I'm just gonna come out and say it

i'm just gonna come out and say it..


>there's are
nice bro

nobody fucking likes milo

>t-there's a typo surely that means it's all wrong
liberals everyone

i'm sure you meant everywhere

this is now an english class thread

Milo needs some white dick, why he so racist against white?

Okay teacher, can we talk about Milo The Messiah?

My nigga


he may not be a white supremacist but despite being gay he hates faggots. just fucking dumb.
he also has a huge bias against women, saying theyre better off as wives and stay at home moms. just fucking retarded. even if he didnt get raped as a child he would still be gay but thinks its a choice

Hahaha Milo, singing for nazi's and saying he'd take a pill if that would make him hetero. damn what a fucktard. where did he even go

Post cock tribute.

everybody loves him. u r incorrect sir

yeah johhny with 2 h's, you can speak up


milo is greek, ofc he's pro degenerate gay shit

I can't wait for some fucking redneck to kill Milo

Mrs.Rapedwheniwasadirtyslut, why can't Milo fuck White Privileged Europeans?

Well johhny you see, you are an unexperienced underage faggot with no sexlife whatsoever so why the fuck should i explain you this