Think about that Sup Forums

Think about that Sup Forums

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300,000 every year baby

I put the burgers in my mouth
Then I blame the mascot
For I am liberal


I never liked mcds but yeah 300k

>blaming protein for weight gain

"why do i have diabetes?"
'we dont fucking know have some healthcare!'

The funny thing is those guys are more interested in banning guns than hamburgers which kill 10x as many people.



You really want somebody to legislate burgers? Hasn't gone so well for 64 oz sodas. Dying of obesity is the right of every American because freedoms.


We need to ban assault hamburgers NOW!

What is the number ?

Deaths attributed to obesity in US each year.






Most of the real fatty's are conservatives.

Liberals are all about that vegan Quinoa bullshit.

Blacks are the most obese population by percentage (women specifically), followed by hispanics.

Had me until i saw the meds. No American could afford that


real autism there

Fuck freedoms. I want government to tell me what I can eat. For I am liberal.

I was commenting on OP blaming the clown for his mantits.

>Most Americans pay their own medical costs
Nigga wut?

>the chemtrails

You...must be special..or black/impoverished therefore ignorant?


>straight cold whippin em
am I oldfag yet?


There's nothing wrong with this image, now eat your hamburger and buy a new iPhone.

i know it's about the food not degrading
but for a guy who has no clue about why that would be a bad thing can someone say why that is a bad thing?

>>inb4 bacteria dont eat why should i?

by that logic you should eat shit because that degrades

lol chemtrails conspiracy needs to die

it's not bad. the fries and burgers from mc donalds are just too dry to rot away

We have mayonnaise

> citric acid
> hazardous to human health

it has a LD50 of 3g/kg...
It is contained on many fruits (also in apples etc.)
there are many reasons to criticize McD, but please be serious...

What it means that if you eat enough McDonalds your body won't decompose when you die, meaning scientists in the distant future might be able to revive you.

Much cheaper that that cryogenics bullshit.

Because if even bacteria and maggots won't touch the 'food' then it must be really fucking nasty, and those fuckers aren't exactly picky.

not understanding inb4

This is why universal healthcare wont work in America. The few of us that are still healthy will be paying for all the fatties.

wow, an answer that makes sense and an user that doesn't call me a fag for asking something thx good sir have a nice day

it's either some satirical "people believe anything you tell them" or it's some foodie with no actual knowledge of food.

>leave low moisture food in clean dry place
>doesnt rot
Well no shit

It's because when you eat shit food, you only kill yourself.

Plenty of parents feed their kids shit food.

well that not how it works but ok

New Prometheus looking scary af


So True

>and salt
holy shit, they can't even leave good ol' NaCl alone

It's not because they're "too dry" it's because they have so much salt that it inhibits bacteria and mold growth. The salt of course dries out the food a bit too. But that much salt still isn't healthy for you and it's still shit food.

You can have free healthcare exclusive-or bodily autonomy. Once you make the taxpayer financially responsible for your lung cancer, diabetes, abortions, liver cirrhosis, etc, then we DO get to tell you what to eat, drink, smoke, and fuck. Because it's our money and our business.
If you don't like that, then YOU be responsible for your health and leave us out of it.

I have no idea why I replied to OP instead of the other posters.

Super easy rebuttal to your stupid shit.

Or, we could pay for everyone's healthcare, and not apply a bunch of other stupid shit for no good reason.

You stupid shit.

Right. The same happens with bread, for example. As long as it can dry out, it will stay there for ever without rotting.

Why is this guy wrong?

I would say I kind of depends what health care system you have, a universal government type deal i would say you have a responsibility to your fellow Americans to not be a disgusting lazy piece of shit burden. Pay your own way? kill yourself freely

No thanks, i like girls

nah im pre young and i got it

