Just had a pretty bad argument with my father Sup Forums...

Just had a pretty bad argument with my father Sup Forums. He has cancer and refuses chemo for a more "natural way" taking herbs, changing diets and shit. I got infuriated, yelled at him, accused him of being suicidal because I just couldn't accept the fact he was that stupid. I have to change his decision Sup Forums. What the fuck do I tell him? He got pretty upset by my tantrum.

Its not really any of you business. Let him do what he wants. You're coming off as an asshole.

As hard as it may be, best option is to just be supportive. You don't have to agree with it but you aren't going to change his mind. Unfortunately it's his decision.

So I should watch my father die because of a bad decision he's about to make, which I am 100% certain is wrong and I can somehow prevent?

the great thing about being an 'individual' is making your own choices

How can you guys pass this off as "meh it's his decision, let's give up". I know it is and I have to do anything in my hand to influence him make the right choice. I can't let him suicide.

when the son gets cancer from genetic predisposition, then he will understand

As harsh as it sounds its not your cboice to make it his plus Whats the chemo gonna give him any way a nother month or two let him live it out in peace your parents will die eventually no one live forever

If he's up in years then it's kind of not worth the trauma of treatment for a few more months to a year more to live in great discomfort, but acting like there are natural remedies is completely retarded

we all have to watch our parents die, ideally thats the best timeline.

There are respectable choices to make. I would try to support him if he asked for a painless peaceful death. But by choosing a treatment, even a useless one, means he wants a fighting chance.

You're an idiot if you think you're wiser than your father.

Your father is a smart man who can look at numbers that don't lie.

Support him.

Don't be a dick.

Are you retarded?


He's choosing to go for treatment that has a 80%+ success rate versus an 80%+ failure rate.

Fuck your opinions. If you want to be a good son you'll put your opinions aside and support him.


cancer is one of the only things saving this world, let him do the Honourable thing and die, its your choice to clutter the planet not his

Nope, just because he think there's better options available doesn't matter. It's not about him. It's about his dad. Retard.

Look guy, maybe listen to him about not wanting chemo. It's fucking shitty. The UK formally recognized it only kinda helps and mainly just kills you slower. 5 year survival rates are a thing, most people that get chemo feel like death for the rest of their days, and while the cancer is gone they get heart problems or die from infections or pneumonia. He's totally sane for wanting another option, why don't you fuck off and let him decide what he wants to do. Anything you're thinking has already gone through his mind 100 fucking times by now.

Depends on the cancer. Some can be helped but most its just putting off the inevitable. Also depends on the age... or maybe how ugly your mother is. Myself, my mother seems better off chemo even though cancer is raging... chemo makes here sicks as hell and spends lots of time in ER. His life his choice. Just support him... also alcohol and weed for yourself helps.

Have you tried sucking the cancer out of his penis using your mouth

No it hasn't. You're biased against chemo with no evidence to back it up.

is wrong too. And dangerous for society.

Why do you guys think you researched more about the disease that's killing my father? Like (mistakenly, as it renders his argument invalid) said numbers don't lie. He's opting for a suboptimal treatment with significantly less(identical to a degree of reasonable accuracy to the control groups in all the studies, what a fucking surprise) survival chances.

chemo kills your immune system...he's not crazy for avoiding it. Support his choice.

this is simple!
what type of cancer does he have
what is the 5 year survival rates
and if you are still selfish after this
try taking a few treatments

Tell him about Steve jobs. Include photos. Submit him for Darwin award.

Hey mate the survivalrate with chemo aint realy high and the sideeffects are horrific, he'll most likely die annyway. With chemo the rest of his life will probably be terrific so just try to make the best out of the time you still have.
My dad died of cancer, first it seemd he had overcome it but well cancer you know xD
It came back and he died, cant realy say he was happy, but he wasn't realy happy his entire life.
Go sit with him and just talk about life what he thinks is important, what hardships he faced and so on.
I never realy knew my dad to the extend I felt like I should have.
But oh well cant turn back time

This guy is even worse than OP...

He's so sold, he can't even look up the number of victories alternative treatment has over conventional treatment.

Conventional treatment is a bad decision and people are sold it as the "only" option. Then they spout opinionated bullshit such as "suboptimal treatment", or calling out "suicide" at people for trying an alternative.

Bitch, with such a high failure rate, if your dad wanted to die he'd take chemo.

Be happy he wants to try fight and live and you better be a good fucking niglet and support him, faggot.

What sort of cancer op?

What stage?

Oncology fag here. I could give serious advice but probably a troll thread.