Hey Sup Forums I've got a girls iPhone here with me

Hey Sup Forums I've got a girls iPhone here with me.
I know with 100% certainty there's tons of nudes on it. Is there any way I can get the photos out without having the passcode? It's an iPhone 5s.

Pic not related

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Will post wins here obviously :)


Hey retard. It took the FBI months to hack that terrorists phone, but you think someone on Sup Forums can help you turn your ill gotten gains into something you can sell? You are dumber than I though.


At least the auto correct proves that I have a phone and don't have to steal iPhones.

If you didn't touch it too much or have access to her prints try this.

try to discover her PIN, do some social engieneering OP

Just a friend of my sister that forgot her phone here. She'll be getting it back tomorrow.

I don't really know too much about her. Tried her birthday and year.

how are you getting these pics?

What do you mean? The pics I'm posting are just random nudes.

oh, nevermind

Theoretically, if I were to delete the whole phone( reset to factory settings) Would I be able to retreive the deleted photos afterwards with some software perhaps?

You could try throwing the phone out of the window from 10th floor. Then look through all the shattered parts. Pics should be somewhere in there between all these pieces.

Hmm, there's only 8 floors in this building. Think it will still work?


still think you should discover her PIN, u have the time to block the phone many times. is it 4 digits or 6?

The line of thought behind this is; there's alot of more recovery options when the phone is opened with the pass code. So if i reset it, it can be accessed. And I know of a few photo recovery programs, but I'm not sure it works as well when it's completely reset.

It's only 4. the waiting time between each time I can try is at 5 minutes atm.

Look for finger marks around the locks numbers

Give it back, Jamal.

you did try 0000 and 1234 right?!

There doesn't seem to be anything that sticks out unfortunately.

Yup, tried all the basic ones that I could think of.