Tfw the elected leader of your country thinks the stock market gains means the national debt is being reduced

>tfw the elected leader of your country thinks the stock market gains means the national debt is being reduced

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I know, isn't he a moron? How did this happen?

Go back to Sup Forums fag.


Why? Can't you Sup Forums trolls for trump take the heat?

Kill yourself, bourgeois neoliberal.

He is the stupidest motherfucker ever elected president. Not winning at all. Loser cunt

You first Randy

You first, Shlomo.

Tax cuts for the rich will go down in flames too. Such a loser administration. I'm glad Corker called the cocksucker out.

Randy Goldbaum

>Tax cuts for the rich will go down in flames too
A loser administration is a winner for the people.

literally who

For the rich? But he says he will lose money. It's a bad deal for the rich. Believe him.

Why won't you just take Trump at his word? He's president. If you subtract all those illegals voting he won the popular vote. His inauguration had the biggest audience of any in history, period.

The Trump Administration will stay losers. Yes that's good for the American people and the rest of the world.

Did this faggot really say that?

Said it on Hannity

This isn't a YLYL thread buddy.

The Democrats are a right-wing party. If they stay losers until this changes, the people will also win.

Possibly true, IF he can manage to roll back the capital gains tax or otherwise stick it to Wall Street. This is the sort of thing that democrats would rather not hear though.

oh gee a man who was given everything in life doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about? surprise surprise.


How would reducing taxes REDUCE the debt? Where would the money come from?

He is a fucking retard

Haha dude Every time he does something it's like watching myself in power. He makes me glad I'm not in a position of authority

But his IQ is the highest. Believe him. He has a high IQ.

He's not from Sup Forums, he's from Russia. The content doesn't matter - he's here to sow discord.

At least you can admit he was elected.

It will trickle down, of course. Have you been living in a cave ever since Reagonomics came into vogue?

70,000 hillbillies sealed the deal-

caiptal gains are taxed at half the top marginal rate for wage and other income.
nonetheless, he does sound a bit batty

No, the debt is being reduced because it's actually being reduced. Has nothing to do with the stock market.

>Tax cuts for the rich
Gotta love the liberal lie.
Who do you think pays the most taxes? To liberals a small business that makes 200k a year is "rich".

The tax cuts are coming. You lefties keep losing.

For such "losers" you lefty morons sure get triggered by the things that are passed.

Fucking americans

>The Democrats are a right-wing party
Being this stupid.


Ha ha, keep triggering nigger. If you wanna play the "stupid politician" game, beat Kevin Leon with his 30 caliber clips per minute speech.

Why are you so pro-government? Why do you want people to pay the government for no reason?

>being this vidya
Explain this, shill.
And this.

Kinda. He's appeasing to that thing where the lib news rates pres. performance on market performance. He's still an idiot, but I don't think he believes that outright.

Image how much money would be circulating with 100% taxes.

Oh god, you lose.

wow, edgy. brave.

I genuinely love President Trump.

Kansas tried that. It didn't work out so well. Reaganomics didn't work when Reagan was in office. Why would it work now?

>forgetting Obama
Libs think $40k+ is rich.

Fuck off CNN

that meme actually comes from lobby-prompted regulations etc, not free market capitalism.

How so? They're a Democrat Party house paper. Why would they try to fight the left wing of the party if they weren't actually into it? Wouldn't that be against their interest?

You posted nonsense.
Hey lefty, just because you post an article from the liberal media doesn't make you right.

They get triggered non-stop. You'd think they would want to protect themselves from the government. The 2nd amendment protects the people from the government. They want that gone too.

Holy shit that's adorable.

Holy shit this is sad. You shouldn't love /any/ ruler.

haven't been on Sup Forums or Sup Forums for a couple months, can someone brief me on who supports whom now?

this shithole is getting more confusing by the day

Reganomics carried all the way into Clinton. WTF are you talking about?

Do you want to stay poor? Is the next bracket above you taxed at 90%? Why improve?

It doesn't make me right, but it does mean you have some explaining to do when a Democrat house organ praises the right and you're trying to claim that the Democrat Party is, not merely has a, left-wing.

It has for me.
I'm now set for life and out of the stock market.
Stay salty.

Trump considers 7 figures to be the start of the middle class if you go by his supposedly middle class tax cuts. Stop projecting Donald's failures onto others.

the shareblue shills support whoever they're larping as at any given moment.

>Why improve
Because you're an obsessive perfectionist who has the need to.
Indeed, why improve? When is enough enough?

>making assumptions and arguing about it.

the shithole that you plebs live in can't possible be the middle

People that don't understand economics, and that seems like most of you here, should maybe keep to what you know, or go learn some more about it. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

>The Washington Post is a DNC shill paper that's why this article makes the DNC look bad, they're being biased
>when you can't even get your preprogrammed shill "arguments" right


This is because you're an obese, anti-social teenager who knows nothing about the reality of politics and economics. You want an autocrat to strip you of your (actual) freedoms because you're too stupid to know the difference btw the real ones and propaganda. You love him because doing so allows you to feel like an internet tough guy IRL.

"Enough" is subjective. Surely you have neighbors poorer than you, do you have "too much"? Yes, you do. Give all your cash away.

Roseanne Barr keeps raising the number. I think it' 3 million is too much now. Should you get some of her money? Why should se work if it just gets taken away? I could also guarantee that you'd spend it better than the government, but here you are, being a communist, wanting everyone but you paying the government everything they have.

>tfw retarded normie fucks think they are smarter than a real estate mogul, media mogul and president of the united states

Its a handful of shills posting the same things over and over again. You can tell because they literally post the same pictures in the same order every single time.

It's the fat guy with the keksitan shirt, then the fat guy with the pepe cake and then a few others.

I-is he trying to sell the country?

hah No the Washington post is a far left rag and they are pissed that the DNC isn't in Karl Marx territory yet.

No he doesn't.

I could see how a mental midget liberal wouldn't understand what he's saying.

>King Nigger BOrrowed 10 trillion in 8 years.
>in less than a year the Stock market has gained 5 trillion in value.

How you translated that into saying he thinks the stock market wiped away debt I'll never understand.

But then again i'm probably arguing with someone who thinks blacks are still "oppressed:" and that you can cut your dick off and become a "woman".

So he was just outright lying to the public then, got it.


>>tfw the elected leader of your country thinks the stock market gains means the national debt is being reduced

would call him a fucking moron, but that's so last week.

No what you said is a complete fabrication.

Saying "the president is as totally fucking stupid as I am" is not high praise to either of you.

>Why should se work if it just gets taken away?
>Why should I eat breakfast when I know I'll just want lunch?
>Why should I shit if the next day my colon is full?

>Why should se work if it just gets taken away
Very good question. Why work as if there's something inherently good about wasting energy on tasks that don't need to be done? Why are you believing a meme written by people who intended to jew you?
>spend it better than the government
I can't get the sort of quantity discounts or negotiating power a government can.
>wanting everyone but you paying the government everything they have.
You'll lie to no end and misrepresent everyone just to make your parents happy, won't you?
>her money
False. It's society's money. It should be created and destroyed by the government, but for some strange reason you're okay with private banks creating liabilities for the government that WE all have to pay off one way or the other. Stop being such an autist, stop counting shit, and learn to be a member of society, not a jew.

>implying that US politics for the past 40 years has been anything BUT trying to sell off the country's built and natural resources to cronies

More assumptions, lib. Don't you guys get tired of being wrong day-in and day-out?

Dotard is the perfect word for him.

>far left
Kill yourself, neoliberal.


>How you translated that into saying he thinks the stock market wiped away debt I'll never understand.
Because he said "Maybe we're reducing debt"
>protip: we're not

>gas in my car should last forever
>I should never have to shit
>I should never take a shower
>I should never eat
>I should never have to get dresses
>Why breathe? I just exhale
Good argument lib.

Exactly. You have to work continuously to sustain. That is the nature of biology. So when you ask why should you work if there will be taxes, that's your answer.

Also true.

My god. Get to N. Korea now.

thank God I'm rich. my hourly rate is astronomical. only I don't mind paying my taxes - I don't want a tax cut. Got to pay to play, baby.

Redistribution never works. Look at Bracko's terms. Lowering the rate for everyone works for everyone.

>nature of biology
>probably thinks "senescence" is a slur against his dear leader
You should work because there's useful work that needs to be done, and not work when there is not useful work to be done. Anything else is a defect.

Kill yourself, Calvinist shill.


I'll take that arrogant jewish "you don't belong here" as a win.
Open borders for Israel!

>Redistribution never works.
Except for the middle 70 years of the 20th century when it did.

You have a problem with Israel, you fucking racist?

ahahahahaha you are both pathetic and a poorfag aren't you. You thought Trump was MAGA. Was gonna be this badass tangerine big fuck. But guess who's getting fucked? It's youuu~~~

Oh yeah, it was awesome! Fucking racist. More blacks died at the hands of Democarats than ever in this country. Be proud!

The Israelis are a plague, and they deserve to be massacred down to the last man, woman, and infant.