If one were to hypothetically commit suicide by hypothermia, how cold should it at least be outside?

If one were to hypothetically commit suicide by hypothermia, how cold should it at least be outside?

Shameless self-bump

Would you like that in celcius or fahrenheit?

Doesn't matter. I know booze and taking your clothes off helps but if it's too warm outside it's going to take forever.

Just get drunk and jump naked into freezing water.

Or does this, hypothetical thought, require it to be on land?

-1000 would probably get the job done m8

Hypothetically, yes. And no frostbite either

You want hypothermia, without frostbite?

-15 celcius should probably be enough, with no clothes, to do it in a decent amount of time.

Hypothetical, of course.

It's never that cold where this hypothetical person lives... Around freezing point can't do the trick? Or perhaps lying in shallow water?

Around freezing point obviously do the trick. Without adding heat in any way anything relatively "not warm" should be enough, given enough time. Laying in water speeds up the process.

But you might suffer frostbite. Sorry, The Hypothetical Man, might suffer frostbite.

Meh... How long would it take?

Around freezing point, completely submerged in water right above freezing temperature, probably 30-60 mins.

On land it might take hours though, before it finally kills you that is. And I hope you know how much freezing is a bitch.

(Im no expert btw, this is just educated guesses.)

Hypothetical, that is.

Thanks for the answers mate. I just want to have everything clear.

Let me just make it clear before the trial that this is a hypothetical thought experiment, and if my educated guesses are used in any form or way in the real life I do not accept any responsibility.

Hypothetical, that is.

All seriousness aside though, whatever you got planned, you should at least wait another month or 2. Might get colder. Might be time to think it out.

No of course not! I have nothing planned yet but I just want to be sure of everything. That, if I decide to go through, I know what to do. Other methods are not an option, partly because I'm fucking scared of death and partly because I want to be able to back out if I do get regrets. This just seemed clean and a lot more peaceful.

Allright, Im gonna tell you something about cold then. Cold isn't clean, or peaceful. If you think that, you've never been really cold. And if you do get regrets, it might be too late already.

But, im not gonna sit here and tell you to find other ways. Find a way that doesn't involve suicide. I don't know you, or your life or your issues, but I know there are better ways.

So, from one miserable stranger to another, don't do anything stupid. Try to get help or push through it. I know it's hard, but it's a fight worth fighting.

Of course it's not peachy, but it is less bad than other ways.

And I've had help for 10 years. I've fought for 10 years. And it's a long 10 years. I will keep on trying for now but if it doesn't get better I will rethink it.

Sorry for bothering you with this.

Don't worry about it. I wish you all the best, and good luck. Hope it works out for you in the end.

Thank you

Cold is not a good way to go. When child I had a terrible experience with it, survived but without some fingers and a whole foot and I can certainly tell you that the moments before losing consciousness are the most excruciating thing I've lived, in a psychological and physical sense. I'm from Finland btw.

How so? Perhaps being drunk helps?

Unless you lose consciousness instantly, you will certainly experience unbearable suffering. I really hope you can go thorugh your problems, my heart is with you.

If you are that Fin, tell me what happened please

If it's super cold it will be pretty painless, but if it's only around 0 it will take time and quire unpleasant. Freezing cold water would be an okay way, you go numb quite fast

Just gost lost in the woods, when camping as a kid

Snap freezer. Frozen solid in seconds

Sounds terrible. But what did you feel exactly?