Well boys?

Well boys?

How do you argue against this one?

I am a Muslim and this shit is retarded, westboro doesn't bomb people

westboro baptist church is an outlier that the vast majority of christians dont agree with their ways and ideologies.

ISIS has enough supporters to be financially funder, and enough believers in its idologiy to literally wage war


So much easier to just mention the dark ages.
It's exactly the same retarded shit, just older.

has the westboro faggots attacked anyone? blown anything up? or do they just parade around with signs and gay little chants?
tl:dr, false equivalency


Also, ISIS epitomizes Islam. It follows the prophet's example. The Westboro Baptist Church is so far removed from Christ that it's widely considered a cult.

Westboro is around 20 old people who hold signs. Isis is thousands upon thousands of religious nuts that bomb and murder people just for not believing in what they do.

last I checked westboro morons hadn't beheaded anyone, or burned them alive, or tortured them, or etc.

>westboro church
says mean things
Literally murders people

Yeah totally comparable amirite?

You guys wait until Neo Isis Empire Reigns Its Bidding Down Upon the Third Era of your so called Christian World, it will be truly a land of impeccable faggotry then.

what is the argument? are you asking why conservatives don’t treat all religious matters equally, or are you comparing american religious fundamentalists to arab religious terrorists?

Westboro is religious in name only, it's a bunch of lawyers who push people until they get a reaction then sue the shit out of them.

I believe what you were looking for KKK who claim to be Christian, not westboro. KKK have bombed places and more but fell off at somepoint.

the KKK was undone by (((superman))) comics.

You don't criticize white people over the Vegas shooter or columbine then.
But islam extremists represent the entire religion?

Yeah nah.

fuck off you weeb

i think we can say yeah, because it takes more that a lone shooter to literally wage war in the middle east.

actuhly..... ISIS claims to represent their entire nation.

first a false equivalency and now a straw man?

Pretty easy.
Westboro Baptist is a church made up of one extended family with a total membership of about 50. We only know about it at all because liberal secularists in the media cover them breathlessly and give wall-to-wall coverage of everything they ever do. Meanwhile, in my small city of 100,000, there are literally several hundred churches with memberships far larger, and not one of them has been covered by the national media ever.
Conversely, we hated Islam not because of ISIS but because of the WTC bombing, and the Cole, and the Marine barracks bombing, and 9/11, and the shoe bomber, and the Tube bombings, and the Ft Hood Shooter, and the Iranian hostages, and Marseilles, and Boko Haram, and a thousand other atrocities committed in the name of Allah, and because of polls that show huge percentages of Muslims who want more of this terrorism.

Islam was terroristic, violent, and repressive long before ISIS ever existed. Name one Muslim country with a good human rights record. Just one. I'm not a Republican. I'm pretty liberal and Islam is bad because it is a diseased and backwards ideology. Has nothing to do with ISIS. Islam will still be a broken belief long after ISIS is gone. ISIS is a symptom, an offshoot. Islam is the disease.


Paddock wasn't motivated by whiteness
Islamists are motivated by Islam

1st off repub's dont say islam is bad they say isis is bad so you're wrong... 2nd, Roof wasn't a christian and any christian would condemn his actions... muslims constantly defend the actions of the radicals...

that's an idiotic meme

and do democrats give a fuck about the black who shot up a white church 3 weeks ago and killed a pregnant woman? he targeted them because they were white

OP is a typical liberal comparing two different things with how they feel about them. You can’t circumvent facts with feelings.

islam is a religion of the faithless.

its followers have so little faith in their god that they have to force everyone to believe what they believe.

What about Burnette Chapel Church of Christ?


You guys remember when we pushed westboro out of Fallujah?

it's a bait post... op cant possibly be that stupid

So I could go shoot up a mall, claim I represent all white people, and you'd be culpable?

What's your argument then if its not "Isis represents islam"? Don't see how that's a strawman.

KKK are motivated by being white. Do you think they made white people evil in the same way isis apparently makes islam evil?

the black guy who just shot up a white church 3 weeks ago... yeah nobody knows about it

>So I could go shoot up a mall, claim I represent all white people, and you'd be culpable?

your (((logic))) is flawed.

Who in the mainstream is saying Islam is evil? RADICAL Islam is evil... what are you even talking about

Thats kinda the idea. Its the same logic of those who think islam is bad because isis exists.

You know someone's wrong when they don't like their own ideas thrown back at them.

Go check Sup Forums, this thread, or any trump supporter :^)

the majority of islam is willing to convert infidels by the sword if necessary, but right now they prefer to exploit the wreckless nature of western mass immigration and rapidly change demographics of targeted countries, this of course changes the policies and politics of such a country to be that of pro-islam
westboro baptist is pretty harmless by comparison, they show up, picket a few funerals and go home

They don't think islam is bad because of isis.

They think islam sucks because every country conquered by islam goes to shit, from persia to syria, london to indonesia as we speak.

Call it islamic inbreeding or their inability to separate church and state, the shit just sucks yo.

yeah... see the issue is that all muslims are potential terrorists based on who is currently telling them how to believe, if isis controls a regions and says kill all the *whoever* they have to comply or they will be killed themselves.

Muslim here, with a message for all the ignorant cumskins on this board:

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was jouz who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad

Wait so now people doing stuff under threat of death is exclusive to islamists?
Or are you saying Isis will just be like "Oh sorry man, didn't realize you were athiest, carry on"?

and we'd do it all again to watch you fuckers burn
neck yourself, ahmed

SeeIslam isn't evil because of one group. It's evil because Assad is evil AND the Syrian rebels are evil, and the Sunnis are violent murder cultists, and the Shias are violent murder cultists, and so on.

I laughed at the idea that muztards call their own reflexive homicidal violence, part of their death cult from the beginning, when Muhammad would murder just for the joy of it between his pedophile rape sessions, "tragic incidents."
>See me stabbing this child. It is tragic. I am not to blame.
One more reason to hate Islam.

again you display your lack of understanding details... I said who in the "mainstream" is saying islam is evil? because you found some people on Sup Forums doesn't mean it's happening in the world... people say all kinds of stupid shit on here, you are in fact one of those people

>270~ bombings a year, responsible for thousands of deaths in the middle east and in europe
>hates america

>westoro baptist
>a single abortion clinic attack

Neck yourself


>westoro baptist
>a single abortion clinic attack
Don't forget holding up signs.
Can't let these horrible crimes against humanity go unmentioned.

In what world is Sup Forums not mainstream?
It's the most trafficked board that attracts the most new people to the site. A site thats in the top 300 in the world and top 100 in the us.

The fuck do you consider mainstream?

>I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad

Yes you are, the west isn't responsible for shit. The muslim world was always flaming garbage and always will be.

It was islam who declared 300 years of jihad, wiped out the byzantine empire forcing the crusades.

It was islam who swarmed holy lands and declared them their own.

It was islam that taught the Palestinians that they had a right to the Jordanians land in the first place, if islam didn't exist they would have fucked off when Israel bought the joint from its previous owners.

Islams wars wouldn't be a problem if muslims kept that shit inside their borders, if islam hadn't allowed iraq to attack the wests allies the us wouldn't have had to skull fuck it. If you dirty camel fuckers had formed a military to stop the soviet unions advance like every other country in the world did Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda. wouldn't have been necessary.

It was islam who failed to feed the people of iraq, or any of their people, since no muslim country is self sufficient because it's a garbage political ideology masquerading as a religion.

The list goes on, it was islam that ran the largest slave network in history and forced it on the rest of the world, it was islam who lowered the IQ of half the planets population, it's muslim countries that refuse to leave the stoneage and shit rapists out into the west.

The liberals are the ones defending their rights to free speech not republicans

I would hold that frog girl's hand infront of EVERYONE. Republican or democrat or whatever faggy religion you are, I'd stand against the whole world and hold her hand because it's a smile worth protecting. So ask yourself who the fuck do you think you are I am? Because YOU ARE NOT. I am the law. Come at me bro I'm fucking jacked.

hope you're Polish, then you could have tad-poles with her.

white people are criticized on a daily basis and told to "check their privilege"
they are mocked and degraded by comedians on color.

How many suicide bombings, gang rapes, and beheadings are tied to WBC?


So republicans think cancer is bad because of multiple organ failure. But they don't donate to asthma research. Checkmate atheists


okay, where's the evidence, Jackass?

is copypasta you fucking morons

Everyone criticizes westboro church.
No one criticizes Islam over anything,

Argue against this...

both are shit, but one is more often shit than the other

if this is what Muslims generally think then, kill more of them.

>The fuck do you consider mainstream?
Views expressed on mainstream outlets
>b-b-but Sup Forums IS mainstream

You can only derive the negation of the argument if you assume the argumeng is true and then find a contradiction in irs premises

Well, one is a small group of fucktards holding picket signs and their activities are limited to US territory.
The other, ISIS, is a large group of fucktards destroying historical sites, beheading people, pitching gays off rooftops, and raping, stealing, or burning anything not nailed down. ISIS's activities are not limited to any one nation and they have killed people all around the globe.
Surely you can see the difference.

You're spot on with some of this, but the jews didn't buy a damn thing. They fucked with germany badly enough with their carpet-bagging shit after WWI and then continued to thumb their noses at German people and got put in camps.
After the war ended, Britain carved up the British Mandate of Palestine -- which was already full of Palestinians -- and gave the fertile/useful half to the jews and the shit half to the muzzies.

Islam is a belief system, you fucking mongoloid. White people aren't tied by anything. They are not a group. Islam, conversely, is a religion where everyone is guided by the same books, and these books preach violence upon the Kaffir.

I don't think anyone here believes all muslims are terrorists. Muslim individuals are not the problem, Islam itself is. Islam brings people together and gives them a reason to kill innocents for no material gain. Not all muslims are terrorists, but so many conduct or support terrorism that we have a literal war being waged on the entire western world. It's not a coincidence that there are literal millions of islamic terrorists backed by millions of islamic supporters.

Islam is an outsider
Would you react the same if :
- your children/brother/sister/mother/father broke your TV
- a stranger that came in your house and broke your TV

It works the same when an american (as an example) go do shit in a foreign country. I dont understand why is it so hard to understand for people ?

Fucking honor killings are a thing is Islam.