How to watch porn without being detected...

How to watch porn without being detected? I am sure about that my friend is checking DNS on router and he knows where and when I go in the network... Can I somehow hide myself from being detected in LAN network from other users and router?

It's called a VPN. You stupid cunt.

any other methods than VPN?

if he's looking at your router, there's fuck all you can do tbh

actually it's hid router so... I just want more privacy

his* for fuck sake..

Why does your "friend" give a fuck?

tor is free and won't show off your porn DNS to the router.

dunno, I just don't trust people. I am fiking nolife who maybe is not kissless virgin but all what I do is sitting in my basement and playing games. I like watch some porn sometimes, like everyone of us.

I will consider that, tor is not so stupid thing, but damm latency...

if you care about lag, force your browser to redirect all DNS requests to and (google DNS servers) and don't use the local router ( probably).

No tor, no dns log reading.

Just a thought. You may want to check for signs of scizo stuff. Had a roommate that developed the same idea, and well, fell apart. Keep an open mind, but get checked.

Also, vpn is the only way if he owns the hardware

>Also, vpn is the only way if he owns the hardware

you're wrong.

Damn nigger, you need some English classes.

Since when is being anti social schiz?


scizo stuff? You don't think about Schizophrenia?

Not the anti social part. More the thought of tracking.

If he is super techie, yes probably a risk. If he is not, then it might be in your head, or an outside group

he is IT programmer. I am IT monkey, that's all.

I mean if user is fapping to some pretty weird shit and his friend is an IT wizard or some shit I'd be pretty paranoid too.

He's not a friend if he's stalking you online

it is just a guy who rent one of the rooms with me.

Why do you fucking care if he knows? What are you, a 10yr old watching porn on your mom's computer?


So far I didn't care about that but I just want to have some more privacy + improve my skills (I like IT stuff enough for doing that, not only for hiding myself from watching porn).


they are still queried locally

tor/onion but then you're lighting up your router