Best way to avoid hangover? I'm pretty drunk and regretting tomorrow already

Best way to avoid hangover? I'm pretty drunk and regretting tomorrow already.

>dont be there.

How the fuck, that nigga must be fucking god.

I'd rather aviud killing myself

Drink water. Legit a hangover is mostly just caused by being really dehydrated

Drink lots of water and don't go to sleep still drunk. Hydrate and sober up for at least an hour before sleeping. Eating something dense would also help. It's pretty easy to avoid.

thanks fam.
god damn cheap ass tequila

wives tale

this is the answer, drink 5+ cups of water before going to sleep, its annoying drinking water when drunk, but you wake up feeling a lot more fresh and ready to go again.

make sure to drink at the least one glass of water, also eat something. doesn't have to be nutritious, just put something in your gut

Water is great, something with salt will also help gator aid. Some potatoe chips.

has anyone even gotten drunk?? everyone knows to drink pedialyte /oral electrolyces, buy some gatorades, lemonc juice etc.

Ive been snacking like a mothre fucker on torilla chips and salsa. Drinking water now. thankws guys

>Best way to avoid hangover?
>Don't get drunk

Amateur. You just drink more in the morning.

drink water, as simple as that

it doesn't make you wake up hangover free true, but it does reduce the affects a lot

honestly i can take the headache but the nasea is wehere i draw the line

Drink water.

Everyone doesn't know that, I don't even know wtf they are m8

Drink 8oz of water per drink drunk in the last 3 hours before bed. Take 2 aspirin before bed and a vitamin B complex pill. Also take a couple potassium and sodium tablets if you have them, if not a 1/2 tsp of salt or baking soda in the last glass is fine. You will wake up as good as can be expected.

Source sober alcoholic, former professional at blackout drinking

You're a moron if you think that. I drink 2.5-3 liters a day and for my 21st I went to a bar and drank no water while or after drinking. Worst hangover I've ever had.

Drink lots right before sleep or it won't work

Emergen-C when you first wake up.

Lots of water, like 2 to 3 whole glasses, and one or two capsules of milk thistle before you go to sleep.

gatorade and bacon sandwich. electrolytes, salt, fat, oil, carbs. it does a brain good.

Just keep drinking

suck a dick

this, dont know about the milk thistle but drink like 3 tall glasses

>Pharmaceutical companies hate him! - Cure your hangover with this one simple trick

Not drinking alcohol to begin with..... haha!!!! Yeah, that's not happening.

Drink a bunch of water and have a gatorade on stand by for the morning

Water (lots), aspirin and b vitamin before bed.

In morning Alka Seltzer, greasy breakfast, black coffee and then Gatorade will sort you right out.

Pickle juice in the morning

Years of empirical research in local area leather bars

I'll take anecdotal evidence for $100, Alex

I'm sorry are you suggesting that the dehydrating properties of alcohol significantly worsening the effects of a hangover is wives tale? Because that actually insane, you know, seeing that it's basic fucking biology and all that. On top of which ever time I've ever made sure to hydrate during/after drinking my hangovers have been minimal and very quick to get over, while every time I haven't it's been excruciatingly bad. I know "anecdotal evidence" and all that jazz, but it's not when it's just solidifying basic chemical/biological premises. Nobody suggesting it's a hangover cure, but it's one of the most impactful ways to mitigate a hangover.