I think people receiving welfare or other social services should be required to volunteer to clean public parks and...

I think people receiving welfare or other social services should be required to volunteer to clean public parks and buildings.

Welfare is something that leads to shitty minorities that ask for more welfare. Instead of disgusting welfare gifts that make people sit around doing nothing, governments should give people jobs if they want to get paid. So yes OP is correct, have them clean the place up or something.

What of those too physically fucked up (disabled people) to help society

not OP... but to answer. earth is overpopulated. the disabled are wasting resources. let em die.

Naw I'm good collecting my disability benefits thank you very much


That would just be a normal job, not welfare. Stupid.

not a bad idea, but then that wouldn't be 'volunteer work', they should just be hired by the city to do those jobs.

The answer is probably more along this line:
We have enough resources to carry disabled people and when given the choice I would always chose physically disabled over morally disabled (you)

What if they can't, because they are disabled or taking care of a child or disabled person?

>required to volunteer

Got any answers that aren't edgy redpill underage b& faggot bullshit?


underaged wannabe sjw triggered. kek


Not him but nope. No one likes you. Leave

Physically disabled are morally disabled a lot of the time.
Fat people choose to be so

>required to volunteer

Have you thought about the consequence of people being put out of a job by doing that, creating more parasites ? No, I thought so. In this modern age of effectivity and robots we have to accept the fact that not everyone can have a job.

Most of them work and pay taxes and are only on them temporarily.
If it helps them get a leg up so they can get a better paying job either through school or learning a trade, then the future tax gains are worth it.
It can be looked at as an investment.
In fact, I think offering free education to learn a trade for those on it that aren't disabled would be great and would help the economy more than just a work requirement.
When they are more successful, they will pay more taxes.
It would more than pay for itself.

Yeah dude? Got an overabundance of street cleaners do we?

Wouldn't want them all out of the job right. Any other illogical narratives you want to push to feed your superiority complex? Faggot

Maybe if people weren't swine we wouldn't need street cleaners at all, and without morals like yours we could probably save ourselves another thousand years on earth too. But it's too much to expect a conservative teenager to understand


At least in my state (Arkansas) people on food stamps who don't have a full time job have to volunteer something like 40 hours a month

Oh, and where I'm from the system of streetcleaners really seem to work, they're so desperate they want welfare recievers washing the whole system of roadsigns throughout the country because the politicians think like you "They have to DO something, the lazy swine"

Are you being ironic or are you actually retarded? Believe it or not I'm not the faggot you were arguing with earlier. You're just obnoxious

Please deflect some more and show me how I'm right.

I don't even support the opposing view you presumptuous moron.
It just really bothers me when people who don't deserve an ego have one.

Believe it or not, you ARE the faggot I was arguing with before. You have to admit you really failed with your argument

I think they should automatically lose the right to vote while collecting and should be forced to take birth control. Lose the vote because they aren't contributing to society as a whole and forced birth control because they have proven incapable of taking care of themselves, let alone another person.

Yeah sure you don't, just stop yourself before you go in too deep

Yeah. I'm literally telling you I don't support that faggot's view from earlier. You're actually retarded

You got it all figured out now boss! It was a bamboozle! Holy shit neck yourself

Spoken like a guy on welfare

>indentured servitude

The people on welfare or other social services pay taxes either through work or sales tax . go fuck yourself annon


Oh...you just went full retard. You shouldn't do that.

sure we can just fire the park workers and indenture them when they need to go on welfare.
your idea is full of win user

>sale tax

Ask anyone on welfare. I'm on welfare. This is what we talk about.

Caring about other people lives is the biggest waste of time and energy. And makes you a bigger cuck than anyone.

>fire the park workers
or find something more worthwhile to do with the manpower.


>on welfare
>on Sup Forums not getting a job
eat glass

wow you're so redpilled

please teach me your teenage nihilistic ways sempai, it's too much of a struggle having to think about things.


As someone who routinely represents the welfare recipients at issue in this post, I think it would be helpful to clarify what "welfare" is (at least in the United States): Social Security disability - you need to have worked, then become disabled to get it. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) - you have to be old, blind, or disabled to get it, and it isn't enough to live on. Social Security (the retirement benefit) - you have to have worked and be old to get it. Food Stamps - only buy food and qualifying necessities, and not really enough to live on. Subsidized housing - you get to live in a tiny space in the shittiest part of town, and it isn't free, just reduced from normal. There are others, but these are the big ones. Do some people manage to milk the system through fraud? Yes. Do we accept them as an unavoidable evil in a system that otherwise helps a huge number of worthy people? Yes. Before you begin to hate the poor and accuse them of being welfare parasites who contribute nothing to society, perhaps you should walk a mile in their shoes. Perhaps you should consider why these programs started, and the limited options available to the people they help. Perhaps you should consider that the majority of recipients really are the old, the sick and the disabled. People who have worked, people who have raised children who went on to get jobs. Being poor doesn't make one a bad person, nor a lazy one, nor a deadbeat mooch. One need not be a bleeding heart liberal nor a social justice warrior to understand these things, one need only be a human being.

I disagree I believe we all should receive government benefits. I'm beyond ashamed to be American. We aren't as advanced as European countries and Canada.


Get that fuckin logic out of here can't you see Sup Forums's circlejerking?

What about people on disability pay whose conditions would only get worse from something like that?

We should duck

Hello fellow Rick and Morty fan!

oh god damnit I got trolled didn't I

They do this in Sweden, I believe

>underage b&
>says cuck

You're just as bad

You're either a shit troll or an idiot. I'm gonna go with the latter.

That's not welfare, that's guaranteed employment. Sounds good to me.

Morals are relative, you fucking wanna-be steward of the planet ass faggot

>required to volunteer