There is no afterlife

>There is no afterlife
>We're all going to die some day

How do you live with this fact?

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I want to die

I have hope that we will be able to transfer our mind into some kind of computer, or force our stop the biological clock of our body cells ;)

But if it won't happen in my life, I just hope to give all the good things that I can to the world. Just to make the life of other people better.

It may sound like bullshit to some people. but I just think about life this way

it happened to me..

My soul is eternal

>There is no afterlife
Prove it.
>We're all going to die some day
Hahaha, prove it, nerdboy. No, "muh burden of proof" isn't proof or some magical ward against having to prove what you just stated. Prove it, hahahahaha.

I'm a fat crippled retard and I gotta say God really fucking owes me some reincarnation into a 11/10 qt gril.

>There is no afterlife
not for you, OP


there is nothing after death

oddly enough, knowing this makes me want to die more, so...

the question is how do i live a suicidal life with a nihilistic outlook?

go on Sup Forums thats how

There is no such thing as a "soul"

No, the burden of proof is actually on you to prove there is an afterlife, given that there's no reasonable reason to believe there is one.

Right... that's the entire point of this thread.

Why should I care?

Nothing, there is no you, there is no life. there is only the void. You can't describe it because you never experienced it. Nothing matters so why think about it.

>There is no afterlife
why dont you kill yourself and report back to us

Well it isn't a fact. We don't know if there is or isn't an afterlife, and it's perhaps impossible to tell.

Panic or fear can't change it, and can only reduce the potential enjoyment in my life. So I don't panic or fear it. It's just a fact, like gravity.

I agree with this general attitude and that you should experience life unhindered by worries about death, but what happens when you're on your death bed and faced with mortality? Is there a way to accept death even when you understand what it really entails (i.e., nothingness)?

By just living with it?

So what, if theres nothing at leas you won't know it.

I won't die

We don't know if it does or doesn't entail nothingness either, that's a philosphical standpoint that some will subscribe to as their own way of coping with or interpreting the end to life. When my deaths comes I'll just wait and see if there *will* be something to see. If there isn't then it's not like I can care, because I'll be dead and unaware. In short:
Idgaf, if there's an afterlife then great, if not then I wouldn't be able to react when I get there.


I get by with being a complete narcissistic asshole because I know there's no eternal consequence. So I go out of my way to hurt people who cannot defend themselves or fight back. I do this because it makes me feel superior, so I do it at every opportunity.
Fuck you, there is no god. So I can fuck people over all I want.

You need a psychiatrist.

I honestly just 100% don't care. I'm not gonna die until I do, and I just have to focus on living until then.

idc about that fact, because I wont be able to regret life choices when im dead.

i think being dead is like how you remember before you were born

For what? Being normal? Everyone loves to feel superior.
I got a CCW, so sometimes I go down to the riverfront in the middle of winter. I find some homeless bum and rob him of whatever he has to keep warm. Then I make him watch as I throw his shit in the river. The look on all their faces is just hilarious.
I love ordering pizza and sending it to the wrong address. Calling a cab to pick me up somewhere in BFE when I'm at home. Calling people up at 10pm and acting like some Indian telephone marketer selling bullshit. Shit like that keeps me from being bored.