What the fuck is wrong with americans?

Look at this photo. This american is literally choosing death over eating a salad. What the actual fuck?

What is wrong with you guys?

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Americans hate stuff that's good for you, that's why they have so many Jews, niggers and spics in their country

That's not a photo it's a shit attempt at a cartoon. I'm not triggered by it so your lame bait failed. You fail. You are a failure. Sad.

Wow. what the fuck. Another photo of an american dying rather than eating a salad




baiterino cappuccino please meme more before you post


its some kind of stereotypical badger

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We love junk food and junk races.

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HAHAHAHA WOW that made me laugh so hard I think I broke my cuck bone LOOOL get it cuck bone? Lel because cuck is a meme LOOL

Listen man, youre just jealous you dont know what being an American is like. Sometimes when I eat burgers I'll accidentally drink water and throw up everywhere. I literally cant eat anything thats not a burger or drink anything thats not pissbeer. Once my friends dared me to eat a single shred of lettuce and I threw up so much I started coughing up blood. I blacked out and when I woke up the doctor said I was in a coma for 3 years. My kidneys, liver, and both intestines gave out, plus my heart even stopped for a little bit. They had to resuscitate me right there in the McDonalds. Americans strictly ate burgers since WW1 for strength and sustenance and we have evolved to only eat burgers.

So fuck you , I wont eat that commie bullshit. Freedom aint free

Hey dumb dumb evolution isn't real

Look at the statistics. These Swedes are literally choosing rape over being called racist. What the actual fuck?

What is wrong with you guys?


Jesus fucking christ you are butthurt.

Well said brother

But still its true what he said....

It's not rape if they want it

You lost in the same moment you decided to answer it tho.

It's spurdo you ignorant slut

Is that how you say beaver in Finlandian?

How new are you

gib me burger or gib me death u fukkin gommie

I've been on Sup Forums for 10 years now I think

So what you remember shit like grinman but not spurdo.

How is that even possible

I was trolling fail fag

He's actually right, Amerifats would rather die than eat vegetables.

>Although the Chinese rarely executed prisoners like their North Korean counterparts, mass starvation and diseases swept through the Chinese-run POW camps during the winter of 1950–51. About 43 percent of all U.S. POWs died during this period. The Chinese defended their actions by stating that all Chinese soldiers during this period were suffering mass starvation and diseases due to logistical difficulties. The UN POWs pointed out that most of the Chinese camps were located near the easily supplied Sino-Korean border, and that the Chinese withheld food to force the prisoners to accept the communism indoctrination programs.[344] According to the reports of China, over a thousand U.S. POWs died by the end of June 1951, while only a dozen British POWs died, and all Turkish POW survived.[345] The reason was, according to Hastings, that while the British POWs could help each other, the Americans thought sorghum, corn, and pickle, which were also the main food for Chinese soldiers, were livestock feed, and many refused to eat, partially because of their depression, called as "give-upitise" by British POWs. U.S. POWs also threw sick comrades out of their room to freezing outside. Turkish POWs felt most comfortable, as some of them even thought the food was better than what they ate at home.[346]

Hamburger. A single dish providing a balanced helping of nature's blessings: meat, grain, vegetable.

Fuck your salad, nigger.

Is that you Raitis IVanans?


fuggin gommies DD:

reminder if you hate america you are literally a commie. we are the only force for good in this world keeping everyone else from slipping into commie hell

They put lettuce and tomato onto burgers to trick the yanks into eating salad



Spurdo Spärde memes are fun. But I'm sure Americans would eat salad.

Man I love corn and pickles what's wrong with americircumciseddickswillneverhaveasmuchpleasureasanuncutone

I know your holy book allows you to eat pork in such a situation, but Americans are more committed to their ideals.

I'll call le smiling man whatever I want


I'm just upset at this images bigoted depiction of stereotypical badgers. By posting this your literally promoting the systematic oppression of badgers by propagating these false pernicious stereotypes and myths about badger-americans!

I'm upset too