>Talk to me about something that you feel you can't talk to anyone about in real life.

I wanna a butler but i don't know where to start. I have 10 years of customer service experience and am a perfectionist but I never liked school. Kinda in a rut.

Anyrhing that is bothering you

Could you not work privately?

I feel like I can't talk to my girlfriend about any of my physical or mental stresses.

Whats bothering you?

I'm a pretty optimistic guy, but who is going to hire someone full time that has no hospitality degree

how the fuck does one become a butler. Do you work as a waiter for a fancy 5 star restaurant until some rich cuck fuck decides he likes you and wants to take you home?

I seriously want to rape a woman. I want to dominate her and make her take my cock and be humiliated. I fantasize about a woman broke down on the side of the road, I pull over to help but I actually pull her into the woods and rape her and then run out of the woods and drive away.

My friend is so depressed and negative about anything that happens. I have been distancing myself because honestly he sucks to be around. I've tried to help him numerous times whether it be referring him to my shrink/psych office or giving him advice. he just comes over and sulks and dicks off on his phone or tablet. Doesn't contribute anything but a bad vibe. On top of that I'm pretty sure he's using meth. It just sucks

You'd be surprised. A lot of places would likely hire someone who shows a happy face and polite manners. A butlers job is to make his boss happy. Go for it.

See that's what I'm wondering. I love helping people and am organized, BUT HOW?

As an anonymous guy on the internet I suggest you keep this fantasy a fantasy. This will lead to nothing but trouble.

did you ever try looking it up?

I moved to Alabama for school. The people I've befriended are shit. My cohort is shit and does shady things to get people kicked out of the program. I feel alone even though I hang with people from my class.

Ya I know...but I actually look for woman pulled over whenever I drive..I always see men or a woman with a man. If I saw a woman by herself and there was an area I could take her I don't know if I'm could stop myself from pulling over.

In a time like this you would be better as a friend than any shrink could be. Gain his trust until he confides in you and help him to your best ability. Sometimes all you need is a friend.

Find something you're passionate about and focus all of your positive energy into it. When everything around you is shit it is best to create something good.

Do you have any reason as to why you may think this way? Any childhood trauma?

I've been trying to help him for six months and it's not doing anything towards his overall attitude or outlook. I hate that he's miserable but shit, he brings the whole room down. He's not doing anything to help himself either which tells me he doesn't want to get better.

Don't give up on him. Something is obviously keeping him down like this. Has there been any change in his life in the past months? If you don't know try to figure it out. All the best.

I wanna get some pussy as a senior in highschool but I don't know were to start. Do I just go up to some random thicc girl and wing it? Or do I watch her for weeks to see what she likes and use that to get in her pants?

A relationship would be nice too. But, Eh. Senior year is the worst time to start relationships. I just want some ass.

But i will, for me.

If you see a girl you find attractive ask her on a date (have a plan) as quickly as you can. The reason i say this is because the longer you dwell on it the more you will overthink and doubt yourself. Worse case scenario she isn't interested. Best case scenario, you go on a date and take it from there. 3 dates is the usual golden zone for sex.

22YO Virgin, lives at home, hardly any friends. I'm not a bad, fat, or ugly guy... Just sorta lost my way socially, I guess? Starting to get me down.
What do I do?! What the fuck do I do?!

Are you a fan of any sports?

Not really

What are some good places to bring her for the date? Park? Movies? And If I want the sex at the end of the third date how do I tell her without outright saying it? Or should I wait till she asks me?

Thanks pal. I appreciate it.

What are your hobbies?

Try to avoid the movies because you won't have much one on one time. If you can go for food and make sure you pay for it. It doesn't have to be expensive but just be chivalrous, girls love that stuff.

Are you going to suggest going to some clubs or meet-ups based on my hobbies?
I live in the middle of nowhere, unfortunately, a dead little town.

I would have, yes. If you can't meet anyone like that you have to put yourself out there. Try internet dating.

Just found out my sister got herpies

Got it. Thanks. If I get pussy i'll make a thread of my victory.

For the first time in my life over the past few months i have contemplated suicide to a point where i have even planned out how to do it so no one would know.
The whole reason is because i'm getting fucked around by the army because they have put a ban on male recruits in combat roles to boost the number of females and no one cares that it's against civil rights and i've wanted to do it all my life.
I feel fine now though because my father knows head of army recruitment and he is getting me in slowly but surely.

I am since 7 years single although i was pretty much a player from 13-17. Then i had an longer relationship and she fucked me up. After that i had just one short and then some fuckbuddys. It's not like i don't meet women anymore from time to time. But it never fits. After one or two dates they are not interested anymore or they just want to be fuckbuddys (or i just want it). I don't know... it feels to me like i forgot howto have an relationship or to sucessfully fall in love. The most scary is that i don't even really feel the need for love anymore. Whatever.

Tinder and stuff? Yeah, it a possibility for sure. Some of the horror stories are a little off putting. Knowing my luck I'll probably be killed and butchered by some crazy mofo.

what do you mean with lost your way socially?

im only 10

I have the feeling everyone just cares for their own. Nothing is stable on longterm. And there is nothing higher than statisfying your own needs. Thats why i dont see any sense in relationships. People just manipulate people for their own best.

I preferred the company of a close group of friends, then most of them left. Now I've got two remaining. Can't seem to make new ones. Parties and stuff weren't my scene at college.

My shrink casually dropped my apparent diagnosis today and I don't know what the fuck to do with it.
I seem to have a schizoid personality disorder.
What I've read on infosites fits like a glove, but this also means that there's little no nothing to do about it - and this shit will stay like it this until I die

A lot of people have one of the big five personality disorders. Some stronger, some less. Nothing to worry about. Just work at yourself.

I just need to ask this girl out for coffee, but I'm afraid it won't go well for no real reason other than I'm always anxious about this shit.

Like the other user said I would suggest you to try making new friends via your hobbies instead of going to parties.
For example I have found out recently that I am extremely fascinated by survival scenarios and going camping. If I had more time and money I would search up on the internet if there are places nearby where campers meet up.

on the other hand I would suggest you to try to socially interact with as much people as possible in your school, work or university

Is it worse not knowing, rather than a definite answer? That's what got me to ask a couple of girls out.

Just Google "become butler". There are schools, institutes, etc. It's harder than you might think.

Gas the kikes race war now?

The my problem with this one is, it's the childhood girl next door scenario. I ran into her a couple of times over the last month, but can't make up my mind.

I'm just hoping to run into her again, soon.

I feel like shit everyday. I had a therapist but my parents stopped me from seeing her. She was a bitch anyway, she told my parents everything I said.

I told my dad I wanted to kill myself and he suggested watching Brickleberry on Netflix for fuck's sake, people are so useless

I really just hate living and hate people, why the fuck can't I just easily kill myself? What's the fucking hold up? I don't want to be alive and other people are the problem, I swear with everything I have, I will work to destroy humanity from some other dimension in the afterlife

Sometimes i feel like some loser, can't talk about it because i want to demonstrate otherwise.

with the amount of land china seems to be gathering up in both africa and australia, and the currently volatile state of the united states and influx of refugees into europe, one might begin to think that a third world war is in order.
this is simply my hypothesis, feel free to critique

Just message her on Facebook or WhatsApp (if you have her number) asking if her if she wants to catch up over a coffee sometime. If she says no, so what? Move on. If she says yes, great! Don't fuck it up by being too intense or needy, be casual, be fun.

I think I'm only using my gf as a means to not feel alone since all the people I know have left me since I have no redeeming qualities

>he doesn't realize all the realestate which china is buying up in america
kek, the indians are doing it too.
the next real war is gonna be between street shitters and rice farmers.
americucks make madddd profit if they aren't dumb enough to get pulled into the fighting.

If serious, go take a nice hot bath, eat some comfy food, and watch a uplifting movie. After that, get an early night's sleep and go for a run at the crack of dawn. Observe the world as you run, take it all in. If you still hate everything after all of that, call up a hooker and fuck her silly!

I had an ok streak of optimism for awhile after a long period of some intense suicidal depression. I got off Sup Forums even and tried to fix myself a little. Now its all going to shit again and since im on my phone i wont type my entire problem, but basically im getting depressed again

I am leaving for basic training soon and im scared the long distance aspect will put too much strain on my relationship. I fear because we are both 20 we wont be able to last those months away from eachother with little contact, due to our lack of experince. I joined to give us a better life financially but I'm terrified I'll just lose her along with my motivation.

Fuck, I know the rest of the world is ahead on the times and what not on their moral code and what is considered to be modern thinking but every now and then my brain goes " I wish people would only count male and female genders. I'm not even an old man but people have just been complicating things with this whole identity bullshit. I understand the importance of everyone feeling like they can contribute something to society in their own way but it's different when they're not contributing and just bitching that they're different and special so that gives them such and such privilege.

Why do people associate Sup Forums with bad vibes? I'm all right, and I've browsed this site for a long time.
Listen, it's all good, dude! Relax, eat some nice food, listen to some music, read a book, go hang out with a friend. Everything will be alright!

i really want my brother to overdose sometime soon, and ive been tempted lately to give him shit to overdose on

>she told my parents everything I said.
That's illegal. I would sue.

If she doesn't wait for you, she isn't the right one! It's a good judge of character.

Why do you want him to do that?

Same but with both of my brothers.They are maggots they are slowwling eating away my family.

Its not Sup Forums so much as it is just the internet in general was and is distracting me from what i needed to be focusing on so my problems just got bigger. Its not terrible but the constant bullshit on the internet and shit was pissing me off as well. Basically that meant that my escape from my problems i didnt even enjoy

Life isn't worth living if you have to work 40 hours or more a week. The cost-benefit is slanted in favor of the cost. How do people live their entire lives without killing themselves?

he is nothing but a parasite that will never stop asking me for money, i have offered him help to get back on his feet multiple times and has never accepted it, ive decided the best thing to do is have him go out doing the thing he loves: heroin

It's just if she doesn't wait for me I will be destroyed. I don't think she would ever do that to me but I keep thinking I just threw away our relationship just so we could be a little more financially stable. But you are right as well, thanks buddy.

If the internet is distracting you from what you need to do, it's time to switch it off for a while. Not permanent, just enough time so you sort out whatever it is you're dealing with. It'll do you a world of good.

I cheated on my ex and she ended the relationship, we started talking a few months ago and I was making good progress with her, suddenly shes interested in having sex with me again and said clearly "let's sleep together", I was like "ok sounds good" but I wasn't too exited because she has stated many times that "she wont trust to me again" but why does she want to have sex with me? Only for pleasure? I'm going to fall in love hardcore again if we sleep together, I don't know what to do.

I don't want just sex, I don't have any friends and she's my only friend, fuck my life.

He you tried a more forceful hand at helping him off the shit? He might just need a real fucking boot up the ass.

If she does (she probably won't), put that love elsewhere, dude! She doesn't deserve it. Don't let it destroy you. You're doing the right thing, making yourself and you family more financially stable. You sound like a solid dude.

>complicating things

I bet. What the fuck are you complaining about, again?

I'm stuck. There was this girl I dated for a few years and she fucked me up. I broke up with her and moved on, or so I thought. I got myself into something with another girl just like her and I realized what I'm getting into again. I'm back with being depressed, not being able to get much sleep and not eating enough. I love the girl, but I know things won't go well, but I know everything comes to an end sometime, but I know that because of everything ending sometime I should just enjoy the ride, it would end no matter with who I was with, but why should I bother then, etc etc etc. I fucking hate this shit, and its not like there is much going on in my life to distract me.

I'm schizoaffective. Back when I was 16 I had some symptoms of schizoid. Trust me when I say it can get a lot worse. At one point I thought that I was a Vampiric Jesus and Kurt Cobain hybrid. I've gotten better since then.

It depends.If those 40hr are wasted doing something that i love and get pay for it then im good but if im just obligated to do something boring and stressfull for 40hr then im not ok.

I am a closet homosexual... who fucking hates himself for it. I can't come out without loosing my family and friends. So here I am on Sup Forums telling yall about it. I just wish I wasn't this way.... What have I done to deserve this awful curse?

recently I feel empty inside. I shouldn't feel (or lack of feeling) this way. a couple of weeks ago I slept with another girl that wasn't my girlfriend. it made me feel more hollower. It was just eh....even though it is still wrong. no guilt or pleasure. what is this?

You just take it too seriously. For all most people know, I'm straight as fuck, but from time to time the topic comes up or I flirt with someone same sex as me and I just act like it's no big deal that I'm into dudes, and that has been working out for me, it might work for you too.

Just shout it out at the top of your lugs and accept yourself. Find someone who understands and loves you for who you are and work it all out.
Get busy loving, man.

I'm seriously contemplating trying to walk cross country with little to nothing after I graduate from high-school (I'm in my senior year and 18 so don't even fucking say it faggots) though I'm not sure how to tell my mom because I know she'd be incredibly worried.

basic reply but go to the gym, you'll feel better mentally, stick with it you'll get a job and eventually a gf/your own place GL sir you can do it

Have you seen the film Wild? You might like that film. Also, if you do it, take some protection with you. A gun, a knife, whatevers legal where you are.

And please, please tell your parents what you're doing. Don't leave them in the dark. But, if you've got to do it... do it.

I would recommend that you read A Walk Across America first.

>be me
>16 year old graduated highschool
>discovers internet ruined childhood after psychedelics
>finds Sup Forums
>feels at home but sometimes that weird retarded cousin is visiting
>cousin moved in now
>want to end all newfags
>made system 32 joke

I'm starting to give myself little allowances that will ultimately result in my falling into a pit of self destruction. In an unrelated observation, I am pretty sure I'm starting to experience hallucinations and thoughts that are not quite my own.

This one?

I mean this in a nice way but grab your balls and find the strength to talk to her. She's your gf, you should be able to trust her with most things.

Stop watching the News. Because the News contrives to frighten you, To make you feel small and alone, To make you feel as if your mind isn't your own.

Thanks for the suggestions I'll check them out and I plan on having a knife on me, as well as some other essentials, but only as much as I have to. Also I definitely plan on telling my parents but its just going to be difficult to I've always been pretty sheltered and think this is the only way I'm ever going to be able to live a somewhat normal life.

Kys virgin faggot

cant help those who dont want help. drop em like a stone

I like your suggestion, but I'm pretty sure it's late onset schizophrenia.

last fall semester was my first time away from home and new to the area. all was dandy until about October when two of my old roommates drugged me and then raped me for about an hour

Is the problem not being able to get into the army? I've never even thought that situation was possible where the army doesn't want any more recruits.

It's time to call the cops, user. Jesus.