hey Sup Forums, Its my fathers birthday today, I lost him 10 years ago. I know this isnt political but I fucking love you guys, if it wasnt for this board I dont know what I would do. Lets forget our retarded difference and just for once realize that we all need each other, because if we didnt we would fucking kill ourselves
I love you guys
Dominic Martinez
Get up now
Brandon Collins
Juan Murphy
How can you celebrate his birthday if he's dead? Birthdays are for the living to celebrate living another year
Chase Adams
Jeremiah Sanchez
>Dibs bedora
Dominic Reed
i posted in /r9k/ after I realized this was the wrong board to post on
Ian Green
It's like celebrating an anniversary for a girl who dumped you
Xavier Allen
You are weak. You were always weak and you will always be weak until you take control
Luke Harris
this is Sup Forums... this is the battle ground. there is no room for fellings. dont sully it with your faggy tears