How do you call this in your country?

How do you call this in your country?

Here we call it "cofrinho" (piggy bank), in schoolst's it's common for bullies to insert coins on fat kids with these cracks showing.


"Plumber's crack". Generally its associated with hicks and low class people

butt crack

>Plumber's crack
Same here

Kont a matti

>Jual bontot
Showing it off like that person is "selling" it and anyone who sees it is "buying" it.
>guys do this, gets scolded, his fault for not fitting his shirt properly
>girls do this, stare, not his fault she can't afford belts

builder's bum

>"Plumbers Union here. You're way below the 2 inch tolerance line. Hike 'em up!"

flag, alcancía (piggy bank)

>in schoolst's it's common for bullies to insert coins on fat kids with these cracks showing
i used to do that to grills when they bent over. one of them actually cried

Rego do cu (Ass's trench)


kőműves dekoltázs - mason decolletage
malacpersely - piggybank

I've heard "Skirmantas" which is also a name, which makes it funny.

Rekkamiehen hymy (trucker's smile)

>in schoolst's it's common for bullies to insert coins on fat kids with these cracks showing
>in schools

even Brazil school pranks are gay in nature
no,wonder so,many of you are turning out faggots
i am,not joking

Builder's bum.

Maurerdecollete, means essentially the same as

Plumber's crack

>insert coins
it is a good fundraising technique to get rich and move out of favela

Gazaremsan(gaza strip)

come on dude. it is associated with OVERWEIGHT people, nothing else. so you don't need to be ashamed of your plumbers crack.

raya del orto

what does it mean?

wait, i'm an idiot. a translation would simply be "builders decollete", afaik the latter word is also used in english. otherwise, "builders neckline".

Builder's bum


(Construction workers' crack)

Cancer de ojos

Une raie du cul

I did that to a teacher in middle school.

He wasn't too happy about it.
