET awards. Trump and Federal Government is being blamed for not giving aid to Puerto Rico when it's a dumb bitch there that has her head up her ass. People are butt hurt over the dumbest things, that includes LEFT and RIGHT minded. Athletes protest, people get mad, athletes fight back, people stop going to games and get labeled racist. Vegas shooting is having more and more inconsistencies.

In the last few years, I've watched our society erode to madness. Is it just me? What happened? I can't be the only one.


Man that Dove commercial was so tone-deaf and completely in the vein of historical racist media that they deserved everything they get.

I might agree with you if it was not a huge transnational corporation that sees people as dollar signs coming under attack.

I don't think people should necessarily be fired or lose their livelihood over the shit they think or say but on the other hand this is the market in action that so many libertarians and conservatives say they dream of.

>In the last few years, I've watched our society erode to madness. Is it just me? What happened? I can't be the only one.

Nope, you're not. I've also pinpointed the exact moment when things started going down hill. It was when Steven Seagal came out with that stupid Lawman show.

>Most people know me from my movies, but did you know in my spare time I'm also a cop?

I mean, wtf.

Currently living abroad and notice the same thing. None of my friends are level headed anymore. They're jumping to conclusions instantly. It's maddening that nobody can be rational for two seconds without spewing vitriol.

You can't make someone educated, especially americans. They're literally proud of how dumb they are, you'll see people say stupid stupid like "greatest country on earth" without knowing any facts to back up such a statement.
>They Said it in a movie so it must be true
They look at the First/2nd WW and think they were heros, people to stupid to understand they were called the "allies" and other countries did ALOT more than them.
Now that I come to think about it, americans aren't even very brave.

None of this would've happened if we hadn't elected Obama twice

That's what I'm not understanding on the Dove commercial. A black chick takes her shirt off and turns into a different white girl. White girl takes shirt off and becomes Asian. How is that racist? Is that implying that Asian is better than white by that logic? Or is it implying Dove can be used across the board? I don't see the racism in that.

Am an American who just posted the comment above yours. And you're spewing vitriol about Americans. Can you not tell you're also part of the problem?

no, people like you actually are..... There's NOTHING wrong with telling an uneducated moron that they're stupid.....
It's ALRIGHT to tell dumb people that they should've stayed in school/question things not just accept shit. Just because someone tell you the truth doesn't make them an asshole.
Truth hurts as it obviously did for this butthurt fag

I'm an American and totally agree with you. If I meet someone under 40, there's an 80%+ chance I'm going to hate them. I'm in sales so I have to get along with everyone. I also enjoy learning and experiencing new things/cultures. I can't do that with my normal group of friends! They won't even try sushi for ffs!

And the phrase, "I seen it"

This guy gets it

That sonuvabitch!

I'm glad I'm not the only one. People seem to TRY to get offended by everything. It's driving me nuts! Living a hermit style life is looking more and more attractive.

I don't live in America and I must say to the rest of the world its decline is pretty hilarious yet worrying.

it has always been this way you just started noticing it in the last few years

I'm at least glad to know 2 things from your post

>It's not exclusive to America
>There's like minded people elsewhere in the world

Thank you for that. I've never traveled outside of North and Central America so I'm not as cultured as I probably should be.

Noticing the same thing, OP. People getting worked up over the dumbest shit.

The internet is a blessing and a curse which has lead to anyone with a stupid worldview to find someone of similar opinion. Incorrect/incomplete info is shared willy-nilly at the click of a button, to millions of people who never learned how to fact-check.

Also these same millions are stuck at dead-end jobs and marriages with no real sense of victory in any facet of their lives, so you can be damn sure they're going to bitch and fight and claw at anything that gives them some feeling of having succeeded in changing a flawed system, or having their voice heard.

You may be 100% right. I just turned 31 so it might be that I'm just now starting to pay attention.

The biggest problem the world is facing is that everyone thinks that everyone must be butthurt. We live in a faceless world now, with faceless ideas. Nobody wants to stand up for what they are. The ones who do stand up for what they are, are the loudest and the dumbest -- the people who couldn't use the Internet 20 years ago if you showed them how. Back then, there were a lot less people screaming and hollering online about asinine things. It was a calmer and more usable environment. Thoughts could be shared. Things progressed. Now we live in a world with clickbait and "butthurt" and "triggered" and it seems like all of the newfags on here don't want anything done. Devaluing a perfectly valid thread, that even 8 years ago would have been taken seriously from most participants. If you don't want to have a discussion without accusing someone about being butthurt and running off because you're afraid of an intelligent dialogue -- you ARE the problem. Stop letting the system play you.

Interesting view and I'm not disagreeing with it.

Can people really not look for the positive? If I walk up to a black person, or latin, or gay, or straight, I look for similarities with them. I don't understand the mind of someone who wants to be pissed and offended at all times.

And there are a lot of new media outlets, so you get updated on a lot more craziness

Valid. Negativity drives clicks, clicks drives revenue. Makes sense.

Uh I meant it is exclusive to America just the rest of the world is worried and concerned. Especially as allies.

You should travel, I just turned 23 last week and have been to Bali, Vanuatu, England, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Czech and Scotland

Glad to see a few oldfags still on here...

Also everyone who hasn't should either read or watch Manufacturing Consent. The media is big business, "news" is big business. It's not some tinfoil hat shit.

Trust me, I want to. So does my wife. We just lack the funds and time right now. We're very close to having her schooling and vehicle paid off. After that we're saving for a trip. Not sure where to yet.

We are few and far between.

I've said exactly this to many of my friends. I love looking for common bonds between myself and others, which is not a hard thing to do. It makes me able to say hello to anyone I pass in the street without fear or bias making me stay silent. Everyone has a struggle, and a story. Life really is easier when you see someone first as a potential friend instead of a threat.

I don't understand what makes some people unable to think this way. Maybe it's similar to why some of us can draw or make music while others can't, or maybe the result of all the wrong lessons during childhood? I can't speculate too much there.

same age here.
It's always been like this. You probably just didn't hear about it as much because social media and the news wasn't on full blast all the fucking time. Things use to be more second hand news. Try not using the internet for about a year. I went like around a year without using it, you'd hear a bunch of autistic screaching about non issue shit like gamer gate but even then it's like if you don't turn on the internet for a month or so every couple weeks or months you'll hear stuff that happened days weeks or months ago and it's just like the old days. People still just as crazy the media loves to cherry pick stuff they think is entertaining, stuff people share isn't meant to be relevant or anything it's just to suck in viewers to make money by grabbing peoples attention for a few seconds until they find the next thing to kek over 20 minutes later.

Agreed. My family is truthfully the worst at this. Every time we're out to eat or out doing something, all they want to do is get mad at...anyone. I'm, literally, the only one that will be friendly to a server or person taking the movie ticket. It just seems like over the years, people are getting more and more shitty.

well, maybe it is what the fermi paradox is talking about.
intelligent species just terminate themself before they become able to do serious interstellar shit... maybe thats just how it works.
you know. with rabbits, there is this 7 year cicle where a deadly infection spreads and kills off almost the whole population, then they start reproducing again, and 7 years later same shit

That's actually not a bad idea. I have a company facebook page I manage and that's the only reason I keep mine open. I may see if I can delete my personal and just log in to maintain the company page.

Id avoid something tropical if what you seek is more of a cultural experience. How ever if relaxation is the motivator definitely go tropical.

Back to the issue though something I would like to touch on is that politics works like a horseshoe and too far on either side is just as bad as the other.

There is trouble brewing in your country all of its people are lashing out at each, it is constantly dividing people into small recognisable groups. The alt left themselves feel the need to validate who they are as people with labels. Division amongst people is NEVER a good thing.

I actually watched a video the other night where a kid describes the Mandela Effect and how we may have been slingshot into a parallel universe. Sounded far fetched, but an interesting theory. Would make for a great sci-fi flick. Explained how vast majority of the population remembers things differently. Like the "Mirror, mirror on the wall" bit and when Nelson Mandela died.

Yeah, having worked in food industry/retail when I was younger definitely helped me realize that your individual encounter with a server is just a tiny piece of their shift, and you never know what kinds of weird bullshit they dealt with before you walked in.

At any rate, it's nice to share a few minutes online with a similar cool dude. There are lots of us out here, but bad news and hate have much better lasting power than stories of people doing good things.

It's only in America the rest of the world is the same as they used to be.

If you are over 30 its a normal state of the mind, everything new seams strange

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning


I, 100%, agree with you. That's what I was starting to get at without intentionally turning people to a political frenzy.

I despise the fact we're putting a label on everyone. Gay, straight, trans, male, female, gender fluid, left right, alt left, alt right, conservative, liberal socialist, nazi, I can keep going.

I went back and watched the horrors that nazi's did to their prisoners. It makes me sick that people are using that today when someone disagrees with them. It devalues what ACTUAL nazi's did and how horrible it all was.

This is one of the dumbest theories out there. There is no slingshotting anywhere peoples memories are just not the greatest at times.

>Vegas shooting is having more and more inconsistencies.
He didn't do it!

I didn't say I agreed with it. I said it was interesting and would make a good sci-fi flick.

"Sci-Fi" btw means Science Fiction.
"Fiction" btw means Fake
"btw" btw means By the Way

thx for calling attention, im not a native english speaker. now i ll keep it in mind

I thought exactly the same thing. I couldn't believe it when I found out what the ad actually was. Not only is it CLEARLY not racist, but the people who are calling it racist are also totally misrepresenting the actual advertisement. This has definitely been going on for a while, though. People basically create a strawman to attack and be offended by, when what they're mad about isn't even real.
I fucking hate society. I don't know why it's gotten so bad, but I'm hoping it will start to swing back in the other direction soon.

>did ALOT more than them
I hope you're a Russian because they're the only folks who could really claim that.

fuck off back to Britbongia

Sensationalism makes money and an insane number of people share the quaint quality of really, really liking money a whole bunch.

The big difference is that instead of 'yer magazine' you pick up from the store, with a small team of people picking up information from sources, you have the internet, which IS the source of all the information.

Nobody got any smarter or dumber though, so without a magazine providing a narrative people had to step in with their own.

I agree, it sure seems like shit is slipping into crazytown. It's hard not to just fuck off to the country. At least there the worst shit I'll deal with is getting torn limb from limb by wild animals. Take that twice, three times even, over trying to hold a conversation with anti-Trumps or SJWs.

Let me distill to you a truth: most people would very much prefer their problems to be identified in a single place (see: Trump blaming) so they can thrust their holy Excalibur into the chest of the Demon King and absolve the land of all its woes. Yea, and do we live ever in prosperity under golden clouds.

The thing is, fingers and pointing, right? There's no such thing as evil or as a 'demon' who would embody all our flaws and wrongs. People want it to be, want it to be one thing we blast away and bam-- humanity fixed.

It's probably partially panic and partially hope that drives them to such extremes. And each time they fail to kill the dark lord, they come back a little less sane for the standing.

With any luck, NoKo will start some shit, we can get some good gore of Kim Jong Un's ugly goddamn head and people will suffer through an actual war and learn some humility. 'Til then, let's ride this out and watch 'em all go crazy.

You must either be from the midwest or the south. I live in Minnesota (which is basically the "poser south" because everybody here thinks they're a fucking country hick cowboy) and that sounds exactly like 99% of the people here.

Exactly. Not every person on the right is a nazi, not every person on the left is a communist. Unfortunately these labels make it easier for people to feel like they understand a complex situation. It is much easier to say "oh you're just a _____" instead of take time to analyse something. No one wants to give the chance to change the current opinions they hold. The best is one that is always constantly changing.

Either side is bad as the other in an extremist sense, they both aim to condense an opposing point of view into a simple label and then push to have that opposing view something that can get you killed or put in jail.

When we look at people as just a term and no longer another being we dehumanise them. Not that I think America will ever reach this level however I strongly feel that people with deep pockets in powerful positions aim to divide your people.

There's a whole history involved with dark skin being bad and light skin being good/better.

Throwing some asian chick in after a white chick doesn't really change that. It was poorly conceived and whoever came up with the idea was an idiot since literally their whole job is promoting a product.

I agree with your main thesis though, that people are living on hair-triggers and looking to be offended more often.

I think part of it is the destruction of the individual's control over their life and community in the face of faceless corporations that don't give a shit one way or another as long as they get your money.

There's nothing wrong with being a communist but there is definitely something wrong with being a NAZI.

>ITT: OP just realized that americans are fucking retarded

please tell me more about that freeduhms you can't seem to stop babbling about

Let me distill to you a truth: most people would very much prefer their problems to be identified in a single place (see: Trump blaming) so they can thrust their holy Excalibur into the chest of the Demon King and absolve the land of all its woes. Yea, and do we live ever in prosperity under golden clouds.

The thing is, fingers and pointing, right? There's no such thing as evil or as a 'demon' who would embody all our flaws and wrongs. People want it to be, want it to be one thing we blast away and bam-- humanity fixed.

>all of this

Both aim to dehumanise anyone with a difference of opinion

You speak like a friend of mine. I honestly think he, and maybe 3 others, are the only sane people left. You now make #4. Very well thought out and history shows your view point is right. Hell, even our media does that!

Look at basically every action movie ever made. There's always 1 big bad, or 1 bad group that the "hero" has to defeat before the credits roll.

Every hero needs a villain, right? Otherwise, they are not hero's. The cheap way to "feel good" about yourself is to stand up for those you think can't do it themselves. Hence the SJW's standing up for minorities or LGBT or whatever their crusade is. But then again, who's the bigger racist? The person that wants everyone to make it on their own merit? Or the people that think a group is too stupid or lowly to stand up for themselves?

Good point.

South. You caught me. Good call.


I would agree with this but also say that 9/11 really upped the racial/religion divide. Pretty much everything becoming so offensive stemmed from 9/11 being done by sandniggers and Obama being the first both black and extreme leftist president. And gun control wars started with Columbine. Before these 3 things, our country was fucking awesome no matter who was in the White House because America wasn't a bunch of oversensitive racially charged pussies.

I'm not saying you should delete your social media. Personally I never got into it just because it was pretty pointless for me to use.
If you got friends or whatever it's probably a better idea to keep it. I'm just saying taking a break from it, the opinions people try pushing all the time are just pointless and often beating a dead horse. It's like reddit in a way, if you contribute some new OC and got a popular post that hits the front page what's the point if you're not trying to sell shit? Woopidy do, you got a few internet points big fucking deal. At the end of the day the shit we say has little to no impact on anything it just gets to be pointlessly repeated memes. I've never made a single friend from posting something clever or funny online, it's a total waste of time essentially since it's like I'd just log on to read some assholes opinion that I really don't care about and would go out of my way to avoid hearing in person, like I would go to a different bar than them if I knew they were going to be there drinking and talking about the shit they do.

People have always been dumb

but due to centralization it's far more concentrated

OP here. The United States is not the only place that has freedoms, most people understand that. But I appreciate your attempt at trolling.

Now sit down. Mommy and Daddy are talking.

Good point. Not gonna lie, I cringed a little when I heard people were attaching middle eastern gas station owners after 9/11.

Guys, it wasn't them that did it! They didn't get the phone call yet!

I'm flattered you think I'm sane! Considering a bowl of marijuana and being three drinks down at 9 AM convinces me that I am not sane, but if I am at such a plateau that there are those beneath me, I weep for their state.

It's just that nowadays, everyone seems to want something great to happen; they just don't ever want to be a part of it in case something goes wrong and they're held accountable. I don't know how to put it more accurately than that; everyone is so afraid to try doing something good for fear of making a mistake and being held to it.

It doesn't help that the sensationalism is rampant, of course, and it helps even less that we have the internet now. What should be a fount of knowledge is really just like a hallway full of unlocked doors, for whom you make up locks yourself. Instead of finding the truth, people find the argument that best funds their narrative, and then finds a crowd to parrot it so they can drown anything to the contrary under an undulating sea of shrieking, not unlike listening to all the Zerg unit voice lines played back-to-back. And also backwards. Can you imagine Hydralisks shrieking backwards?

I don't think it's about 'good' at all. It's about having an enemy, whether or not they're doing good. If they have an enemy, they must be justified. There's no way they could be the villain; the villain is the enemy and THEY have the enemy, not the villain.

People want 'good and evil' to be a thing without realizing that for someone to be good, another must be evil to compare to it. The thought that this could be oneself seems to elude most people well and completely.

I don't watch tv or read any news so I don't know what you're referring to and I don't associate with people who act crazy like your describing I suggest you do the same.

I just want to elaborate on my point and say that these people do not need a cause to represent, just someone to strike down. It matters very little what they're representing so long as they're attacking someone with it. Without someone to attack, most of them would have nothing to do with their causes.

It just sucks that in order to circumvent this, people are simply targeting entire demographics (genders, races, occupations).

Maybe it's just America going crazy. We're all cozy down here in SEA.

Maybe you need a change of pace? Chill at a farm or move out to the countryside.

I feel like I can relate to this, more and more as I grow older. I just look around and wonder what the hell people are thinking...

Why are you in such a rush on the highway? Tires screeching as you try to zoom around me at 100+ during traffic, like honestly just calm down, nothing is that urgent!

I just feel so, so over people... As a whole.

And I used to be a people person, I really was. Spent years in Customer Service & Support, and I think that might have even been what really opened my eyes to this behavior...

The type of behavior that causes people who've gone to church on Sunday, to be EXTRA rude because they feel vindicated from being rude last time because they went to church...

Or these people that feel like they're better than you, because they can speak louder than you, and that's their concept of a better or stronger opinion...

I feel constantly like the "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" meme, and I feel so true to that. If I could sign up to be left alone on a planet, or even better with my best friend... I would be completely, and absolutely content, forever... But everyone else is just such a DICK all the time...

Am I allowed to feel tired of people? Am I allowed to give up on good people being out there in the world..? At what point do I get to say "It's not worth it anymore" because logically, it's really not for me (perhaps).

I don't know what's happening, or better yet, why... But I know we're inevitably climbing slowly but surely to a point of no return, when our debtors refuse to continue lending us money like they have been for decades... We're going to have very serious, deep, long term consequences.

Anyone on the same page as me..?

What the hell are you talking about. lefties have been fucking loons since like the 70's anti war people are completely vicious and unsympathetic to anyone they disagree with politically. back then you'd have like the weather underground and shit. once 9/11 rolled around those types crawled back out of the wood work to attack, before they were too busy with assault weapon bans and trying to censor punk rock and rap lyrics. after 9/11 they went back to complaining about bombing other countries when clinton ordered the first missile strikes on al quada back in the 90's but it was just a more convenient excuse to blame bush for all of it since they'd have lefty celebrities and artists bitching about it non stop on the media every chance they got when trying to sell their talkshow/cd/movie/.

We stopped beating/imprisoning the left and now they're running amok, that's what happened.

what dove commercial?


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