I'm going to be homeless and 100% broke in one month. I've applied for every single job within 120 miles...

I'm going to be homeless and 100% broke in one month. I've applied for every single job within 120 miles, and used all of the gas in my car getting home today. Can't afford to fill it back up. My phone is going to be deactivated tomorrow, and my Internet is getting shut off at the end of the month as well as my lease expiring and me getting kicked out of my home.

Didn't really hit me until now. I'm fucked.

What do I do? Nobody will hire me, I'm out of money except for the change on my desk, I have no friends for support, I can't crash anywhere, there aren't any homeless shelters here.

What the fuck do I do? An hero?

Other urls found in this thread:


Find some family or friends and stay with them for a little bit. Any local department store will hire for seasonal work.

You're gonna be living in your car. Get used to it. Find a job and work your way up.

Sell your car and use the bus for a while

My family is all dead and I don't have any friends. NOBODY I've applied with has called back. I've literally applied at every single place that hires people.

My car is about to be repossessed because I can't afford payments.

Go to your local social services office and apply for any program you think you may qualify for. Look up emergency shelters/aid. Look at Craigslist for any room and board gigs. Take an empty had can to the local had station and beg for a few gallons.

Stop bitching. I have Cancer... im gonna die soon. By the way. I love you, guys.

Whore yourself out to 50 fast chicks.

1. Find a bridge
2. Jump
3. ????
4. Profit

State funded career center. Google that shit, They are paid to find you work, even if it's shitty they will find someone to hire you and make sure your shit looks good enough to be hired for shit work.

What state are you in?


Amazon Fulfillment Center was open hiring and pays a lot

>Go to your local social services office and apply for any program you think you may qualify for.
Done. No response.
>Look up emergency shelters/aid.
There aren't any for men that I can get to.
>Look at Craigslist for any room and board gigs.
Can't afford any.
>Take an empty had can to the local had station and beg for a few gallons.
Tried, just got laughed at, pointed at, and ignored.

I fucking WISH I was dying of cancer instead of poverty.

You say that like it's easy.

Thinking aboot it

Nobody will hire me.

Despair and desperation, depression.

Keyword, was. There aren't any near me anyway.


Dress as nicely as you can, and SHOW UP at some of the places you have applied to, to "touch base"

Enjoy your night. At least tonight you have Internet and shelter.

Find out what places hire parolees and apply. They'd probably like having an honest citizen every now & again.

Wanna have sex?

This is what I've been doing, and now I don't have any fucking gas to go places. I've applied everywhere, even called back to do a follow up, gone BACK to ASK IN PERSON. And been ignored every single fucking time.

Tomorrow is a new hell.

Any big hardware stores around you? Go there and ask for work. Look for people buying lots of building materials.

I have applied

at every





Nobody will hire me, or even call me back, or even have the fucking dignity to tell me no. They just ignore me.

Pssst come here boi lemme give you the big secret. Killing em all kill kill k-k-k-k-k-k-kill spree bitch nigga just go out and burn down a hospital or a police station or set fire to awhile neighborhood. Cause so much chaos that everyone else suffers worse than you are eat their fucking eyes rape their children and eat their families while they watch and beat them to death with family limb parts do it now now now do it do it now now now


What a helpful response

Get drunk, shitpost an der have a Good Night.
After that the hobo live is waiting for you.
You have to find your own hobo master so you can be a hobo apprentice.
Start growing a gray beard and wear clothes like some sort of old school fishermen

How old are you? I may be able to help you.

Just kill yourself you worthless piece of shit

It's like these retards read one word of a post and ignore everything else so they can hurry up and post suggestions that are completely useless

I could potentially offer you shelter if you're not a serial killer or sexual predator.


This is an option


I can't afford to travel anywhere so I'm fucked anyway

Save all your money and move to france from what i've heard you can live better than most working class people by living off wellfare

I don't mean to be rude but please fucking read the thread before you make a retardedly stupid post

Well OP, looks like your only option is to panhandle for spare change.

Join the navy

Join the army, military, shit of that nature.
Become a Jehovah's witness, they take in anyone but your life will be hell.
Ask a local church for work.
Stop using your car and walk/use public transportation.
Do any online work you can(call centers).
Sleep in the bathroom at clubs.
Become a live-in nanny.
Homeless shelter?
Get yourself arrested.
Donate semen.
Do Ewhoreing.
Steal foods from local gas stations.
Wellfare, have you applied?

so then WTF is wrong with you?
Long hair?
Dark skin?
What happened to your last job?
First job?

california, super cool to the homeless
californya ya ya

Nope hes probably just American and therefore royally fucked up the ass with a piece of glass

I've tried begging, it doesn't work. I'm white.

Can't do the military, I'm physically disabled but I don't qualify for disability..

I don't know. I'm educated, I'm not a NEET, I have a crewcut, I'm white, I live in the North, I'm not into politics, I lost my last job because the company went under. Now nobody will fucking hire me and it's infuriating because I literally cannot afford not to be employed. I'm about to be fucking homeless and lose my car, and I don't have any friends or family so I can't crash somewhere or even couch surf..

I'm truly and utterly fucking fucked and I can't seem to find anything that will help me.

Okay OP. If you really have applied everywhere you need to call them back, ask if they have read your application and tell them you're really interested, etc. Or start going to houses and asking people if they need any handy work you could do for cash and tell them your situation. SOMEONE will offer to help if you tell them your in desperate need. If that all fails and you're not a total retard sell all your stuff and move and live off the land or keep asking people for help.

Try hard enough and you can adapt. Good luck.

Consider becoming a street pharmacist.

What state op

What was your last job?
What sate/city OP?

Get a bicycle or walk???? You'd be surprised how far you can get in a day of riding a bike.

Become a Jehovah's witness. They will take care of you as long as you pretend to care about all thier rules but in a few months you will hate your life.

Learn while you can how to live in the woods and survive on pine-cones. Learn to live off the system. Get financial aid

See: I've literally gone door to door offering to clean yards, rake, mow, paint garages, etc. Nobody fucking cares about me and nobody will even give me a fucking chance.

Effort has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's 100% luck. I was born in the wrong place at the wrong time and because of this I have absolutely no opportunity or chances.

I can't afford to buy drugs to sell.

I've tried begging for money and gotten absolutely nothing, not one cent. Apparently I don't LOOK fucked up enough.

I was doing concrete flooring.

I live in the middle of nowhere and I don't own a bike.

This is honestly the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

How much money do you have OP?

Less than one dollar. :/

Waiting for State/City....Like I am going to find you

For some reason I get the impression you're in Ohio.
Maybe you ought to try panhandling in front of some of the places you applied to that are within walking distance. Be clever with your sign and maybe one of those places will throw some part-time your way.

Sell whatever you're current device, Invest in drugs, Sell them, What do you really have to lose user?

Nice dubbs. Anyway you said that you did concrete flooring, is it possible that you're good enough at flooring that you can convince the bank to give you a loan to start a flooring company?

Canadian Pacific Railroad is hiring.
Apply. You can do it online now.

Well either keep trying in your town or move on foot.
Don't kill yourself though, everything could change in a day.

Buy a cheap lottery ticket

I guess living in the woods isn't for everyone

Get yourself arrested. Depends on your situation sitting in a cell waiting for trial could be better than being homeless.

My current device is not going to bring in anything worth flipping. Not even a quad of buds.

>What do you really have to lose user?
my home, my car, my well being, my life

It is not possible.

Yeah I'll just fucking walk there.

I've been in this situation for about 2 weeks, which I've spent applying literally everywhere until I ran out of gas getting home. Nothing will change except maybe I'll get lucky and a plane will crash into my home.

You have to pay fines when you get arrested. I will literally be bankrupt if that happens.

So how did you end up in this situation in the first place?

Whereabouts North are you? Canada?

No homeless shelters ? You are in merica thier are shelters for leaches like you. Thank god our emperor savior conquer Thrump will stop funding programs for shit people like you

I lost my job and literally zero of the employers I've applied with have hired me, despite doing checkups, calling back, begging, et cetera. I've even explained that I will go homeless if I don't get employed and they just hung up on me. What the fuck???

South of Canada

Op what state. The only way you are not allowed in a shelter if you are child molester

Canadian Pacific relocates you.
Plus $10,000 signing bonus.
No experience necessary.
Fucking do it.

Call 211--this is a national number which provides information on all of the social service resources available in your community.

Ok, Prison then? You're losing everything anyway and you've no family or friends so no shame or guilt ,At least you'll have a bed and food, All at the price of getting it up the rusty bullet hole.

Dumpster diving is a tried and true way to find stuff you need. It pays to go with an experienced diver the first few times because they will know where the good dumpsters are, where to find the best food, which ones to stay away from, etc.

You're retarded. You're not listening to anybody's advice. Just kill yourself desu.

>I took the bait

Crash weddings, parties, and meetings. The food at these events can range from minimal to awesome.

What is your disability?

Look online for free stuff. Freecycle and CraigsList are great places to look for free stuff.

what skills do you have OP, besides flooring?

Consider hunting down your own food. Depending on the season, you can fish, hunt, forage for wild berries and fruit, find wild mushrooms, etc.

You have to be aggressive with your job applications. Call them instead of waiting on them to call you. Show up at the job, speak to the one hiring, and introduce yourself. Make your face known to them and make a great first impression while wearing nice clothes.

You've kind of got yourself in a corner. My best advice is to utilize the internet while you have it and look up all government options and aids you are eligible for. There are programs for the homeless, but I'm not sure what they are, but they do exist and they are worth looking into.

Do a good deed. Sometimes, doing something as simple as helping a stranger can result in an amazing payback.


There's the link to Canadian Pacific.
Do it.

i bet Houston is hiring laborers, get your ass down there

I do not live in CANADA. They will not relocate me to a different country, and then hire me. Don't fucking give me hope that isn't real, I'm already close to the fucking edge

There aren't any available that I qualify for.

I'll probably be killed in prison so I guess it's not the worst idea.

This is how you get arrested

Nobody has offered advice that would actually help me. I reiterate, I AM FUCKED.

I have weak bones

Computer programming in C#.NET, construction, woodworking, small engine repair, customer service, food, etc. And before you ask, YES, I have applied for jobs in ALL OF THESE FIELDS.

I have one bullet

What the FUCK do you think I've been doing for the last 14 days?

I've learned that no good deed goes unpunished..

So America. Yeah fucking kill bunch of people start a bloody nuclear fire that wipes clean the slate of time

user, all you have are excuses to everything we are saying. Why even make a thread when youve clearly done EVERYTHING. Try harder or An Hero.

>I took the bait

literally this

After only 2 of your replies i genuinly hope you will suffer horribly in the coming months

Relax, ok? Canadian Pacific has yards in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Norh Dakota....ect.

Fucking do it already

Weak bones? Have a teaspoon of cement and harden the fuck up cunt.

>I have one bullet
Well then i say you know what to do /thread

user we are all genuinely giving you advice and your turning everything away. I can see why no one will hire a cynic such as yourself. An hero

>physically disabled
>don't qualify for disability
Time to break your favorite leg, OP. This, or
Otherwise, you deserve this. Because you say you tried everything, and here you are, not trying to find work beyond 120 miles, where you'll no longer have a home to want to stay within 120 miles of. You won't take a chance.

Because you might just be out of them.

You can get arrested for dumpster diving but what do you have to lose?

Plenty of jobs "south of Canada". Fargo and Grand Forks (ND) can't find enough people to work.

>Why even make a thread when youve clearly done EVERYTHING.
Because I'm at a loss for what the FUCK I should do??? I've tried everything, I thought maybe at least one single person on Sup Forums has been here and had useful fucking advice.

Just checked, they have literally nothing for me.

Yeah this is exactly what I should do HURRR

I'm not turning SHIT away, I'm trying to explain how it does not apply / I have already fucking done it / It won't help / I physically cannot do it.

> not trying to find work beyond 120 miles
I literally cannot afford gasoline for my car. Holy fuck.

I guess Sup Forums really is full of underageb&s or NEETS or spoonfed brats. holy FUCK.

It appears OP lives in rural America.
Almost certainly a Republican heavy location.

OP is pretty well fucked.

The only options I see are kicking a police car for a free night in jail, and walking / hitchhiking your ass out of there

guess I'm an hero tonight.

It's all about how u word your sign u need to make people feel ur misery within the first 5 words most people don't have the time or are so numbed by the homeless epidemic that they have become desensitized. It's not that they don't care it's that their brains don't let them, a havard professor changed a homeless person signs word tract and netted the 50k in 2 months. Try something like this "thank u for reading this, if u can only afford one worthy cause to donate to today please let it be me and my 4 yr old daughter Jane" U will b surprised...rub a little dirt on ur face and wear dirty but not odiferous clothing as well.

Sign up for food stamps if you qualify. Many do, even if they are working part time. It doesn't hurt to ask.

This faggot has NOT tried everything, this guy just wants someone to send him money, you’re resume must suck if you can’t get a fast food job, you can go to every single temp agency, there are day laborers that wait outside of hardware stores, suck it up and motivate yourself to not be in this situation for long.

>Despair and desperation, depression.
You're avoiding the question so that user doesn't immediately find a job for you.

So your plan for your last day of survival is coming onto Sup Forums? You truly must be out of options to ask us faggots

Just kill yourself.

>ITT: People living in their mother's basements think they are capable of giving advice to someone who actually needs help