Are portuguese moors?

Are portuguese moors?

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they're just fucking pieces of shit

t. Sopa de macaco

But they are still your fathers

No, the moors invaded Sicily, it was another kind of peoples went to Spain etc.

Iberians as a whole are a lesser race compared to every other Western European meta-ethnicity. No wonder every single one of their former colonies turned into dysfunctional shitholes.

Portugal in particular has worse development rates than Poland, a nation that was under communist rulership for decades and had many of its major cities destroyed by war, while Portugal had one of the largest colonies in the New World, an unimaginable amount of resources available, wasn't bombed to extinction in the 20th century, and basically had all the advantages to become one of the most remarkable nations on Earth today and still managed to become a shithole regardless.

The British on the other hand managed to create not only 1 exceptionally prosperous nation in the New World, but 4, one of them being The most powerful nation on Earth, despite having considerably less resources available compared to Latin America.

If that isn't enough proof of the racial inferiority of the Iberians I honestly don't know what is.

the pope doesnt visit moors so no

>That individualism map

shut up

Jeez mate, we soooooorry.

very rude

>autism maps
>autism posts
>race obsession
you should go out more

why is a disgusting spanish quoting me guys? Is it contagious?

>trash talk
>wasn't bombed to extinction in the 20th century,
>more trash talk

What if you go study your father's country and understand what was going on during the early-mid section of the 20th century, zuca de merda com mania de inferioridade?

No but Swedish surely are

No need to project. I'm not an Iberian and I'm not quite a self-hater for that matter. On the contrary. And the only remotely livable places in Latin America are exactly those that received more non-Iberian European influence.

Both Portugal and Spain have the lowest development rates in Western Europe and are parasite states in the EU. The states in Brazil that received most Portuguese influence are also the biggest parasites within the federation and have the lowest development rates.

Iberians are an inferior race of Europeans and that's a fact, whether you agree with that or not it's an undeniable reality.

You're welcome brazuca

I am Iberian non iberians are trash.


no, Portuguese are Irish

t. Adolfo Nuremberg de Garibaldi

>Tfw former colonies jealous of your whiteness

look at all those ingredients

Uma delicia

Iberians are an inferior race, you have literally nothing worth being jealous for. Brazilians are subhumans mainly because they're a product of your low IQ and lack of decency, and despite that hundreds of thousands of Portuguese migrate to Brazil looking for jobs. You unironically need your former debauchery colony in order to prosper. That's your certificate of failure as a race.

See It's hilarious to see Iberians mocking Latin America when Latin America is literally proof of your inferiority as a race. Anglos/Saxons have everything to be proud of for the powerful colonies they created. Iberians never created anything remarkably good throughout their entire existence, despite all the odds favouring them.






>Portuguese """"""""""""white"""""""""""" nationalists

Should I?

should you what?

Should I go for it, I mean. I have the roots and the ability to prove them.

I think foreigners who own property and live here at least half a year every year don't pay taxes on said property
This is what you wanted to hear right?

Let's start with having one in my own country I guess

Not all Iberian colonies turned into dysfunctional shitholes, just the ones with niggers. Real Portuguese colonies like the Azores and Madeira are better than any Brazilian state in question of quality of life. Of course the difference between say, the US and Brazil is that 2/3 of their population doesn't have nigger/injun blood, unlike Brazilians. That's because they were colonizing places with a way larger population than we were and they didn't have to rely on breeding with the locals.

Poland has greater growth than Portugal because they joined the E.U. just a couple years ago. Their level of European gibs me dat is still high because of that. Growth doesn't mean anything if you're not comparing countries in similiar situation. If you give Ethiopia a couple of billions and give Portugal a couple of billions, Ethiopia's growth rate would obviously be way better than Portugal's simply because they are going from 0 to something.

Portugal is in no way, shape or form a "shithole". Its HDI is very high and despite the crisis and austerity measures, has not declined, while many western nations like the Netherlands, and Sweden it has declined.

Portugal has the 17th largest gold reserve in the world and we don't like to touch them.

The Brits are good lads, their population being more than 4x Portugal's at all times, it's either questionable wether Portugal didnt do good enough, or if Brits could've done more.

We had the longest lived colonial empire, being the least populous western european country at the time.

>the states that received most Portuguese influence are also the biggest parasites within the federation and have the lowest development rates.
States with just Portuguese/other European influence and less nigger influence are the most developed in Brazil. Its niggers/injuns the problem. In any colony.

Iberian is not a race and that's a fact.

For us, "moor" or mouro refers to anyone that's a muslims.

North african? Moor.
Arab? Moor.
Sudanese? Moor.
Indonesian? That's a moor too.
Converted Swede? Guess what. That's a moor.

For Sweden I think the word would fall more under North African/Arab.
Well, whatever the case, the answer is no, Portguese are not moors because they don't fit the definition of either.
Genetic studies show that Portuguese have a percentage of semitic blood which would be explained by the assimilation of the some part of the Jewish Sephardic population. After the reconquista, the muslims were expelled from Portugal, but the Jews were not, as long as they converted and stopped doing Jew stuff.
"North African" blood has always been present in Iberia. And I say "north african" because some of the places with no muslim influence in northern Iberia show more ammount of said blood than some southern parts of the peninsula which means that "north african blood" before the arrival of Indo-Europeans could've been as much Iberian as north african.

Portuguese people migrate anywhere and everywhere. From developed to shithole.
Don't feel special because of that.

Also, Rio was more developed than Lisbon when Brazil was part of Portugal. Its decline came after independence, so don't blame the shortcomings of Brazil on Portuguese. Brazil's failure is the sole certificate of Brazilian failure.

Anglos/Saxons are superior to Iberians in every imaginable way, and that's not even up to debate.

Anglo nations as young as Australia and New Zealand far surpass Portugal and Spain. The United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and even the isolated Falkland Islands became prosperous British territories because Anglos/Saxons have higher IQs and superior work ethics compared to Iberians. Iberian people and their decisions created Latin America. British people and their decisions created the Anglosphere. That's an obvious fact.

The Portuguese even violated the Tordesillas Treaty just so they could hoard more precious metals, despite leaving a trail of failed settlements behind, completely forgotten by Portugal. And despite that, Portugal today is still a shithole by Western European standards. Low IQ people will always make bad decisions, even when they win a lottery game like Portugal did. They'll eventually make stupid choices and go back to being poor.

And the Polish are definitely putting their EU investments to good use, unlike Portugal. Poland has the fastest growing national industry and scores among the highest on PISA, despite their countless historic disadvantages. Portugal won the lottery game and remains a failed parasite state in the EU regardless.

Watch out my sopa eating friend, here come the iberians roleplaying as romans and greeks.

olha o cara para quem tu estás dando YOUS
Ele se acha alemão com essa cara mas é um índio misturado da porra

El caxias seniores

90% of Chileans have amerindian blood and they still better than Portugal. The portuguese blood and portuguese culture are the real problem of Brazil.

Chileans inherited Prussian values, but their low average IQ will always keep them behind the development line for a legitimately developed nation. The poorest Southern Brazilian state is still on par with Chile, despite losing over 80% of its GDP to the Brazilian federal government.

And the Problem with Brazil isn't only the Iberian genes, but mostly the sub-Saharan African genes and the violent behaviour that came with it, as the African slaves brought to Brazil by the Portuguese weren't merely the average sub-Saharan Africans, but criminals who were already slaves in Africa. Brazil received some of the worst the world has to offer, it's really no wonder it became what it is today.


All of spains and portuguals population combined, 20% have jewish and arab roots.

Vai dormir.

>States with just Portuguese/other European influence
Pará: 4 months old girl raped. Portuguese influence.
Favela de Janeiro: druglords and rape vans. Portuguese influence.
Maranhão: amateur football has referee beheaded. Portuguese influence.
Can't you just accept the fact that a good Portuguese is castrated, marked with red iron like other animals and thrown at its farm for forced works, and the others should be hunted with shotguns like wild animals?

don't blame us for your nigger genes monkey

And yet we're one off the most peaceful countries in the world, go figure.

We're suebi nordic


Blacks haven power and little influence in Brazil.
genetics wise they are brown up in % swell.

Even then the reason you colonies area shit is because of bad colonial polices and rules, not because of the people contrary to what some chucklefucks say.

On what website did you find the statistic that you posted?

>Prussian values
>Southern Brazil meme


Not really a "meme" when facts back the arguments. And Chile did inherit Prussian Western values in regards to liberal democratic values and the free market.



Goa is the richest state in India, portugal was there till the 60s.

Argue with this bitch. DOn't try too look for scapegoats to excuse the fact that your country is laughable

t. brainwashed commie

Well yeah

Brazil bro where can I see this statistic? I want to check it out it looks interesting

It was taken down apparently. It was an interactive website with all the detailed information regarding migration in Brazil.

kek i'm whiter than you

I thought the juninho meme was just a meme wtf

>portuguese nationalism
>race based
We're a real nation-state. Race based nationalism is pathetic in comparison to ethnic nationalism.

two countries fighting for your interests abroad is always better than just one

if you want to why not
i miss sephardi bros

Shut up.
Then they will do like they do in America. Promoting africans and other sub-humans to come to portugal

Stop bullying Portugal.

dumb portuguese
sephardis are not ashkenazi
there are no iberian jews in america you dumb idiot


Há um pequeno "detalhe" que destrói essa sua teoria ridícula:

- quando os Romanos invadiram o que viria a ser Portugal, 100 anos antes de Cristo, já os habitantes locais eram descritos tal e qual como hoje são os portugueses, maioria morenos, baixos, pele mais escura.

Os Mouros só vieram para Portugal 800 ANOS DEPOIS dos Romanos...
Mas até a História básica demonstra coisas:

Os Celtas ficaram em Portugal 4000 anos...

Os Romanos vieram e ficaram em Portugal 700 anos...

Até os Visigodos ficaram em Portugal durante 400 anos.

Depois de todos estes povos vieram os Mouros que ficaram em Portugal pouco mais de 200 anos. Nunca vieram em número suficiente para POVOAR mas sim apenas para ADMINISTRAR o território e os povos que já cá existiam.

Foram expulsos de Portugal no século 13, há mais de 700 ANOS...
Como é que um anormal burro e ignorante como você consegue dizer que os portugueses são "100%" mouros?

Mas a verdade é que já foram realizados muitos testes e investigações genéticas aos portugueses e o resultado é, de modo geral, este:

- mais de 80% dos portugueses hoje são descendentes directos dos povos pré-históricos que sempre habitaram o que hoje é Portugal. O que faz da maioria dos portugueses o povo europeu menos misturado com outros povos e um dos que tem os genes mais antigos
- 15% são uma mistura desses povos pré-históricos com os Celtas

- 4% têm uma pequena descendência africana (muito recente, a partir do século 15)

E, finalmente, menos de 1% da população portuguesa tem marcadores genéticos "mouros"... pode ser encontrado no sul do país. Na Europa são todos caucasianos, bem como no norte de África, no entanto na europa mediterânica o clima é mais quente e as pessoas são mais bronzeadas.
Ao contrário do que muita gente pensa, os portugueses são geneticamente mais parecidos com ingleses, irlandeses, gauleses

>we wuz romanz n celts n sheit


t.Michael tsarion

>was conquered by some Muslim niggers from North Africa
>remained a Muslim nigger colony for nearly 800 years
>had their women raped and bred by the BBC as if there would be no tomorrow


Ignora-o. Nós somos a mistura de vários povos (como o são todos os países mediterrânicos).

prova-me que estou errado em vez de estares com esses argumentos de mestiço como tu deves ser, tu nem deves ser branco e estás para ai a falar, se o és tens descendencia portuguesa e estás a dar dizer o quão inferior tu és basicamente

>Brazil is little over 500 years old
>Portugal and Spain remained Muslim nigger colonies for nearly 800 years

>Iberians are genetically Celtic and pure

>being this ignorant of history and genetics
Brazilians truly are subhumans.

lembrete diário que nós exterminamos os judeus e mouros, está aqui o teu (you) já agora

Don't waste your time

It's true. We shouldn't have had those fishing colonies in Canada. It has single-handedly made you cunts insufferable.

we also kickstarted globalism but i'm glad everybody blames the jews instead of us

The Iberian Peninsula was literally a Muslim nigger colony for nearly 800 years, and Iberians unironically believe they're pure, white, Celtic Europeans.

Are you even remotely aware of how incredibly delusional you are?

eu mostrei os posts do caxias que vive falando em iq e ser alemão, eu não sou o caxias caralho

globalization =/= globalism

>and Iberians unironically believe they're pure, white
Niguém diz isto.

i wanna buy some of those slaves desu
what's with the portugal hate meme btw? is it genuine or is it banter?


Dude... We are the jews.

literally one and the same thing

Well Sweeds sure are

definitely. the only white part of the portuguese is the french sex slave ancestors, who the poortuguese kidnapped enmass with their north african brothers.


Do the rest of the world a favour and keep your opinions to the rest of the former colonies, macac

fátima - papa
futebol - benfica
fado - eurovisão - nome: salvador

5º império

Well Brazil is a nigger colony now

so according to that map almost no country in europe is white to you, nice logic you say that a whole population isn´t white just because of 10% and forgetting about the other 90%

>male height
>no data
tfw the goyim don't know.

This is the most autistic Brazilian I've ever seen