How do reviewers actually review music and determine the rating?

I'm still trying to comprehend how the newly released mixtape by pic related got an 8.5 on pitchfork. Genuine question.

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the rating part is a group part by p4k staff. the review is by the reviewer itself

It depends on how much money you gave them and what they can get away with

I listened to his mixtape (did not listen to any of his previous work), the music is good but the lyrics are plain stupid. How come he gets an 8.5?

the lyrics are part of his based philosophy. of literally not giving a fuck and saying whatever you feel via stream of consciousness.
hes not for everyone tbqh

It's Lil B the lyrics are supposed to be plain stupid, supposedly they liked his style of plain stupid on this tape a lot

So are ratings just arbitrary in music reviews?

if the artist is black, add 2 points to the score

What's the point of it then if it has no meaning?

ratings are arbitrary and in all art forms tbqh. its just a guide for ppl who care for that type of stuff.
whats the point of doing anything in life when you're going to die anyway?

all ratings of everything are arbitrary

ratings are clickbait

>whats the point of doing anything in life when you're going to die anyway?
I knew this was going to be a reply. Life, you can give meaning. Lil B's stupid lyrics, you can't. Tell me what does "Zan Bose in San Jose", a song solely composed of the same line in the title could possibly mean.

How do you know if newly released music is worth your time?

It's purposefully absurd though, a complete counter to conscious or serious hip hop
that's kinda the point

you listen to it yourself......

I listen to one or two songs from the album, then decide if it's worth listening to the rest

even Pitchfork feature songs to listen to in their reviews

I think this was a bit of a shoutout to Lil B, not a true review of the tape, which is spotty. It's definitely not the best Lil B tape by any stretch, but it's the best score they've given him so far. I think it has to do with the fact that Lil B is the godfather to so much of what's happening in the now, it's really important to draw attention to him and remind people how influential he is.

There's also the fact that Lil B's music is essentially hard to review because it plays by its own rules knowingly. As a long time fan of Lil B's music, I can say that this isn't his best project, but I'm really glad he's finally getting the recognition he deserves (outside of being a meme ofc).

additionally, if you can ascribe your own personal meaning to life then you can ascribe your own personal meaning to an abstract rap line too

But you're bound to miss on good music this way and waste your time listening to shit music.

you can literally never listen to all the good music out there and you will inevitably find that what someone else suggested you listen to is shit, that's just how it goes theres no perfect system

listening to a single from an album takes 5mins tops. how are you wasting your time?
if you only listen to music based on ratings. you're missing out on good music regardless.
you can't honestly tell me you are this dumb that you don't trust your own judgment?
majority of my fav albums from this decade didn't get good ratings.

That song is SOTY btw

>ell me what does "Zan Bose in San Jose", a song solely composed of the same line in the title could possibly mean.
it means hes having fun in san jose.

There are many examples of meanings atributed to life. What possible meaning could be given Zam bose in san jose?

Interesting. Could you give me a clearer background for his music and the meme surrounding it. What do you like in his music?

How exactly?

Zam bose has no meaning. How did you deduce that?

I admit that I am not knowledgeable in music. I have not listened to enough music to actually know what's good music. Still, what really constitutes "good music"? What do you use to listen to preview songs of an album?

>not embracing the Based God

nu-Sup Forums is pathetic.

>what constitutes good music
an incredibly loaded question that as far as you're concerned should be answered with whatever the fuck you want

Also if you're not knowledgeable you're probably not aware of the fact that the absurd lil b style of rapping has been massively influential and shaped today's hip hop scene maybe as much as any other single artist, which would explain your distaste for it

>What do you use to listen to preview songs of an album?
the artist would have a single out 95% of the time.

>Zam bose has no meaning. How did you deduce that?
because of the tone of his voice. the beat is incredibly upbeat also.
thats my interpretation of it anyway. lil b doesn't care what meaning u get from it. as long its positive you can do whatever with his songs

>as far as you're concerned

Is it different in your case?

you replied to the wrong person
Sup Forums as a collective would probably be able to give you a more concise answer as a lot of the people on this board have similar ideas about music

Yep, noticed that. Where is the Sup Forums collective?

>as far as you're concerned

Is it different in your case?

nowhere lol it's just a term for the group of people who regularly browse this board

I know. But you were talking about the Sup Forums collective like it was hive mind with a consensus on everything that could be asked a question and get a single, collective response.

Point is no one can say definitively what makes music good or bad just explore as much as you can find stuff you like and run with it