>Doesn't smoke cigarettes

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it kills you

And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

Other urls found in this thread:


Did mom find out your are smoking?

but it actually is addicting, if you knew anything about Biology you would know.

Not everybody enjoys cancer, crappy teeth and smelling like trash.
Were it only about dying, 100% of the population would be doing it.

I bet the op can quit any time


i gave it up you piece of flotsome and jetsome after having a suspected heart attack aged 23
was always fit
was slim

fuck you! you nicotine addicted junkie

enjoy not having any money
enjoy not being able to breath properly from copd

enjoy lung cancer

enjoy not having a proper erection due to clogged arteries

>smoking cigarettes
>not smoking cigars
Can all children leave?

lol there's no fucking point to smoking cigs other than the 5 second buzz it gives you. people say it relieves stress, but that's complete bullshit. i've smoked plenty of cigs and i see no reason to continue a habit of them.

I don't smoke cigarettes cuz they're gay as fuck but I do smoke weed and cigars, frequent hookah lounges too. Good place to meet new people.

mah nigga
what kind do you smoke

im handsome and beta, its fatty territory, so because i dont hav the guts to reject them, i just light up a smoke, its like throwing burger in the bin for them.

> smoking cancer sticks
> not dipping

If you look past the stereotypes dipping is much safer (still risk of cancer) than cigarettes. The buzz lasts longer, and it doesn’t fuck with your teeth(I brush and floss a few times a day), fuck with your smell, and it doesn’t fuck with your breathing.

>Enjoy erectile dysfunction and struggling to climb a flight of stairs.

I don't need to smoke, I work in a Casino and breathe in thousands of pounds of second hand smoke each week.

I'm smoking and I don't understand why would you advertise it to others. There are literally only two upsides to smoking: short-term relief to stress and occisional smoke breaks at work.

That's literally it. The rest is just negative outlook both on short and long term. It's not worth it, Sup Forumsros.

>>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!
Never understood this one, what other drugs are as cheep as this.

It is addicting though, that's how nicotine works. I'm not a manchild who needs "Muh daily pack" to stay relaxed. I prefer vaping, it tastes better, you don't smell like disgusting smoke, and you won't blow a tenner a day

usin snus, no need for smelly cigarettes.

Fucking svenskere


>smokes cancer sticks

>on Sup Forums for recognition

hope you get lung cancer

Not him but the best I've had is a La Palina Goldie. 90+ year old lady is the only one allowed to roll them. Fucking incredible.

jokes on you I don't get erections anyways

Cannabis/caffeine>any other drug

smells like shit.

smoking is a lot of money

>Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?
What? Being bullied, mentally handicapped or both is a reason to smoke, not a reason not to.

>And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?
Yes. Yes it is.

>It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can smoke in moderation.
Actually, it is clinically proven that withdrawal starts immediately upon exhaling, making it the single most addicting substance we know of.

>Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel
The need to continually feed the addiction to nicotine causes you to buy a pack ever day.

I smoked for 13 years before I quit. But I did quit, and I still want cigarettes occasionally. I have not had one in almost 3 years though.

Your arguments are shit. You want company in your misery, therefore you are shit. I'm known by almost everyone in my life as a giant asshole and I still want the best for people, no matter my circumstances. What does that speak about you, who just wants other to suffer so that you wont have to suffer alone?

>smokes fire dick sticks
>everything smells of shit
>does nothing unless you get at least 4

dont be faggot OP and get some snus bags if you so hard wanna be badass

You're a faggot who liked to get buttfucked by your uncle in your big lifted F150



Nigger, that shit is toxic. If you want to kill yourself, I don't give a fuck, but you're not going to convince someone with intelligence with your idiotic rationalizations. You could say all the shit you said about drinking bleach and it would make as much sense as your monologue.


like teen spirit


its not the fact that it eventually kills you that is the problem, its the fact it makes your body feel like shit.

This is the shittiest bait



Smokers act like they're going to live a long healthy life until the day they day, but that shit slowly destroys you. You'll get to where you can't fucking take a jog within a few months, and you'll be gasping for air taking a few stairs within a few years. It's some real shit, and only a fucking dumbass would ignore their body saying "please stop killing me you goddamn retard"

Smoked menthols for 5 years and been off cigs now for 3 years with vaping and can run marathons now. Not everyone is the same but I also heard that it only damages stamina bad after 10+ years but who knows

Well, if you stop early enough, your lungs can recover, but there is only so much the human body can take.

Meme from finland

This. It's also easier to stop if you haven't been smoking longer than millennials have been alive.

>not vaping
best of both worlds, it's good for you and you can get a nicotine hit, not to mention it looks cooler

>Who forces you to buy a pack every day, fucking peat-gavel

Who forces you to smoking?

i don't smoke them cause they don't taste good, same with alcohol

OP so manly he consumes known carcinogens to show off how stupid he is.
For his next act of manliness he's going to shove needles into his scrotum.

I prefer vaping. You can just hit it a few times and be good for like 15 minutes. The glass tank broke on my Smok Stick v8 and a replacement should be coming tomorrow. I been smoking two packs a day lately because I haven't been able to use my vape and using dope.

Just reminder everybody the tobacco companies are funded by Jews, and you are paying Jews to give you cancer.

litterally kill yourself if you are smoking cigarettes in 2017, you already don't value your life and loving getting fucked by Jews.

>has a girl's name
>tells people to do things



I have enough self-esteem to take care of my body

>wasting money on cancer in a stick that eventually ruins your health permanently
>thinking you are so hard ass to smoke that you literally go on 4chinz Sup Forums to express your poor choice in life




Same guy that quit after 5 years with vaping and I got my dad off cigs with vaping and he smoked for damn near 20+ years. He hasnt smoked a cig in 2 years now. I highly recommend vaping to people who want to quit because its 95% healthier and you can taper down the nicotine level you are exposing yourself to. Cigarette brands don't tell you how much nicotine is in a cigarette but it is a fuckton

I actually still remember a chart that ranked cigs by how much nicotine was in each and those NXT cigs had the most

And all daddy's good boys falling for it.


I had a phase like this
I was kinda shitty, I liked cigarellos better (more flavour)

>giving money to companies for a lousy two minutes "stress relief"
nigga, you are really stupid

Stop making the same thread you fucking zeta male, I bet you think you'll get pussy for smelling like shit and having rotten teeth

blame the finnnish

>i have to resort to an anonymous message board to reaffirm my terrible habits and bad decisions because I'm that fucking pathetic in life

20 yrs old, been smoking since 14, wouldnt recommend it to anybody, specially if you have a lot of spare time or you develop the habit of smoking while in the computer, which is absolutely destroying. can confirm is actually addicting, obviously its different for anyone, but if you say is not, you dont actually smoke lol

Anyone that still smokes cigarettes in 2017 is a fucking degenerate and deserves the lung cancer that they will get

Even social smokers have an increased chance of everything that can go wrong with smoking cigs, does.

Why not just vape? Yeah blah fag blah blah blah. But it tastes better, fun to have a hobby where you can add parts and shit to it, you have so much more freedom as to where you can smoke it, and you don't smell like shit to others after smoking a cig.

Go carry on smelling like a ashtray somewhere else, you disgusting piece of shit

>I better post on Sup Forums how cool I am
you have a sad life

Falling for the lowest quality bait.

> 2017
started smoking again after 3 years pause
> b-but it kills me
yeah my life is a wreck already and my blood pressure is too high
> it's addicting
yeah, I got my addiction successfully reformed after my first mixed joint in this summer
> it's expensive
yeah, I need to eat less now, because it takes about 20% of my daily expenses

>And? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?
Life isn't a contest of any sort, you stupid cunt.
The point is I'd rather not painfully drown in my own lungs over the course of months.

who would recommend a good vaper and where can I buy, a worth one, I don't have much money.


I can't even believe someone was dumb enough and lonely enough to make this troll thread...

In addition to cancer, being smelly, spending hundreds of extra dollars a month, and having terrible breath -- people who smoke are literally looked down and considered of weak character, why would anyone choose to smoke?

cuz I look kewl xD

> its addicting
Yes. Nearly every brand of store purchased cigarettes contain benzene which is a known addictive carinogen. Benzene fumes from gasolene. It also smells good to most gas huffers.

> its expensive
I think we should reduce the costs. Even give out cigarettes for free.
Remove ACA benefits and coverage for all smoking related health problems (second hand as well)