So who else got banned by this fucking Grimes mod motherfucker?
Give a little man a little power... this abuse of power needs to stop just because people disagree with you. Ban me again.
So who else got banned by this fucking Grimes mod motherfucker?
Give a little man a little power... this abuse of power needs to stop just because people disagree with you. Ban me again.
There's a larger issue here.
>funposters create OC and steer the board in a fun direction
>mods / janitors start doing more work / hiring more people
Little. Children.
I knew I would see some one post about this. I'm getting fucking tired of him.
>Thinking every user on a board is the same person or has the same opinions
I really hope you aren't a mod. They shouldn't accept people this dense.
>all boards
what the fuck
Find a Xfinity wifi hotspot, then change your mac address with TMAC V6, then get continuous free trials and a free dynamic IP.
Don't tell anybody!
I've been banned twice now for basically not liking Grimes. It's bologna.
You do know that they do it for free, right? It's not a real job/title
just ignore grimes threads. they are dying off
I remember when a mod would delete grimes simply because he hated her face
What did he mean by this?
I just replied as a gag, jeez. Just wanted to see where I'd be reborn in, stinky mod.
Ignoring your nonsense, this is the endless cycle. The Sup Forums public clamors for more moderation and recoils when they actually get it.
Wow great post, idiot. You can still be hired for volunteer positions.
I'm kind of stunned by the implication that everyone who replied to it was banned on every board for 24 (or maybe 12 idk) hours.
Like what
Also, I've been banned in grimes threads, while talking about grimes and her music for mentioning her weight/eating disorder, which I feel is more on topic than people just bumping her threads with pictures or "I want to marry her"
This. And it was South Africa!
Perhaps if the mods we got were actually unbiased and competent this cycle would stop.
but the problem is that we haven't gotten enough new moderation to fix problems yet one mod selectively bans anti-Grimes posts and won't ban pro-Grimes rule-breaking posts (such as off-topic posts, replies, announcing reports)
pft hashahahahahahahhaha
itt: this tripfag takes Sup Forums way too seriously
daily reminder that mods to it for free
I'm about to be fucking Greek, dude. Fuck me, I was banned for being Greek. Hardly worth it.
I agree, if you're really pissed I recommend u ban evade like a muthafuka. They'll let up eventually.
Xfinity trick works, and Comcast also offers a dynamic IP adress. Check with your internet service providers.
This literally never happens. Don't pretend otherwise.
This is what always happens.
Great post, really sizzled my bacon.
I don't like general anarchy, but I don't like abuse of power either. I think it's possible to have a healthy balance between the two. I post with my static IP and I try to keep my posts high quality/etc to avoid getting banned when I can.
I mean it's not a big deal. I post on mu really only on my work computer so it doesn't affect me too much.
it's just hilarious to me that this assmad grimesfag would ban EVERYONE in that thread, when I'm pretty sure the initial grimes thread that was derailed was posted when 3 other grimes threads were up.